Staff Directory

Berghout Abdelaziz

Academic Qualification

  • Ph.D in Islamic Civilization and History - Doctor of Philosophy, Universiti Malaya (UM)
  • Master in Islamic Revealed Knowledge & Heritage - Masters Degree, International Islamic University Malaysia
  • Bachelor in Finance - Bachelor Degree, National Institute of Finance
  • Diploma in Human Sciences - Diploma, International Islamic University Malaysia

Berghout Abdelaziz (Datuk Prof. Dr.)

IIUM Gombak Campus


Other's position:

Dean, International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilisation

Expert Profile

Professor Berghout Abdelaziz serves as a full Professor of Islamic studies
and Civilisation, Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human
Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia. In the last 20 years
he has taught many subjects at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels
including; Islamic Civilization and History, Introduction to Research
Methodology, Research Methodology, The Islamic Worldview, Critical Studies
of Philosophy in Islam, Parenting and Family Management, Tawheed and
Methods of Human Sciences, Creative Thinking and Problem-Solving, Lessons
from Sirah and Islamic History, Methods of Daw’ah, Sciences of the
Qur’an, Introduction to Fiqh, Lessons from the Biography of the Prophet,
Man in the Qur’an and Sunnah, Principles of Dealing with Sunnah, Early
Development of Islamic Thought, and Issues in Contemporary Islamic
Thought. Professor Berghout has extensively contributed through his
writings and publications on different areas of interests such as; Islamic
theory of civilization, the Islamic worldview, culture, education, social
change, Islamic economic theory, strategic planning, quality assurance,
internationalisation of higher education, civilisational dialogue,
globalization, rise and fall of civilization. He has to his credit over 50
articles in national and international journals and 10 books in various
areas of expertise. The major books includes Prophetic Methodology and
Social Change, (Ummah Book Series, No. 43, Qatar, 1995), Foundations of
Civilizational Renewal and its Universal Dimensions: A Study on Malik
Bennabi’s Thought, Towards an Islamic Theory for Civilizational
Development: the Contribution of Said Nursi, Research Centre, (IIUM,
2006), Materialization of the Civilizational Project of Islam in
Contemporary World, (Ministry of Religious Affairs, Kuwait, 2007),
Introduction to the Islamic Worldview: Study of Selected Essential) and
Strategic Planning Capacity Building for Human Capital Development,
jointly with Hatim Talib, Saudi Arabia, Bahadar Advanced Advertising,
Listed in King Fahad Library Catalogue, Saudi Arabia, 2010. Apart from his
academic qualifications, Professor Berghout has other certificates in
various areas such as; Certificate of “Leading Strategic Deans Series”
(1), (2), and (3), 25-26 Oct, 2010, AKEPT, Certificate of Experts and Lead
Auditor on Quality Management System (ISO 9001: 2000), Certificate of
Training on Strategic Thinking and Managing Business Risk, Malaysia, 2008,
Certificate on Strategy: Building and Sustaining Competitive Advantage,
Harvard Club of Malaysia, July 2008, and Certificate on “Change
Leadership to Promote Teaching and Learning”, Malaysian Institute of
Management, 2008. Professor Berghout also served as the first General
Editor of the Journal of Islam in Asia, editorial member of Australian
Journal of Islamic Studies, Australia (former), Member of Editorial Board,
Journal of Islam in Asia, IIUM, Malaysia (current), Intellectual
Discourse, IIUM (former), Rotterdum Journal of Islamic Studies, Holland
(current), Nur Journal for Civilizational Studies, Turkey (current),
Editorial Board member of the International journal of “Islamiyat al
Marifah: Journal of Contemporary Islamic Thought” (current). Professor
Berghout has served in several administrative positions such as Head of
co-curricular activities, Deputy Dean Quality Assurance Unit, Deputy Dean
Corporate Strategy Unit, the Dean of Corporate Strategy and Quality
Assurance. iPMO Lead (December 2010-2012), Director of IIUM International
Sdn. Bhd (2012-2014), Company Director of Higher Education Sdn. Bhd.
International Islamic College (2014-2015) and Chairman of the Bureaux of
the Islamic Body for Quality and Accreditation under the Federation of the
Universities of the Islamic World. He also served as Covering Rector,
Deputy Rector (Research and Innovation), Deputy Rector (Academic) and
Deputy Rector (Student Affairs). He is currently the Deputy Rector,
Internationalisation, Industry and Community Relations (IIUM). Professor
Berghout lectures widely in international forums and conferences. He is
often invited as a keynote speaker in international conferences. He
presented papers in local and international conferences. He has received
several awards such as; Best Lecturer Award, Best Researcher Award,
outstanding research award and Ajman award for excellence. Apart from
this, he is selected as a consultant and advisor to several universities
and organizations locally and internationally. Furthermore, his biography
was included in (Marquis Who’s Who in the World, 22nd Edition, 2005 and
2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century (International -
Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England, 2005). Professor Berghout is also
involved in consultancy and training activities. Among other things,
invited as a contributing member on the Expert Groups Tasked to Come up
with the New Malaysian Prime Minister Agenda, “Towards 2057: Setting the
National Agenda: Dimensions for Change”, First Printed 2009, Penerbit
UMT, UMT, Terengganu, invited expert with the Federation of Universities
of the Islamic World (FUIW) 2009-2015, invited advisor for Educational
Unit, Muslim Converts’ Association, Singapore, June 2010, invited
advisor for the strategic plan of University of Tabuk, KSA, May 2010,
invited as an advisor to Islamic University Rotterdam, Netherlands,
(International Relations and Academic Development, 2008 onwards), advisor
to International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies, International and
Strategic Studies Institute, 2008, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and advisor to
Islamic University Madinah 2011-2013.

