


Azizah Bt Mohd

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Staff Details

  • Social Science ~ Social Science ~ Law ~ Comparative Law
  • Social Science ~ Social Science ~ Law ~ Family Law
  • Social Science ~ Social Science ~ Syariah Law ~ Islamic Family Law
  • Humanities ~ Humanities ~ Religious Studies ~ Islamic Studies
FAMILY LAW II 2004/2005 2005/2006 2006/2007 2007/2008 2008/2009 2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018
FAMILY MANAGEMENT & PARENTING 2006/2007 2007/2008 2008/2009 2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012 2013/2014 2014/2015
ISLAMIC FAMILY LAW 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023 2023/2024 2024/2025
UNDANG-UNDANG KELUARGA ISLAM 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 2015/2016 2017/2018 2018/2019 2020/2021 2022/2023 2023/2024
USUL AL FIQH I 2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023 2023/2024 2024/2025
USUL AL-FIQH I 2008/2009
In Progress
2018 - Present Employee's freedom to profess and practice his religion: Building a Diversity Religious Model for Workplaces in Malaysia
2018 - Present Employee's freedom to profess and practice his religion: Building a Diversity Religious Model for Workplaces in Malaysia
2009 - Present Family Law and Ethics Unit (FAME)
2009 - Present Family Law and Ethics Unit (FAME)
2017 - 2017 Malaysia's Accession to the Hague Children's Conventions: The Feasibility Analysis
2017 - 2017 Malaysia's Accession to the Hague Children's Conventions: The Feasibility Analysis
2016 - 2017 Indeks Syariah Malaysia 2017
2016 - 2017 Indeks Syariah Malaysia 2017
2013 - 2016 The Formulation of Shari'ah Framework on the Use of Public Interest (Maslahah) as a Principle in Issuing of Fatwa in Malaysia
2013 - 2016 Protection of Children's Rights in Malaysia: and Appraisal of the Islamic Law and International Frameworks in Providing for better protection of Malaysian Children
2013 - 2016 Child Labour in Malaysia: Formulating A Legal Framework with Reference to International Instruments and Islamic Law
2013 - 2016 The Formulation of Shari'ah Framework on the Use of Public Interest (Maslahah) as a Principle in Issuing of Fatwa in Malaysia
2013 - 2016 Child Labour in Malaysia: Formulating A Legal Framework with Reference to International Instruments and Islamic Law
2013 - 2016 Protection of Children's Rights in Malaysia: and Appraisal of the Islamic Law and International Frameworks in Providing for better protection of Malaysian Children
2013 - 2017 Transactions Involving Possessor of Unlawful Wealth under Islamic Law: A Legal Guideline for Islamic Banking and Finance in Malaysia
2013 - 2017 Transactions Involving Possessor of Unlawful Wealth under Islamic Law: A Legal Guideline for Islamic Banking and Finance in Malaysia
2012 - 2016 Marriage Without Wali: Its Feasibility under Islamic Law and Contemporary Practice of Several Muslim Countries
2012 - 2015 Developing a legal framework for promoting child protection in malaysia by means of intercountry adoption
2012 - 2015 Developing a legal framework for promoting child protection in malaysia by means of intercountry adoption
2012 - 2016 Marriage Without Wali: Its Feasibility under Islamic Law and Contemporary Practice of Several Muslim Countries
2011 - 2013 Maintenance As A Mean Of Social Security To Relatives (Qirabah) Under Islamic Law
2011 - 2013 Dumping of Babies Vis a Vis Murder in Islamic Perspective (RU 2011)
2011 - 2013 Maintenance As A Mean Of Social Security To Relatives (Qirabah) Under Islamic Law
2011 - 2013 Dumping of Babies Vis a Vis Murder in Islamic Perspective (RU 2011)
2009 - 2011 Wife's Right to Maintenance under Islamic Law: Husband's Duty to Maintain a Working Wife in Malaysia
2009 - 2011 Social Obligation towards Abandoned Children under Islamic Law: A Comparative Overview with the Law in Malaysia and the Law in Several Muslim Countries
2009 - 2011 The Concept of Social Obligation under Islamic Jurisprudence
2009 - 2011 Social Obligation towards Abandoned Children under Islamic Law: A Comparative Overview with the Law in Malaysia and the Law in Several Muslim Countries
2009 - 2011 The Concept of Social Obligation under Islamic Jurisprudence
