

Scheduled Wastes Management Talk with School Teachers at Pahang Chemistry Carnival

Scheduled Wastes Management Talk with School Teachers at Pahang Chemistry Carnival

Date : 27 February 2020

Reported by : Syikh Sazlin

Category : News


Scheduled Wastes Management Talk for School Teachers was held on 15 Feb 2020 from 9.30 am till 11.30 pm. This training was organized by Kulliyyah of Science in conjunction with Pahang Chemistry Carnival 2020 and was held at Polimer Laboratory, Level 2, Physical Science Building, KOS. 37 participants who participated in this talk were school teachers from the Kuantan district.
The speaker for this talk was Br. Muhamad Hasrul Erwan Nyak Hussain (CePSWaM 01731). All participants were brief on the concept of from cradle to grave, the legal requirements on scheduled wastes management, the scheduled wastes characteristics, identification and classification of scheduled wastes.