


Lau Zhe Wei
Assistant Professor

  • IIUM Gombak Campus

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Staff Details

  • Social Science ~ Social Science ~ Political Sciences and Public Policy ~ Electoral Studies
  • Social Science ~ Social Science ~ Political Sciences and Public Policy ~ Electoral Studies
  • Social Science ~ Social Science ~ Political Sciences and Public Policy ~ Malaysian Politics
Ethnic Politics in Malaysia 2023/2024
FINAL YEAR PROJECT I 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023 2023/2024
FINAL YEAR PROJECT II 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023 2023/2024
INDUSTRIAL TRAINING 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023 2023/2024
INTERNSHIP 2018/2019
INTRODUCTION TO POLITICAL SCIENCE 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023 2023/2024
MALAYSIAN GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2023/2024
MALAYSIAN POLITICAL IDEAS & EXPERIENCE 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023
RESEARCH PAPER I 2019/2020 2020/2021
In Progress
2021 - Present FGD on Public's Perceptions of Government Programmes and Current Issues
2020 - Present Perspectives of Malaysians towards the Socioeconomic Wellbeing and Political Stability in Malaysia
2020 - Present Perspectives of Malaysians towards the Socioeconomic Wellbeing and Political Stability in Malaysia
2020 - Present Understanding the needs and expectations of SMEs post-Covid-19
2020 - Present Research Component for APPGM-SDG 2020
Unknown - Present Understanding the needs and expectations of SMEs post-Covid-19
Unknown - Present Understanding the needs and expectations of SMEs post-Covid-19
2020 - 2020 Perspectives of Malaysians towards the Socioeconomic Wellbeing and Political Stability in Malaysia
2019 - 2019 Socio-Political Sentiments of Non Malays in Johor
2019 - 2019 Socio-Political Sentiments of Non Malays in Johor
2021 马六甲风波:政客的不务正业 =Translated as Malacca's political saga: irresponsible politicians. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 7 October 2021
2021 若无法提供完善服务,就惩罚服务供应公司吧!= If public service providers could not provide reasonable quality of service, they should be penalised. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 14 October 2021
2021 伊斯兰法和伊斯兰政策的分别 =Translated as Differences between Islamic law and Islamic public policy. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 21 October 2021
2021 马六甲州政权:关键在于伊斯兰党 =Translated as Malacca's state election: PAS as the kingmaker). Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 28 October 2021
2021 2022年预算案与公积金 =Translated as Budget 2022 and Employees Provident Fund). Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 04 November 2021
2021 撤销紧急状态与条例 = Revoke proclamation of emergency and emergency ordinances. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 29 July 2021
2021 首相真的有人数吗?= Does the Prime Minister really have the number?. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 5 August 2021
2021 巫统的囚徒困境 = UMNO's Prisoner's Dilemma. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 12 August 2021
2021 沙比里和安华的相位之路 =Ismail Sabri's and Anwar's road to Prime Ministership. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 19 August 2021
2021 给首相一个机会 = Give the Prime Minister A Chance. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 26 August 2021
2021 慕尤丁可否不开国会?(Translated as Can Muhyiddin refuse to reconvene Parliament?). Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 24 June 2021
2021 资深政治人物应该考虑退休 = Veteran politicians should consider to retire. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 7th January 2021
2021 PEMULIH和举白旗:政府失败的证明 (Translated as PEMULIH and White Flag Movement: proof of government's failure). Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 01 July 2021
2021 慕尤丁政府垮台了吗? = Has Muhyiddin's Government collapsed?. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 14th January 2021
2021 国会复会与巫统政治 = Reconvening of Parliament and UMNO's politics. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 08 July 2021
2021 “法庭派”仍然获得巫统内部支持 ="Court Cluster" is still commanding UMNO's internal support. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 21st January 2021
2021 处理冠病和经济问题的两种主要方案 = Two main methods in handling pandemic and economy problems. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 28th January 2021
2021 政府失去人民的信任 (Translated as The government has lost the trust of the people). Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column)
2021 今日的内阁,希盟必须负上责任 = Pakatan Harapan should bear the responsibility for the cabinet's formation. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 2 September 2021
2021 信任动议是最基本的要求 = Motion of confidence is the basic expectation. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 9 September 2021
