

Rector calls on KLM to sustain cultural heritage of community

Rector calls on KLM to sustain cultural heritage of community

Date : 25 August 2020

Reported by : Danial Yusof

Category : News


By Danial Yusof

PAGOH, 24 August 2020: To be a Regional Centre of Expertise (RCE) institution, the kulliyyah must work on the impact for the community by making changes to their lives, which means this idea needs to be translated into the kulliyyah’s curriculum, Prof. Emeritus Tan Sri Dato’ Dzulkifli Abdul Razak said during his session with the Kulliyyah of Languages and Management (KLM) here on Sunday (23 August).

The Rector stressed on how the Kulliyyah could bring values to the community through language, cultural and heritage and thus making IIUM prosperous with its contributions to the locals.

“They can work with any other kulliyyahs or in fact they can work alone because I think they have enough resources in trying to conceptualise what they want to do. However, what is important is how relevant the kulliyyah is to the community and to the kulliyyah itself.”

“Much focus must be put on cultural and civilisation that people have thought of, and that’s why I suggested for them to embed elements of proverbs, which are part of the language and have many values which we can choose from and use as our daily practice,” he added.

According to the Dean of KLM, Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohd Azrul Azlen Abd. Hamid, the Kulliyyah will uphold the Rector’s suggestion on sustaining the cultural and heritage of the community by combining the language, heritage and tourism.

“We will come out with a flagship programme called ‘Tirkah Rimba’, a programme which is related to heritage in which we want to bring back the knowledge, games and language so we can help them in sustaining their lives.

The Kulliyyah also invites other faculties to join in the programme and would like to bring them together to work with us so that the ideas can be expanded to ensure all objectives of the programme can be achieved,” the Dean said.

Meanwhile, the Rector handed over certificates of appreciations to all front liners under the Kulliyyah for their hard work in managing the students during the COVID-19 pandemic.

All attendees also sang the patriotic song ‘Jalur Gemilang’ and waived the Jalur Gemilang flags in enthusiasm in light of the coming Independence day.***