2009 - 2011 Wife's Right to Maintenance under Islamic Law: Husband's Duty to Maintain a Working Wife in Malaysia
2009 - 2013 Foster Care: Formulation of Foster Care Law Model for an Effective Legal Protection of Children in Malaysia
2009 - 2013 Foster Care: Formulation of Foster Care Law Model for an Effective Legal Protection of Children in Malaysia
2008 - 2009 Analysis on Current Protection of Rights of Adopted Children under the Law in Malaysia
2008 - 2009 Children Rights to Maintenance: The Extent of Family Responsibilities Under Islamic Law and Provisions of Islamic Law in Some Muslim Countries
2008 - 2009 Children Rights to Maintenance: The Extent of Family Responsibilities Under Islamic Law and Provisions of Islamic Law in Some Muslim Countries
2008 - 2009 Analysis on Current Protection of Rights of Adopted Children under the Law in Malaysia
2007 - 2015 Islamic Family law in Malaysia: A Practical Approach
2007 - 2012 Towards an Islamic Law of Will for the Administration of Muslim Estates in Malaysia
2007 - 2009 Muslim Women's Right to Mut'ah After Dissolution of Marriage: Absolute or Limited Right
2007 - 2012 Towards an Islamic Law of Will for the Administration of Muslim Estates in Malaysia
2007 - 2015 Islamic Family law in Malaysia: A Practical Approach
2007 - 2009 Muslim Women's Right to Mut'ah After Dissolution of Marriage: Absolute or Limited Right
2022 Religious freedom of employees in public and private sector workplaces in Malaysia: a comparative study of different jurisdictions. Academy of Strategic Management Journal , 21 (Special Issue 2) pp.1-9
2021 An empirical investigation on religious diversity practices at Malaysian private and public sectors. International Journal of Scientific and Management Research , 4 (5) pp.80-96
2021 The impact of work-life balance on the quality of life among women employees in UniSZA, Malaysia. Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues , 24 (Special Issue 1) pp.1-8
2021 An overview of selected maslahah based fatwas relating to family law issues in Malaysia. IIUM Law Journal , 29 (1) pp.183-206
2020 The theory of compulsion (Ijbar) in marriage under Islamic Law: incorporation of the Hanafis view on compulsory consent in marriage under the Islamic Family Law (Federal Territories) Act 1984. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research , 413 pp.51-55
2020 Nafkah saudara sedarah sesisi (Hawashi) dalam Undang-undang Islam di Malaysia. Kanun: Jurnal Undang-undang Malaysia , 32 (2) pp.320-340
2020 Mapping the trends of the family institution: a comparative literature review. Al-Shajarah , 25 (2) pp.297-314
2020 Islam tidak galakkan kahwin lewat. SINAR HARIAN pp.1
2019 The Islamic legal remedy on husband's imprisonment. Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues , 22 (Special Issue 1)
2019 An appraisal of the application of Fiqh al-Hanafi under Islamic Family Law (Federal Territories) Act 1984. IIUM Law Journal , 27 (2) pp.317-336
2019 A polemical discourse over the legitimation of illegitimate children under Islamic Law. IIUM Law Journal , 27 (1) pp.151-179
2019 Women’s right to marry under Fiqh al-Hanafi: appraisal on the impact of Hanafis’s view on marriage without wali in Malaysia. Shariah Law Reports , 3 pp.i-xvii
2019 Minimum age of marriage under Islamic Law and the Islamic Family Law (Federal Territories) Act 1984: a preliminary study on the ideal age of marriage in Malaysia. Al-Shajarah , 24 (2) pp.239-266
2018 An overview of the protection of rights of unborn child under Islamic Law and the Law in Malaysia. Journal of Islamic Law Review , 14 (1) pp.71-97
2018 Charitable endowment (waqf) for the benefit of parentless children in Malaysia: a preliminary study. IIUM Law Journal , 26 (2) pp.433-462
2018 Child labor under Islamic law (the shari’ah): an overview. Al-Shajarah: Journal of The International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilisation (ISTAC) , 23 (2) pp.295-314
2017 An overview of the protection of children rights under Islamic law. Advanced Science Letters , 23 (4) pp.3251-3254
2017 Ownership of unlawful wealth from Islamic legal perspective. World Applied Sciences Journal , 35 (8) pp.1512-1517