Area of Specialisation

  • Humanities ~ Humanities ~ Linguistics and Literature ~ Linguistic Structures (Including Grammatical Structures and Lexicology) - Education and Parenting
  • Natural Science ~ Biological Sciences ~ Ecology ~ Marine Ecology - Quality Assurance
  • Humanities ~ Humanities ~ Religious Studies ~ Islamic Studies - Islamic Civilization and Studies
  • Social Science ~ Social Science ~ Education ~ Other Education n.e.c. - Education and Parenting
  • Social Science ~ Social Science ~ Education ~ Other Education n.e.c. - Worldview and Creative Thinking
  • Social Science ~ Social Science ~ Political Sciences and Public Policy ~ Strategic Studies - Strategic Thinking and Performance Measurement
  • Economics, Business And Management ~ Economics, Business And Management ~ Economics/Applied Economics ~ Globalisation - Globalization Studies

Teaching Responsibilities

BASIC PHILOSOPHY AND ISLAMIC WORLDVIEW 2024/2025 2023/2024 2022/2023 2021/2022
CREATIVE THINKING & PROBLEM SOLVING 2018/2019 2017/2018 2016/2017 2015/2016 2014/2015 2013/2014 2012/2013 2011/2012 2010/2011 2009/2010 2008/2009 2007/2008 2006/2007 2005/2006
CREATIVE THINKING AND PROBLEM SOLVING 2020/2021 2019/2020 2018/2019
HALAQAH 1 (SISTER) 2003/2004
HALAQAH 1 (SISTERS) 2002/2003
HALAQAH 2 (SISTER) 2002/2003
INTRO. TO RESEARCH METHODOLOGY(ARABIC) 2003/2004 2002/2003 2001/2002 2000/2001 1998/1999
ISLAM IN MALAY HISTORY AND CULTURE 2023/2024 2022/2023 2021/2022 2020/2021
ISLAMIC AQIDAH (ARABIC) 2000/2001 1999/2000 1998/1999 1997/1998
ISLAMIC CIVILIZATION 2004/2005 2002/2003 1995/1996
METHODS OF DA'WAH 1997/1998 1996/1997
METHODS OF DA'WAH (ARABIC) 2001/2002 2000/2001 1999/2000 1998/1999 1997/1998
PARENTING(ARABIC) 2006/2007 2005/2006 2004/2005
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 2023/2024 2022/2023 2019/2020 2004/2005 2003/2004 2002/2003
THE ISLAMIC WORLDVIEW 2011/2012 2010/2011 2009/2010 2008/2009 2007/2008 2005/2006 2004/2005 2003/2004 2002/2003 2001/2002 2000/2001


