Staff Directory

Megawati Bt Moris

Academic Qualification

  • Doctor of Philosophy (islamic Thought) - Doctor of Philosophy, International Islamic University Malaysia
  • Master in Islamic Thought - Masters Degree, International Institute of Islamic Thought & Civilization (IIUM ISTAC)
  • Master of Business Admin. - Masters Degree, California State University, Fresno
  • Bachelor of Science (Business Administration-Finance) - Bachelor Degree, California State University, Fresno
  • Diploma in Marketing - Diploma, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)

Megawati Bt Moris (Dr.)

Assistant Professor
IIUM Gombak Campus


Area of Specialisation

  • Humanities ~ Humanities ~ Religious Studies ~ Islamic Studies - Islamic Philosophy
  • Humanities ~ Humanities ~ Religious Studies ~ Islamic Studies - Sufism; Ethics; Islam and Modernism;Islam in the Malay World

Professional Membership

  • 2017 - 2023: Member of Profesional Body / Association: (Donor/Member), Ma'had Darul Hijrah dan Tahfizul Quran al-Karim, Jalan Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur
  • 2018: Member of Profesional Body / Association: (Donor/Member), UNICEF Malaysia
  • 2020: Member of Profesional Body / Association: (Member), Institute of Philosophical Practical Practices France
  • 2021: Member of Profesional Body / Association: (Member),
  • 2021: Member of Profesional Body / Association: (Member), Centre for AI Innovation (CE.A.I)
  • 2022: Member of Profesional Body / Association: (Member), Masjid Kampung Tunku, Petaling Jaya
  • 2022: Member of Profesional Body / Association: (Member), Persatuan Pendidikan Falsafah & Pemikiran Malaysia
  • 2022: Member of Profesional Body / Association: (Member), International Students of Islamic Psychology.
  • 2023: Member of Profesional Body / Association: (Member), Center for Advanced Irfan Studies (TRADISI)
  • 2023: Member of Profesional Body / Association: (Member), Al-Ghazali Chair Philosophical Discourse International Institute of Islamic Thought & Civilisation

Teaching Responsibilities

BELIEF SYSTEMS AND IDEOLOGIES 2021/2022 2020/2021 2019/2020 2018/2019 2017/2018 2013/2014 2011/2012
FINAL YEAR PROJECT I 2023/2024 2022/2023 2021/2022 2020/2021 2019/2020
FINAL YEAR PROJECT II 2023/2024 2022/2023 2021/2022 2020/2021
HISTORY OF ISLAMIC PHILOSOPHY 2024/2025 2023/2024 2022/2023 2021/2022 2020/2021 2019/2020 2018/2019 2017/2018 2016/2017 2015/2016 2014/2015 2013/2014 2011/2012
HISTORY OF WESTERN PHILOSOPHY 2024/2025 2023/2024 2022/2023 2021/2022
INDUSTRIAL TRAINING 2023/2024 2022/2023 2021/2022 2020/2021
ISLAM AND MODERN IDEOLOGIES 2015/2016 2014/2015 2013/2014 2011/2012 2010/2011 2009/2010 2008/2009
ISLAMIC ETHICS 2022/2023 2021/2022 2020/2021 2019/2020 2018/2019 2017/2018 2016/2017 2015/2016 2014/2015 2013/2014 2011/2012 2009/2010 2008/2009 2007/2008
METHODS OF DA'WAH 2010/2011 2008/2009 2007/2008 2006/2007
PHILOSOPHY & 'ILM AL-KALAM 2024/2025 2023/2024 2022/2023 2021/2022 2020/2021 2019/2020 2018/2019
PHILOSOPHY & THEOLOGY IN ISLAM 2017/2018 2016/2017 2015/2016 2014/2015
RESEARCH PAPER I 2021/2022 2018/2019 2017/2018
RESEARCH PAPER II 2022/2023 2017/2018