2017 Maslahah base fatwa on issues relating to wealth in Malaysian contexts. Journal of Islamic Law Review , 13 (1) pp.69-84
2017 Protecting children from labour: Muslim scholar’s viewpoint and legal provisions in selected Muslim countries. Advanced Science Letters , 23 (7) pp.6106-6109(4)
2017 Darar or harm for failure to maıntaın the wıfe: A quranıc and Jurıstıca approach on marrıage dıssolutıon. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences , 7 (8) pp.522-539
2017 Protecting the spouses’ interest (maslahah) in cases of defects through the application of the Islamic principle of Harm. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences , 7 (4) pp.345-358
2016 Baby dumping scenario in Malaysia: an analysis on its similarity to infanticide or murder under the law of Malaysia. Journal of Islamic Law Review , 12 (2) pp.215-225
2016 An appraisal on the administration of fatwa in Malaysia. Advanced Science Letters , 22 (9) pp.2235-2238
2016 A study on child labour as a form of child abuse in Malaysia. International Journal of Social Science and Humanity (IJSSH) , 6 (7) pp.525-530
2015 Child protection through intercountry adoption with special reference to The Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption 1993. Global Journal of Business and Social Science Review , 4 (1 (October - December 2015)) pp.108-116
2015 A comparism of child's right to education under islamic law and the convention on the rights of the child. International Journal of Current Research in Social Science and Humanities , 1 (1) pp.13-21
2015 Muslim women's right to marriage dissolution in the case of missing husband: a juristic analysis on missing passengers of MH 370. Jurnal Syariah , 23 (3) pp.495-516
2015 Crime of baby dumping: a review of Islamic, Malaysian and Nigerian laws. Pertanika Journal of Social Science & Humanities , 23 ((S)) pp.67-82
2015 Abortion: an infringement of the foetus' right to life in Islamic law. IIUM Law Journal , 23 (1) pp.87-107
2015 The practice of female circumcision or female genital mutilation in Islam. Al-Hikmah University Law Journal , 1 (2) pp.166 -179
2015 Marriage in the absence of wali nasab: procedural difficulties in obtaining consent from a wali raja. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities , 23 (S) (27) pp.305-314
2015 Critical analysis on the children and young person Employment Act 1966 and the Education Act 1996 in relation to causes and effect of child labor in Malaysia. Global Journal of Business and Social Science Review , 4 (1) pp.157-166
2015 Protecting women’s interest (Maslahah) in marriage through appointment of a guardian (wali) under Islamic law. Pertanika Journal of Social Science & Humanities , 23 (S) pp.75-84
2014 Children foster care law and practice: What Malaysia can learn from foster care (Ihtidhan) in Jordan. IIUM Law Journal , 22 (2) pp.295-308
2013 Hak anak terhadap nafkah dalam perundangan Islam: sejauh manakah bapa bertanggungjawab menanggung nafkah anaknya. Kanun- Jurnal Undang-Undang Malaysia , 25 (2) pp.255-272
2012 Hak ibu bapa terhadap nafkah dalam perundangan Islam. Kanun- Jurnal Undang-Undang Malaysia , 24 (1) pp.24-37
2012 Adoption as a means of child protection: the law and practice in Malaysia. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development , 22 (1-2) pp.79-89
2011 Abandoned child's right to identity protection in Malaysia. US-China Law Review , 8 pp.389-400
2011 Nigerian children sexual abuse as a result of child labour. OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development , 2 (7) pp.37-44
2011 Social obligation towards abandoned children (foundlings) under Islamic law: a comparative overview with law in Malaysia and laws in some Muslim countries. Journal of Islamic Law Review , 7 (2) pp.185-201
2011 Protection of children through foster care under Islamic law: sustaining foster children protection through breastfeeding. Journal of Applied Sciences Research , 7 (13) pp.2230-2239
2011 Husband's duty to maintain a working wife under Islamic and civil law in Malaysia: are the laws in harmony?. International Journal of Social Policy and Society , 8 pp.50-67