منهج التأويل المقاصدي المتجاوز للدلالة المباشرة للنص القرآني وتطبيقاته: دراسة تحليلية نقدية.
The Maqasid Interpretation Method Beyond Direct Significance In The Quranic Text And Its Applications: An Analytical And Critical Study.
Ph.D Completed 2023 Main Supervisor
Developing Existentialist Educational Pedagogies For Cultivating Authenticity In Muslim Adolescents Of Islamic Education.
Ph.D Completed 2023 Main Supervisor
Role Of Ethical Values In The Orientation Of The Content Of Media Religious Discourse: A Critical Analytical Study Of Al Jazeera Program Religion And Life (2005-2010)..
Ph.D Completed 2022 Main Supervisor
Al-Buoi’S Perspective On The Syrian Revolution Of 2011: An Analytical Study .
Ph.D Completed 2018 Main Supervisor
(Arabic) The Qur’Anic Dialogue To Strengthen The Belief In The Hereafter.
Ph.D Completed 2015 Main Supervisor
Arabic: Quality Standard Of Teaching In Islamic Educational Thought: A Case Study Of Khalifah Umar Ibn Khattab.
Ph.D Completed 2014 Co-supervisor
Islamic Thought Of Ahmad Domocao Alonto: A Critical Analysis.
Ph.D Completed 2012 Main Supervisor
Arabic: Quality Assurance Of E-Learning In The Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia.
Ph.D Completed 2012 Co-supervisor
Da'Wah And Conversion To Islam: Prospects And Challenges For Sustainability Of Converts In Taraba State, Nigeria.
Ph.D In Progress Member Supervisory Committee
Unveiling Islamic Feminism: A Critical Analysis On Fatema Mernissi’S Views On The Concept Of Gender Equality In Islam.
Ph.D In Progress Member Supervisory Committee
The Concept Of Tazkiyat Al-Nafs In Tafsir Al-Razi And Its Contemporary Relevance: An Analytical Study.
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
Political And Media Interest: A Comparative Study Between Western And Islamic Civilization .
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
The Role Of Religion In Interpreting The Rise And Fall Of Civilisation In The Era Of Globalisation: An Analsis Of Malek Bennabi'S Thought. (In Arabic).
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
The Aspects Of Political And Strategic Leadership According To Omar Idn Al-Khattab.
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
The Islamic D'Awah In China Under The Light Of Study And Analysis Of The Book Zheng Jiao Zhen Quan By Wang Dai Yu (In Arabic).
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
The Concepts Of Civilization And Its Social Implications According To Sayyid Qutb And Malek Bennabi: A Comparative Critical Analysis.
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
التعارف احلضاري يف اإلسالم وتطبيقه بني الشعوب اإلسالمية: الكورد والعرب ىف العراق أمنوذجا.
The Concept Of Civilizational Acquaintance In Islam And The Extent Of Its Applicability Among The Muslims: Kurds And Arabs In Iraq As Examples.
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
A Critical Analysis On Gender And Media: Portraying Women As "Khalifah Fil Ardh".
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
Muslims Minorities In The West And Islamophobia, An Analytical In The Context Of Maqasid Al Shariah.
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
Rethinking The Islamist Gender Discourse: A Study Of Javed Gamidhi'S Counter-Diacourse' On Muslim And Public Space.
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
Qur'anic methodology in correcting thinking of reverted Muslims (An analytical study) (In Arabic).
Qur’Anic Methodology In Correcting Thinking Of Reverted Muslims (An Analytical Study)(In Arabic) .
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
المنظمات النسوية وأثرها في قضايا المرأة الفقهية في كردستان العراق: دراسة تقويمية .
Feminist Organizations And Their Impact On Women’S Jurisprudence Issues In Iraqi Kurdistan - An Evaluation Study.
Ph.D In Progress Co-supervisor
قضايا تربوية واجتماعية للمرأة في سورتي القصص والتحريم: دراسة تحليلية Educational and Social Issues for Women in the Chapters of al- Qasas and al- Tahrim: An Analytical Study.
Educational And Social Issues For Women In The Chapters Of Al- Qasas And Al- Tahrim: An Analytical Study.
Ph.D In Progress Co-supervisor
The Role Of Urban Design Strategy On The Pedestrian Movement System (Pms): Case Study Of A Selected Urban Pathway In Makkah.
Ph.D In Progress Co-supervisor
Hamidullah'S Contribution To The Development Of Islamic Thought With Special Reference To Interfaith Relationships.
Ph.D In Progress Co-supervisor
حجية السنة وموقعها من تجديد النهضة الإسلامية المعاصرة في بنغلاديش: دراسة تحليلية The Authority of the Sunnah and Its Position in the Renewal of Contemporary Islamic Renaissance in Bangladesh: An Analytical Study..
The Authority Of The Sunnah And Its Position In The Renewal Of Contemporary Islamic Renaissance In Bangladesh: An Analytical Study..
Ph.D In Progress Co-supervisor
Muslim Response To Islamophobia Discourse And Its Impact:An Integrated Analisis Of Macron’S 2020 Speech On Islam .
Master Completed 2024 Main Supervisor
The Significance Of “Islamic Culture Course” In Dealing With Extremism: An Educative Analytical Study Of Selected Afghan Universities.
Master Completed 2024 Main Supervisor
"Leadership Competencies And Their Significance In Human Association (An Analytical Study In The Introduction Of Abdul Rahman Ibn Khaldun)". (In Arabic).
Master Completed 2022 Main Supervisor
Good Leadership And Its Development In Islamic Thought: An Analytical Study Of Abd Al-Malik Model.
Master Completed 2022 Main Supervisor
Role Of Plaining In Managing In Affairs Of The State In Islamic Civilisation(An Analytical Study Of The Model Of Umar Bin Al-Khattab) - (In Arabic).
Master Completed 2022 Co-supervisor
Method Of Da'Wah Through Surah Yusuf.
Master Completed 2013 Main Supervisor
Etiquette Of Considering Audience In Islam And Their Applications To Daw'Ah.
Master Completed 2004 Main Supervisor
Idiologiyat Awlamah Fidaw-I Alamiya Al-Islam.
Master Completed 2004 Main Supervisor

