



Date : 14 January 2022


Category : News


CSR PROGRAMME (Corporate Social Responsibility)



‘Greatness and moral progress of a nation can be measured by looking how it

treats animals and nature’

DATE/DAY: 8 JANUARY 2022/SATURDAY                 


Department of Biology, CFS IIUM

Organizing committee:

Advisor: Mdm Kamaril Azlah Teruk

Director: Sr Rositi Mashani Mohd Sani

Secretary: Sr Nazira Zubir

Programme Coordinator: Sr Nurulhidayati Ruslai

Special Task:

Sr Norfazlina Mohd Shaharuddin

Sr Nor Sa’adah Mohd Nasohah

Sr Zahala Ghazali

Preparation and Technical:

Sr Haliza Hamzah

Sr Siti Hajar Abdullah Sani

Catering and Accommodation:

Br. Azyril Iskandar Abdullah

Sr. Rozita Muslim

Br. Muhammad Ng Chee Hong


                On 8 January 2022, Biology department has successfully initiated Corporate Social Responsibility Programme (CSR) at Turtle Sanctuary Cherating. Apart from that, educational activities for examples exploring various types of mangroves at Cherating and discovering fireflies were also executed through cruises.


Among the objectives of the CSR programme are:

1. To trigger awareness on the importance of ensuring the cleanliness of the beaches

and environment

2. To facilitate in maintaining clean and safe beach as part of pivotal effort to

increase the rate of turtle eggs hatching

3. To stimulate an interest, feeling of concern, responsibility on turtle and mangrove


4. To appreciate and instill responsibility in helping to sustain the earth that is created

by Allah SWT

5. To get closer to Allah, to seek His blessings and forgiveness by doing charity and

seek donation to protect the wildlife and environment

6. To strengthen the ukhuwah among staff of Biology Department and other department too


The Cherating Turtle Sanctuary is a turtle conservation center which was set up by the government mainly for research and as a platform to protect the four main species of turtles that are nested in Malaysia. The four species are the Olive-Ridley, Leatherback, Green, and Hawksbillb turtles. These turtles play pivotal roles in the local marine ecosystem. Nonetheless, these are endangered species and are facing various threats. As a non-profit conservation center, the sanctuary's main purpose is primarily on turtle conservation.


During the visit, participants had an opportunity to explore turtle eggs and baby turtles. They were also provided with wealth of information about the turtles, specifically about their life-cycle, threats to their population, the history of the sanctuary including their achievements in animal conservation efforts.


The CSR programme focused on the environment, community and education, which targeted the important aspect of environment conservation and the turtle population. Department of Biology CFS IIUM is always committed in ensuring the continuity of the environmental eco-system and concern on the wildlife.  At the sanctuary, participants did voluntarily work by cleaning areas surrounding the ponds as well as cleaning the beach. One of the huge logs that have blocked the flow of water to the ponds was successfully removed and cleared through the voluntarily activity. This CSR activities are indirectly aim to boost efforts in increasing the rate of turtle eggs hatching in Cherating beach.  Donation drive to support the sanctuary was also launched by Biology department as part of support and contribution towards the center.


During the mangrove cruise activity, participants were provided with enormous information about the mangroves through the guided tour by En Hafiz bin Abdul Majid. En Hafiz has been working with a number of researchers and organizations through a concerted effort in mangrove preservation and research. Mangrove forests play a huge role in the wellbeing of the local ecosystem. It provides countless benefits not only to the creatures who call it home but also to the people of Cherating. Some of its most vital contributions are:

  • Protects the coast from natural disasters. Mangrove trees are an important line of defence against natural forces like tsunamis and typhoons. They absorb a lot of the impact when these disasters hit ground and help dissipate the force.
  • Regulates carbon in the atmosphere. Mangrove trees absorb and fix atmospheric carbon very efficiently compared to other plants. This makes them instrumental in mitigating the effects of global warming and controlling the temperature in the local ecosystem.
  • Natural habitat for diverse species.Thousands of species of plants and animals live in a mangrove forest. The Cherating River is home to various unique creatures including sea otters, snakes, crabs, monkeys, and various migrating birds. The forest is also home to the Pteroptyx bearni firefly species which is unique to several locations around Malaysia including Cherating.
  • Absorbs pollutants. Mangroves can absorb and filter pollutants through their roots, acting as a sieve that keeps pollutants from entering the sea.
  • An important resource for human activity. Mangrove forests provide natural resources for the local communities such as food, timber, medicinal herbs, and contributes to the local tourism industry such as at Cherating.


During the fireflies cruise, the participants had golden opportunity to experience the magical atmosphere of Cherating River with fireflies blinking and dancing in the night sky. The participants also learnt about the firefly population and its importance in Cherating.


"Indeed, We (God) offered the Trust to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, and they declined to bear it and feared it; but man [undertook to] bear it. Indeed, he was unjust and

ignorant. (Qur'an 33:72). The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) gave high degree of importance towards human treatment of animals, preservation of natural resources and protection of wildlife.


It is hoped that the tiny contribution from Biology Department will indirectly give a huge impact to the nature and ultimately save the wild life.


Reported by,


Nazira binti Zubir

Senior Biology Lecturer/Secretary CSR Programme 

Biology Department