

Workshop on Curriculum Structure Review for CFS

Workshop on Curriculum Structure Review for CFS

Date : 03 May 2019

Reported by : Mohd Izzudin Zulkifle

Category : News


Event: Workshop on Curriculum Structure Review for CFS

Venue: Multipurpose Room, Darul Hikmah Library, CFS IIUM Gambang

Date: 25th April 2019 (Tuesday)

Organised by: Office of Deputy Dean, Academic and Inductrial Linkages


Workshop on Curriculum structure review was successfully conducted on 25th April 2019, Thursday at Multipurpose Room, Darul Hikmah Library, CFS IIUM Gambang. There are more than 60 participants from Gombak, Kuantan, Pagoh and Gambang participated in the workshop. The workshop starts from 9.30 PM -4.30 PM.

The workshop starts with the overview of CFS Program from its inception since 1985 by Tn Hj Murshid. It was followed by Br Shamsuddin Abdullah, on the proposed new structure for CFS.

The main feedbacks that we received from the participants are:

  • To increase the level of English and Arabic proficiency among the CFS students
  • To strengthen the core subject
  • The develop critical thinking and problem solving among the student
  • To take care of the mental  well-being of the students

  There will be more workshops in the future to refine the new CFS curriculum structure.

Centre for Foundation Studies

International Islamic University Malaysia