Research Projects

2022 - 2023 Women as Peace Agents (2021-2022): Path, Role and Family Rehabilitation
2020 - 2022 Impact of Worldview on Family Empowerment Plans: Proposed Islamic Integrated Framework
2019 - 2020 Preparation of OIC Strategy for Family and Marriage Institution Empowerment
2018 - 2018 Preparation of Manual for the Implementation of University Performance Measurement Tool
2017 - 2017 Research and Training on : Conducting Writing Languages in Arabic Letters
2017 - 2017 Value Based Leadership for OIC Member Countries and Cultural Empowerment Program
2017 - 2017 Value Based Leadership Framework and Examples
2014 - 2014 Developing A Model of Maldives Islamic University and Strategic Plan
2013 - 2014 Internalisation of Higher Education : The Model of teh International Islamic University Malaysia
2012 - 2013 Foundation of Civilisational Development: A Comparative Analysis of Malik Bennabi and Said Nursi's View
2012 - 2012 Problems Encountered by Scholarships Students on Scholarship Schemes in both the Islamic University Madinah (KSA) and International Islamic University Malaysia: A Comparative Study
2011 - 2012 Systematic Study of University Quality System
2010 - 2011 Concept and Model Quality Learning in Islamic Perspective
2009 - 2009 Academic Performance Measurement : A Professional Development Programme for Faculty of Arts and Humanities King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah Saudi Arabia
2009 - 2010 The islamic model of civilizational development : Principles, frameworks and applications
2009 - 2009 Academic Assessment with Tabuk University
2008 - 2010 Leadership Development For Higher Education Reform Programme
2024 - Present Charting Academic Evolution: A Comprehensive Trend Analysis of ISTAC Catalogue Thesis
2024 - Present Cultural Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence for Cultural-Civilization Diplomacy Empowerment
2023 - Present Review of the curriculum and Delivery of Islamic Civilisation Programmes In Universities and institutions of Higher Education in Malaysia: Civilisational Madani Approach
2017 - Present Interfaith and Harmony from Islamic Perspective
2017 - Present Role of the System of Values and Ethics on Individual and Society Security
2014 - Present Pembangunan Pelaksanaan Indeks Syariah Dalam Pentadbiran Negara
2010 - Present Islamization of Human Knowledge Research Unit (IOHK)

