

Turkish Ambassador appointed IIUM Adjunct Professor

Turkish Ambassador appointed IIUM Adjunct Professor

Date : 03 August 2018

Reported by : dsh

Category : News


By Alis Nerindo

GOMBAK, 30 July 2018 – Turkish Ambassador to Malaysia who was a former lawmaker, Dr. Merve Safa Kavakci, was recently appointed IIUM’s Adjunct Professor for her experience in politics and foreign affairs.

The appointment letter was handed to Dr. Merve Safa last Friday (27 July) by the university’s Rector, Prof. Dato’ Sri Dr. Zaleha Kamarudin during the handover session of Adjunct Professorship following her acceptance speech.

Conducted at the Senate Hall, the event was attended by university officials like the Deputy Rector, the Deans, the Executive Director and members of IIUM’s Senate.

“We have an ironclad commitment for civic engagement and to strive our level best to deliver new ideas and to endeavour for dynamic, effective and meaningful dialogue to advance education, intercultural dialogue, community quotient and proactive citizenship,” Prof. Dato’ Sri Dr. Zaleha said in her speech.

Malaysia, she added, would be a gateway to other countries in ASEAN such as Singapore and Indonesia and it is her hope to see Malaysia as the main gateway to this region.

Meanwhile, Dr. Merve said, “When servants of Allah have gone off their path, IIUM becomes the best place for them to feel grounded, and people might come back here anytime they want.”

Dr. Merve was the former Virtue Party member in the Turkish Parliament in 1999 and was appointed Turkish ambassador to Malaysia in July last year. ***

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