2021 反跳槽法与选举罢免的“ 三步曲” = 'The Three Steps' for anti-party hopping law and recall election.. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 16 September 2021
2021 理性的看待断肢法和355法令 = Rational discourse on Hudud Law and Act 355. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 23 September 2021
2021 基于需求或身份?从土著股权看资源分配 = Need-based or identity-based: distribution of Bumiputera equity. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 30 September 2021
2021 要彻底解决以巴问题需要新策略 = A new strategy is needed to solve Palestine-Israel issue. The Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 20 May 2021
2021 抗疫失败:政府应暂交出政权 = Failure in handling the pandemic: the government should consider to temporarily surrender governing power. The Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 27 May 2021
2021 政府屈服于银行,却向公务员开刀?= The government succumbed to the banks, but attacked the civil servants?. The Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 03 Jun 2021
2021 联合政府实际政治上行不通 = Unity government is not feasible in real politics. The Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 10 Jun 2021
2021 紧急状态必须仅为了推迟选举,没别的 = Proclamation of Emergency to postpone election only, nothing else. The Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 17 Jun 2021
2021 斗士党在诚信党旗帜下竞选的利与弊 = Pejuang to contest under Amanah. The Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 04 February 2021
2021 巫统,你们还等什么?= UMNO, what are you waiting for?. The Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 11 February 2021
2021 先抗疫后政治是废话 巫统希盟须短暂合作 = Curbing pandemic before politics is a nonsense: UMNO and Pakatan Harapan should temporarily cooperate). Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column)
2021 检视民政党复兴之路 = revisit Gerakan's road to revival. The Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 18 February 2021
2021 《当今大马》藐视司法案:政客应修法废法 = Malaysiakini's contempt of court. The Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 25 February 2021
2021 珍惜剩余时间,下届大选就不能再称YB了 = appreciate the leftover tenure_ wouldn't be addressed as YB after next General Election. The Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 04 March 2021
2021 罪恶税应从统一税收账户中分离 = Sin Tax should be separated from Consolidated Fund. The Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 11 Mar 2021
2021 赢多议席做老二或赢少议席做老大 = Winning more seats but becoming less senior partner or winning less seats but becoming most senior partner. The Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 18 Mar 2021
2021 第15届大选巫统与希盟不应该合作 = UMNO should not work with Pakatan Harapan in 15th General Election. The Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 25 Mar 2021
2021 后巫统代表大会政治演变 =Political position post-UMNO General Assembly. The Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 01 Apr 2021
2021 国大党与伊斯兰党持不同意见 = MIC and PAS hold different opinions against their allies respectively. The Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 08 Apr 2021
2021 行动党华沙与英沙之争 = The contest between Chinese 'sand' and English 'sand' in DAP. The Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 15 April 2021
2021 土团可以考虑不竞选马华议席 = PPBM can consider not to contest in MCA seats. The Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 22 April 2021
2021 应该立法杜绝网路霸凌吗?= Should legislation to stop cyberbullying?. The Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 29 April 2021
2021 部长不该干涉警队运作 = Minister should not interfere in the operation of the police force. The Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 06 May 2021
2021 以专栏支持艾茵同学 = A column in support of Ain. The Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 13 May 2021
2020 Ke mana hala tuju Azmin Ali dalam jangka masa panjang?. Malaysia Dateline
2020 马哈迪斗士党:叫土团党太沉重 = Mahathir's Pejuang party: PPBM in a tougher situation. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column)
2020 斗士党在马来西亚政治版图的方向 =The position of Pejuang in Malaysian political landscape. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) pp.1-4
2020 新冠肺炎不认部长 = Covid-19 does not differentiate minister. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) pp.1-4
2020 土团党开放给非土著 是生路还是死路一条? = Opening its membership to non-Bumiputera: a way of life or a dead end?. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) pp.1-4
2020 关闭多源流学校:站不住脚的政治巧言善辩 =Abolishing vernacular schools: political rhetoric that doesn't stand. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) pp.1-4
2020 反跳巢法只是次要 = Anti-party hopping law is secondary. The Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 30th April 2020
2020 土团巫统谈妥了:我错了 = PPBM & UMNO have compromised: I have mistaken. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 9th July 2020
2020 中立的国会议长:可能吗?= A neutral speaker: is that possible?. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 16th July 2020
2020 统考,无休止的问题= UEC: A no-ending issue. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 23rd July 2020
