

Sejahtera Special Mission

Sejahtera Special Mission

Date : 15 February 2021


Category : News

Sejahtera Special Mission

Based on a report from one of the academic office pertaining to the difficulties experienced by a CFS student in following the Remote Teaching and Learning (RTL) process, the Management of CFS IIUM decided to bring back the student to the campus with immediate action. 

Upon the confirmation on the difficulties of her family and relatives in terms of financial, mobility and other numerous hardship, the Residential, Discipline and Welfare (RDW) Unit of the Office of Deputy Dean, Student Development and Community Engagement (SDCE) in collaboration with Central Amenities Unit (CAU) dispatched a team on 9th February 2021 to invite the student from her home in Kampung Batang Bergedik, Gual, Tanah Merah, Kelantan. 

Praise be to Allah, the trip went well without a hitch. The team safely arrived with the student on CFS Gambang campus at 12 midnight on the same day. The Management of CFS wish to express our highest gratitude to those involved in bringing back the student to CFS campus and we hope she will excel in her studies with flying colours.

Reported by

Office of Deputy Dean

Student Development and Community Engagement

Centre for Foundation Studies