2011 The child's right to maintenance: the extent of the family's responsibilities in Islamic law and according to the family law provisions of Muslim countries. Arab Law Quarterly , 25 (4) pp.401-422
2011 Protection of rights of adopted children in relation to duties of adoptive parents under the law in Malaysia. Adoption Quarterly , 14 (4) pp.229-245
2011 The concept of social obligations under Islamic law. Journal of Islamic Law Review , 7 (2) pp.203-222
2011 Nafkah isteri bekerja dalam undang-undang Islam. Kanun- Jurnal Undang-Undang Malaysia , 23 (2) pp.180-194
2010 Muslim wife's rights to maintenance: husband's duty to maintain a working wife in Islamic law and the law in Malaysia. IIUM Law Journal , 18 (1) pp.103-121
2009 Nafkah anak tak sahtaraf yang beragama Islam: peruntukan undang-undang di Malaysia. Jurnal Hukum , 28 (1) pp.3-16
2009 Muslim women's rights to mut'ah after dissolution of marriage under Islamic law: an absolute or limited right. IIUM Law Journal , 17 (1) pp.33-55
2007 Parental rights to maintenance under Islamic law. Shariah Law Reports , 4 pp.48-57

Conference or Workshop Item

2021 Prosedur perkahwinan melalui wali raja: isu dan penyelesaian. In: International Conference on Family Law, Family Justice and Maqasid Al-Shariah (ICFL 2021))
2021 An appraisal of child protection through adoption under Malaysian registration of Adoptions Act 1952 and Kafalah in Morocco. In: International Conference on Family Law, Family Justice and Maqasid Al-Shariah (ICFL 2021)
2021 Kedudukan dan perlindungan hak-hak wanita dalam islam secara sepintas lalu. In: International Conference on Family Law, Family Justice and Maqasid Al-Shariah (ICFL 2021))
2021 Responsibility to maintain parents in the light of Maqasid al-Shari'ah. In: International Conference on Family Law, Family Justice and Maqasid Al-Shariah (ICFL 2021)
2021 Divorced wife’s right to maintenance under Islamic and civil law: possibility of harmonisation. In: Roundtable discussion on harmonisation of shari'ah and law
2021 An overview on Islamic principles of religious diversity at workplaces in Malaysia.. In: International Conference on Family Law, Family Justice and Maqasid Al-Shariah (ICFL 2021)
2021 The concept of Wasatiyyah under Islamic law perspective: a manifestation of just and balanced rule�. In: Online Roundtable Discussion Harmonisation of Shariah and Law: Issues and Challenges
2021 Hubungan penyelia pelajar – berkongsi pengalaman. In: Bengkel Penyelia Pelajar
2020 The Role of private sector in providing foster care service for children without parental care in Malaysia. In: 2nd National Seminar on Contemporary Fiqh (NSCF 2020)
2020 Talaq through electronic medium under Islamic and Malaysian law: The Impact on ‘iddah and ruju’. In: 2nd National Seminar in Contemporary Fiqh (NSCF 2020)
2019 Talaq outside court under Islamic and Malaysian law in the digitalization era: the impact on iddah and ruju’. In: 8th International Conference on Law and Society 2019 (ICLAS)
2019 The theory of compulsion (Ijbar) in marriage under Islamic law:iIncorporation of the Hanafis view on compulsory consent in marriage under the Islamic family law (Federal Territories) Act 1984. In: "International Conference on Law, Governance and Islamic Society"
2018 An overview of the protection of rights of unborn babies under Islamic law and the law in Malaysia. In: 15th Asian law Institute Conference 2018
2018 Minimum age of marriage under Islamic law and the Islamic family law (Federal Territories) Act 1984: a preliminary study on an ideal age of marriage in Malaysia. In: International Conference on Law and Society 6 (ICLAS 6)
2018 Dealing with unlawful sources of fund among Islamic banks in Malaysia: finding from the practitioners’ perspective. In: 7th International Conference on Law And Society (ICLAS 7)
2017 Averting posthumous conflicts over inheritance: Takharuj negotiation. In: International Conference on Dispute Resolution 2017 - Modern Trends in Effective Dispute Resolution
2017 Women's right to marry under fiqh al-hanafi cases study on the impact of Hanafis' view on secret marriage nad children's lineage in Malaysia. In: Al-Muktamar al-Duwali (al-Hanafiyyah wa al-Matraediyyah) (International Conference on the Hanafites and the Matraedites