The Origin And Sources Of Ibn Al-Arabi'S Sufi Meta-Physics: A Textual Analysis Of His Cosmological Doctrine.
Ph.D Completed 2020 Main Supervisor
The Sufi Culture Of Tariqa Samaniyah: An Ethnography Study In Puchong, Selangor.
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
Nature And Content Of The Malaysian Social Contract From The Islamic Perspective Of Justice.
Master Completed 2023 Main Supervisor
The Significance Of Taftazani'S Logic In Dealing With Contemporary Islamic Issues: A Study On Kitab Tahdhib Al-Mantiq Wa Al-Kalam.
Master Completed 2022 Co-supervisor
Societal Reform In Fazlur Rahman'S Thought: A Critical Analysis .
Master Completed 2021 Main Supervisor
The Ideological Foundations And Practices Of Islam Nusantara In Indonesia: An Analysis .
Master Completed 2021 Main Supervisor
Societal Reform In Fazlur Rahman'S Thought: A Critical Analysis .
Master Completed 2021 Co-supervisor
Bd Al-Wahhab Al-Sharani'S Synthesis Of The Ahl Al-Fikr And Ahl Al-Kashf On Ilahiyyah.
Master Completed 2019 Main Supervisor
The Impact Of Globalization On Muslim Culture In Malaysia: A Case Study Of Selected Multinational Corporations.
Master Completed 2019 Main Supervisor
Muslims' Understanding Of Religious Pluralism: An Analytical Study Of Iium Students In Kuantan Campus.
Master Completed 2019 Co-supervisor
Development Of Islamic Thought In China: A Study Of The Views Of Ismacīl Zhang Cheng Qian .
Master Completed 2018 Main Supervisor
Nurcholish Madjid And Beyond : An Analysis Of The Contemporary Discourse On Religious Pluralism In Indonesia.
Master Completed 2016 Main Supervisor
Ibn Tammiyyah'S Theological Influence On Indonesian Muslim Revivalists.
Master Completed 2014 Main Supervisor
Shaykh Al-Samad Al -Baliim Bani'S Understanding Of Tawhid.
Master Completed 2012 Main Supervisor
An Analysis Of The Relevance Of Al-Ghazzālī'S Concept Of Gratitude (Shukr) In The Materialist Worldview.
Master In Progress Main Supervisor
The Nature Of Man And Freedom In Al-Attas’ Ethics : A Critique Of The Modern Concept Of Freedom.
Master In Progress Main Supervisor
الموجة الكورية بين المسلمين : دراسة نقية لمفهوم المتعة عند أبيقور ومفهوم السعادة عند الغزالي Korean Wave Among Muslim: Critical Examination of Epicurus’s Concept of Pleasure and Al-Ghazali’s Concept of Happiness.
Korean Wave Among Muslim: Critical Examination Of Epicurus’S Concept Of Pleasure And Al-Ghazali’S Concept Of Happiness.
Master In Progress Main Supervisor

Research Projects

No data
2022 - Present Al-Ghazali's Influence and Impact on the Malay World: An Annotated Bibliographical Study



2023 A terminological issue: Islamic phılosophy or “phılosophy in the Islamıc world”?. Al-Itqan: Journal of Islamic Sciences and Comparative Studies, 7 (1) pp. 51-60
2021 Ibn al-'Arabi's concept of dreams. Al-Shajarah: ISTAC Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization, 26 (1) pp. 27-48
2021 Towards holistic development and well-being of students: a Maqāṣid al-Sharī‘ah and SDGs (sustainable development goals) trans-disciplinary approach in International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). Online Journal of Islamic Education (O-JIE), 9 (1) pp. 22-31
2020 The early Muslim discussion on the problem of the divine attributes with an emphasis on the Mu'tazilites. Al-Itqan: Journal of Islamic Sciences and Comparative Studies, 4 (2) pp. 5-17
2013 Making knowledge useful: applying al-Ghazali’s teachings in the Malay world. Islam and Civilisational Renewal (ICR), 4 (1) pp. 31-44
2011 Islamization of the Malay Worldview: Sufi Metaphysical Writings. World Journal of Islamic History and Civilization, 1 (2) pp. 108-116
Conference or Workshop Item