Award & Recognition

05 Sep, 2019 The Jewels of the Muslim World - OIC Today and Organization of Islamic Cooperation International
17 Dec, 2015 Maulidur Rasul Award 2015 - IIUM University
14 Feb, 2015 Vicennium Appreciation Award - Maa??din Academy, Kerala, India. International
14 Feb, 2011 Ajman Award for Quality and Excellence, the Ruler of Ajman, - The Ruler of Ajman, Emirate of Ajman, United Arab Emirates International
02 Mar, 2007 Outstanding Researcher Award - International Islamic University Malaysia University
03 Mar, 2006 Promising Researcher Award - International Islamic University Malaysia University
03 Mar, 2006 Best Lecturer Award (2006) - International Islamic University Malaysia, Department Level University
09 Mar, 2005 Best Lecturer Award (2005) - International Islamic University Malaysia, Department Level University
03 Jan, 2005 Bioghraphy included 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century - International - Bioghraphical Centre, Cambridge, England 2005 International
05 May, 2004 Best Lecturer Award (2004) - International Islamic University Malaysia University
04 Mar, 2003 Excellent Teacher Award - International Islamic University Malaysia Kulliyyah
03 Mar, 2003 Best Lecturer Award (Kulliyyah Level 2003) - International Islamic University Malaysia University



2024 الدين والسياسة ونسق الأخلاق الائتمانية عند طه عبد الرحمن = Religion, politics, and the ethical framework of trusteeship: the case of Taha Abdurrahman = Agama, politik, dan kerangka etika amanah: kajian kes Taha Abdurrahman. Journal of Islam in Asia, 21 (1) pp. 56-78
2024 السياسة بين الأخلاق والمقاصد: عرض مقارن بين ابن تيمية والشاطبيّ = Politics between ethics and objectives: a comparative presentation between Ibn Taymiyyah and Al-Shatibi. al-Burhān: Journal of Qurʾān and Sunnah Studies, 8 (1) pp. 146-161
2020 أهمية التزكية في تربية الإنسان من خلال الرؤية الحضارية الإسلامية = Significance of purification (tazkia) in man’s education according to Islamic civilisational vision. Journal Usuludin, Academy of Islamic Studies, University Malaya, 48 (02) pp. 1-33
2020 أهمية المقاربة الحضارية في تفعيل التراث: مداخل توجيهية = Significance of civilisational approach in activating heritage: key guidelines = Kepentingan pendekatan tamadun dalam mengaktifkan warisan: garis panduan utama. Journal of Islam in Asia, 17 (4) pp. 1-40
2018 Importance of value-based education on civilisational development. Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 11 (1) pp. 54-61
2018 The anti-Islamism discourse; the case of al-Buti. Al-Shajarah, 23 (1) pp. 183-206
2018 الحاجة إلى الرؤية الحضارية في تجديد التعليم والتربية الإسلامية = Urgency of civilisational approach for the renewal of Islamic learning and education. Journal of Islam in Asia, 15 (3: Special Issue: Integration of Islamic Revealed Knowledge into Humanities and Social Sciences) pp. 1-35
2017 Integrated model of civilisational development an Islamic perspective = Model bersepadu pembangunan sivil satu perspektif Islam. Journal of Islam in Asia, 14 (1) pp. 179-202
2017 Reviving Islamic civilisation: why applied virtues and culture matter?. Pelancaran Institut Tamadun Antarabangsa Tamadun Islam dan Dunia Melayu, () pp. 36-37
2017 مفهوم "طاعة الحاكم" في الفكر السياسي الإسلامي: دراسة أحاديث الطاعة = The concept of "Obedience to the ruler" in Islamic political thought: a Prophetic saying study of obedience = Konsep ketaatan kepada pemerintah dalam pemikiran politik Islam: satu kajian hadith-hadith ketaatan. At-Tajdid, 21 (42) pp. 9-50
2016 Social relations network in building civilization an analysis of its significance. Journal of Islam in Asia, 13 (2) pp. 152-168
2016 Valorizing time as a civilizational asset: glimpses into the views of Malik Bennabi and Said Nursi. Al-Shajarah: Journal of the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC), 21 (2) pp. 119-133
2015 The pattern of cycle of civilization: resemblance between Ibn Khaldun and Malik Bennabi’s views = Corak kitaran ketamadunan persamaan di antara pendapat Ibn Khaldun dan Malik Bennabi. Journal of Islam in Asia, 12 (1) pp. 228-245
2013 Importance of religion, man and knowledge in civilizational development: Views of Malik Bennabi and Sa‘id Nursi. Journal of Islam in Asia, 10 (2) pp. 98-117
2012 Enhancing affective domain in training science based teachers: towards an Islamic approach. Revelation and Science, 2 (2) pp. 85-94
2011 Educational excellence in the Islamic world : enhancing global quality and strategy planning. Arab Journal for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, (8) pp. 146-171
2011 Islamisation in modern sciences: the way forward. Revelation and Science, 1 (3) pp. 21-34
2011 مفهوما التعارف والتدافع وموقعهما في الحوار من المنظور الإسلامي (Mafhuman al-ta'aruf wa-al-tadafu' wa mawqi'uhuma fi al-hiwar min al-manzur al-Islami). Islamiyat al Ma'rifah, 63 (16) pp. 75-104
2007 وحدة التحليل من الدولة إلى الحضارة العالمية دراسة في رؤية ابن خلدون ومالك بن نبي = The unit of analysis from the state to universal civilization. At-Tajdid, 11 (21) pp. 83-110
Conference or Workshop Item

