

IIUM will present Ibn Khaldun Merit Award to front liners

IIUM will present Ibn Khaldun Merit Award to front liners

Date : 24 October 2020

Reported by : Danial Yusof

Category : News


By Danial Yusof

GOMBAK, 24 October 2020: International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) will present the Ibn Khaldun Merit Award for Global Social Transformation to the front-liners who have helped battle the COVID-19 pandemic.

This award has been consented by Her Majesty Seri Paduka Baginda Raja Permaisuri Agong Tunku Hajah Azizah Aminah Maimunah Iskandariah binti Almarhum Al-Mutawakkil Alallah Sultan Iskandar Al-Haj, who is also the Constitutional Head of IIUM. Tunku Azizah has agreed to attend and present the award.

The ceremony is scheduled to take place on a date to be set in November this year based on the circumstances and situation of COVID-19 pandemic and will take place at IIUM Gombak campus.

The award is an appreciation of the services and efforts of the front-liners who worked hard to help break the chain of COVID-19 pandemic that has plagued our nation since last March. This symbolises the infinite appreciations in fighting the pandemic.

The IIUM Ibn Khaldun Award, introduced in 2018, is an award to recognise organisations that lead and contribute in terms of expertise or charitable work for the community without expecting monetary returns.

According to IIUM Rector, Prof. Emeritus Tan Sri Dato’ Dzulkifli Abdul Razak, the award will be given as a token of appreciations to the front line workers who continue to work hard in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic.

“This award is a sign of appreciations and gratitude to the front-line staff and to some extent it is a catalyst to raise their spirits in carrying out their duties,” he said.

The ceremony will be conducted on a small scale and in accordance with all compliance with the standard operating procedures (SOP) set by the Ministry of Health Malaysia and the National Security Council.

This will be the third award to be presented where in 2019, Penang Consumers Association (CAP) and National Cancer Council (MAKNA) were the recipients. ***