2023 A philosophical analysis of modern ideologies with a focus on transgenderism. In: Seminar: ‘The Threat of Contemporary Western Ideologies’,
2023 Cross-cultural dialogue: Plato’s and Abu Bakr al-Razi’s discourse on the philosophic life. In: Contemporary Conference on Philosophy in East Asia (CCPEA 2023),
2023 Pengaruh dan penghayatan kitab Iḥyā’ ‘Ulūm al-Dīn al-Ghazālī di dunia Melayu. In: Seminar Penghayatan Ihya' Ulumuddin, Festival Turath Islami Selangor,
2021 Resisting excessive anxiety and worry by a tenth century Islamic philosopher. In: Scholastic Advancement Program (SAP 3),
2021 Satu kritikan ke atas isu terminologi Falsafah Islam (Islamic Philosophy) oleh Peter Adamson.. In: NARADATA FALSAFAH ISLAM Meninjau Aliran dan Perdebatan Kontemporari,
2020 A terminological issue: Islamic philosophy or philosophy in the Islamic world?. In: Seminar on Usuluddin and Comparative Religion,
2020 AEO (Axiology, epistemology and ontology) workshop. In: Workshop on Axiology, Epistemology and Ontology,,
2020 What would al-Ghazzālī’s views be on the contemporary environmental movement? Inferences from al-Ghazzālī’s conclusions on the ethical teachings of Islamic philosophy in his al-Munqidh min al-Ḍalāl (Deliverance from error). In: Scholarship Advancement Project of Department of Usul al-Din and Comparative Religion (SAP 2020),
2019 An Islamic psychological approach to the philosopher’s way of life: towards ‘good health and well-being’. In: ICONCSIS3 2019 (International Conference on Contemporary Islamic Studies),
2019 Setting goals and self-actualization. In: Annual General Meeting, Intellectual Youth Club, IIUM,
2015 From Nishapur to Nusantara: the reception of al-Ghazali's works in the Malay world. In: Malaysian Iranian Seminar "The Bridge Between the Traditions: Iran and Malay World",
2011 “What is the moral of this story?”: morality, ethical reading and Islamic reading of Karim Raslan’s “neighbours” . In: 2nd International Conference on Islamic Education (ICIEd 2011),
2010 Making knowledge useful: 'Abd al-Samad al-Palimbani's application of al-Ghazzoli's teachings in the Malay world . In: World Philosophy Day Congress 2010,

2017 Nurcholish Madjid and beyond: an analysis of the contemporary discourse on religious pluralism in Indonesia. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, ISBN: 978-967-418-587-9
2016 Al-Ghazzali's Influence on Malay Thinkers: A Study of Shaykh 'Abd al-Samad al-Palimbani. Islamic & Strategic Studies Institute (ISSI), ISBN: 978-967-11312-51-1 (hbd)
2003 Mulla Sadra's doctrine of the primacy of existence (asalat al-wujud). ISTAC-IIUM, ISBN: 983-9379-36-4
Book Section

2014 Secular humanism and the Islamic conception of human being (Insan). In: IIUM Press, ISBN: 9789674183257, pp. 187-201
2014 Secular humanism and the Islamic conception of human being (Insan). In: IIUM Press, ISBN: 9789674183257, pp. 187-201
2011 The influence of al-Ghazzali in the Malay world. In: IIUM Press, ISBN: 9789670225692, pp. 153-173
2011 The influence of Al-Ghazzali in the Malay world: translations and adaptation of his works into Jawi. In: IIUM Press, ISBN: , pp.

2012 Western ethical theories on human nature: an Islamic perspective . In: s.n,