2020 Perspectives of integration of Islamic sciences and values into academic curriculum: (Value-based approach). In: International Seminar & Workshop on: Islamic Learning in Eastern-Central Europe: Historical Features and Contemporary Perspective,
2020 The challenge of future education for building sustainable strategic developmental economies = تحدي التعليم المستقبلي لبناء اقتصادات التنمية الاستراتيجية المستدامة. In: 10th International Conference on Economy and the Challenges,
2020 Understanding the characteristics & organic unity of the Qur’an. In: International Conference on: Engaging with Obscure Quranic and Hadith Texts in Classical and Modern Literature,
2020 Understanding the characteristics & organic unity of the Qur'an. In: The Inaugural Jamalullalil Chair for Prophetic Sunnah International Conference (JCICI),
2018 Implementation of roadmap of the performance measurement mechanism for the universities of the Islamic world. In: Expert Meating on the Implementation of the Performance Measurement Mechanism for the Universities of the Islamic World,
2017 جهود المملكة العربية السعودية في نشر السلام والحوار العالمي والدور الحيوي لمركز الملك سلمان للسلام العالمي. In: ندوة الحج الكبرى، مكة المكرمة,
2017 نحو مقاربة حضارية لتفعيل دور الدين والتعليم الإسلامي في التجديد الثقافي للأمة. In: المؤتمر الدولي حول: الإسلام والعالم : من المأزق إلى المخرج,
2016 مقاربة حضارية لتجديد التعليم الإسلامي المعاصر: تخريج القيادات وتنمية قدرات الإبداع والإبتكار. In: The 1st International Conference on Islam & Contemporary Issues in The Islamic World: Challenges & Way Forward (ICIC-2016),
2009 Quality and planning in higher education: implementation of quality management system and strategic planning at IIUM. In: International Conference on Quality and Applications in Higher Education,