2020 杀鸡焉用牛刀?政党名单制遏制议员跳槽 = Party-list to curb party-hopping akin to shooting butterflies with rifles. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 30th July 2020
2020 巫统不加入国盟?国盟与全民和谐之别 = UMNO refused to join PN; difference between PN and MN. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 6th August 2020
2020 Tiada parti gabungan mampu bertahan kecuali BN. Malaysia Dateline , 10 March 2020
2020 马来西亚的立法改革 = Legislative reforms for Malaysia. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 31st December 2020
2020 有条件行管令:太仓促了 = Conditional movement control order: too hasty. 透视大马专栏 (Malaysian Insight (Chinese) Column) , 7th May 2020
2020 我们在跟疫情拼,你们在为权力拼 = We are fighting against the pandemic, you are fighting for your power. 透视大马专栏 (Malaysian Insight (Chinese) Column) , 14th May 2020
2020 民政党复兴之路 = Gerakan's road to revival. 透视大马专栏 (Malaysian Insight (Chinese) Column)
2020 土团党有可能与巫统合并或回归巫统吗? = Is it possible for PPBM to merge with UMNO or to return to UMNO?. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 4th June 2020
2020 酒精与复苏限行令:更右翼公共政策 = Alcohol and recovery Movement Control Order: a more right-wing public policy. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 11th June 2020 pp.1-4
2020 土团党在大选后的生存能力 = Survivability of PPBM post-general election. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 18th June 2020 pp.1-4
2020 “马无配”正副相位 = Mahathir-nobody" as Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister pairing. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 25 June 2020
2020 马来西亚政党联盟之道 = Coalition party in Malaysia. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 2nd July 2020 pp.1-4
2020 阿兹敏只能受委最高理事 = Azmin Ali only being appointed as member of PPBM Supreme Council. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 17th September 2020
2020 2021年财案:政府应学习相信人民的理财能力 = 2021 Budget: Government needs to learn to trust her people's financial management ability. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 12th November 2020
2020 1118直播:慕尤丁再次没告诉你的事实 = Live on 1118: Again, truth that Muhyiddin did not tell you. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 19th November 2020
2020 有条件行动限制令未达预期的完美 = Conditional Movement Control Order is not as perfect as expected. 透视大马专栏 (The Malaysian Insight (Chinese) Column) , 28th May 2020
2020 谁会成为首相?安华、姑里或…… = Who will be the Prime Minister? Anwar, Ku Li or.... Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column)
2020 解析巫伊土团,葫芦里卖什么药? = Analysing UMNO, PAS and BERSATU. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column)
2020 关于1031直播,慕尤丁没告诉你的事实 = Live on 1031: truth that Muhyiddin did not tell you. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column)
2020 安华称掌握足够议员支持,可能吗?= Anwar claimed he has the majority, is that possible?. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 24 September 2020
2020 第15届大选迫在眉睫? 言之过早 = Is 15th General Election coming soon? it is too early to say. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 1 October 2020
2020 平民隔离防疫,为何政治人物做不到?=If citizens can undergo quarantine, why can't politicians do the same?. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 8 October 2020
2020 雪隆布城CMCO——政客们,你们开心了吗? = Selangor, Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya under CMCO: politicians, are you happy?. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 15 October 2020
2020 允许提取公积金第一户口:有用吗 = Allowing withdrawal from EPF Account 1: does it help?. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 26th November 2020
2020 公积金提领换汤不换药:谁的责任?= Old wine in a new bottle for EPF withdrawal: whose fault?. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 3rd December 2020
2020 霹雳政权搭配: 土团党才是关键 = Political alliance in Perak: PPBM is the key. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 10th December 2020
2020 国盟国阵大联盟不会持续长久!= Grand coalition of PN-BN would not last long!. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 17th December 2020
2020 希盟还能去哪里?= Where else PH can head to?. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column) , 24th December 2020

Conference or Workshop Item

2021 Can a mouse lift an elephant? explanation of chinese investment in Malaysia’s East Coast railway construction. In: Research Seminars on ASEAN-China-Norms
2021 Analysis of the 14th general election in Malaysia and general political developments in other countries. In: Women 2 Win: Global Asian Women Leaders Network (GAWLN) Cohort 2/2021
2020 Recent political developments in Malaysia. In: Webinar Series in Politics & Society - 4
2019 Introducing extradition law in Hong Kong : erupting the latent. In: International Conference On Religion, Governance And Sustainable Development (ICRGD2019)
2019 David vs Goliath: a lesson from Hong Kong district election. In: Talk Organised by Department of Political Science, Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia For Public


Book Section