

MSD Customer Satisfaction Survey 2016

MSD Customer Satisfaction Survey 2016

Date : 01 August 2016

Reported by : WebMaster

Category : News

Dear Y.Bhg. Dato’/Prof./Assoc. Prof. Dr./Dr./Sir/Madam/Brother/Sister,


Assalamu’alaikum wrt. wbt.

Management Services Division (MSD) is constantly looking for ways to improve the quality of our services.  As one of the ways to measure the level of satisfaction of our customers, we would really appreciate if Y.Bhg. Dato’/Prof./Assoc. Prof. Dr./Dr./Sir/Madam/Brother/Sister could take just a few minutes to participate in our online customer satisfaction survey available at the link below.

Any information that Y.Bhg. Dato’/Prof./Assoc. Prof. Dr./Dr./Sir/Madam/Brother/Sister include will be managed confidentially and will be used for survey purposes only.  We are committed to continuous improvement in all areas of our services and Y.Bhg. Dato’/Prof./Assoc. Prof. Dr./Dr./Sir/Madam/Brother/Sister participation in this survey is very much appreciated.                                                                                                    

The link will be available until 12 August 2016 (Friday).

Thank you very much for your support.


Management Services Division

International Islamic University Malaysia