2023 ISTAC-IIUM Annual Report 2021-2022. ISTAC-IIUM Publication, ISBN: ISSN 3009-1225
2023 SDG 18 Spirituality, values and culture for humanising sustainable development: a future worldview. ISTAC, ISBN: 978-983-9379-75-4
2023 SDG 18 spirituality, values and culture for humanising sustainable development: a future worldview. ISTAC, ISBN: 978-983-9379-75-4
2018 Ahmad Domocao Alonto: (1914-2002): his contribution towards Islamic thought in the Philippines. USIM Press, ISBN: 978-967-440-524-3
2018 Al-Shajarah: Special Issue, Islamic Banking and Finance, 2018. IIUM Press, ISBN: 1394-6870
2016 الرؤية الكونيه الإسلامية والتجديد: دراسة من منظورحضاري. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, ISBN: 983-2957-85-0
2010 نباء قدرات التفكير الاستراتيجي لتنمية مواردخا البشرية. Bahadur Advanced Advertising Est, ISBN: 978-603-00-2298-4
2009 Introduction to the Islamic worldview: study of selected essentials. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, ISBN: 9789675272479
2007 الشهود الحضاري للأمة الوسط في عصر العولمة = The civilized witnesses of the middle nation in the era of globalization. وزارة الأوقاف والشؤون الإسلامية, ISBN: 99906-90-69-3
2006 نحو نظرية إسلامية في التجدد الحضاري : إسهامات بديع الزمان النورسي. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, ISBN: 978-2957-95-8
2005 مدخل التجديد الحضاري وآفاقه العالمية: دراسة في فكر مالك بن نبي. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, ISBN: 983-2957-83-4
2005 مناهج الدعوة المجتمع المتعدد الأديان والأجناس = Advocacy approaches are multi-religious and multi-ethnic. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, ISBN: 9789832957348
2003 مشروع الفكر الحضاري: ضرورة تجديد الإنسان والفكر والتربية والثقافة. Aslita Sdn. Bhd., ISBN: 983-2908-06-2
Book Section

2023 Internationalisation: global prominence through educational excellence. In: IIUM Press, ISBN: 9789674913267, pp. 127-139
2021 Covid 19: a call to establish the foundation of good life (Hayatan Tayyibatan). In: KIRKHS, IIUM & Majlis Keselamatan Negara, ISBN: 978-967-19812-0-7, pp. 27-31
2020 An Islamic model of civilisational development and sustainability: a Maqasidic approach. In: IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, ISBN: 9789674910488, pp. 52-64
2019 Internationalisation and global networking: rejuvenating international culture. In: IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, ISBN: 978-967-491-035-8, pp. 143-163
2017 Understanding worldview: Islamic perspective. In: The International Institute of Islamic Thought (East and South East Asia), ISBN: 978-967-15622-7-7, pp. 3-50
2017 Understanding worldview: Western perspective. In: The International Institute of Islamic Thought (East and South East Asia), ISBN: 978-967-15622-7-7, pp. 51-70
2013 Internationalising a model of Islamic educational excellence. In: IIUM Press, ISBN: 9789674182700, pp. 79-99
2013 Internationalising a model of Islamic educational excellence. In: IIUM Press, ISBN: 9789674182700, pp. 79-99
2011 The question of development in Islam: revitalising the role of worldview & civilizational vision. In: IIUM Press, ISBN: 9789670225630, pp. 27-46
2011 Values and education within the framework of Islamisation of knowledge. In: IIUM Press, ISBN: 9789670225821, pp. 3-15
2009 Al-akhirah (the last day). In: IIUM PRESS, ISBN: 9789675272479, pp. 171-191
2009 Al-akhirah (the last day). In: IIUM PRESS, ISBN: 9789675272479, pp. 171-191
2009 General overview and foundations of the Islamic worldview. In: IIUM PRESS, ISBN: 9789675272479, pp. 79-105
2009 The Islamic worldview: glimpses on studies and definitions. In: IIUM Press, ISBN: 9789675272479, pp. 1-33
2009 Western worldview: historical development and definition of a concept. In: IIUM Press, ISBN: 9789675272479, pp. 35-51
2009 Worldview: objectives, kinds and approaches. In: IIUM Press, ISBN: 9789675272479, pp. 53-77