2017 Marriage without wali in Malaysia: a socio legal study on its causes, implications & solutions. In: 1st World Islamic Social Science Congress (WISSC 2015)
2017 Court as a means of dispute resolution in adoption cases in Malaysia: An appraisal of the Syariah Court’s decision on dispute relating to custody and maintenance of adopted children. In: International Conference on Dispute Resolution 2017 - Modern Trends in Effective Dispute Resolution
2016 Protecting children from labor: Muslim scholar's viewpoint and legal provisions in selected Muslim countries. In: International Conference on Architecture and Built Environment
2016 Child labor under Islamic law (the shari’ah): An overview. In: The International Academic Forum Dubai Conference Series 2016
2015 Critical analysis on the children and young person employment act 1966 and the education act 1996 in relation to causes and effect of child labour in Malaysia. In: 3rd Global Conference on Business and Social Science
2015 Child’s right to life in the light of the objectives of Islamic Law (Maqasid al-Shari’ah). In: 12th ASLI Conference 2015
2015 Faiths and children from Islamic perspective. In: Forum on Our Children Our Future
2015 A study on child labour as a form of child abuse in Malaysia. In: 2015 IECDR Kyoto Conferences
2015 Developing a legal framework for promoting child protection in Malaysia by means of intercountry adoption. In: 4th International Conference on Law & Society (ICLAS IV) 2015
2015 Protecting women's interest (Maslahah) in marriage through appointment of a guardian (Wali) under Islamic law. In: 4th International Conference on Law & Society (ICLAS IV) 2015
2014 Abortion under Islamic Law: an infringement of the child's right to life. In: Tokyo International Conference on Social Sciences 2014 (TICSS)
2014 Female circumcision or female genital mutilation? An Islamic viewpoint. In: International Conference on Laws & Society 2014 (ICLAS III)
2013 Ensuring the best interest of the child in adoption process: an overview of the practice in Malaysia. In: The 4th ISCI conference Child Indicators in a Globalized World: Implications for Research, Practice and Policy
2013 Wanita dan syariah. In: Seminar Literasi Undang-Undang Pencegahan Jenayah - Keselamatan Keluarga Tanggungjawab Kita
2012 Anak terdampar (Laqit) v anak tak sahtaraf. In: Kajian Rumah Perlindungan Bayi Terbuang (Baitul Laqit) .
2012 Nasab anak luar nikah: undang-undang di Malaysia. In: International Seminar ‘ Merajut Ukhwah Negeri serumpun Indonesia-Malaysia Menyikapi Polemik Status Anak Luar Nikah
2012 Protection of children in Malaysia through foster care legislations and policy. In: International Conferences on Social Sciences ICSS 2012
2011 Breastfeeding (Rada'ah) under and Islamic law and it's promotion towards sustaining mother's and children's health. In: The Asian Conference on the Social Sciences Official Conference Proceedings (ACSS 2011)
2011 Protection of children through foster care under Islamic law: sustaining foster children protection through breastfeeding. In: 8th Asian Law Institute Conference (ASLI)
2011 Baby abandonment: Jahiliyyah modern. In: KAED Festival
2011 Adoption as a means of child protection: the law and practice in Malaysia. In: Workshop on Children at Risk
2010 Protection and adoption of abandoned children in Malaysia: comparative overview with Islamic law. In: IIUM Research, Innovation & Invention Exhibition (IRIIE 2010)
2010 Protection of children through foster care under Islamic law: a comparative overview with the law in Malaysia. In: International Conference on Societies in Transition: Balancing Security, Social Justice and Tradition
2010 Suckling as a means of child protection in a foster and adoptive relationship in Islamic law and the law in Malaysia . In: Seminar Kebangsaan Undang-undang Kanak-kanak ke-2
2009 Nafkah isteri bekerja dalam undang-undang Islam. In: Radio IKIM
2009 Nafkah isteri dan anak-anak dalam undang-undang Islam. In: Mini Seminar dan Forum
2009 Social obligation towards abandoned children (foundlings) under Islamic law: an analysis. In: International Conference on Law and Social Obligations
2009 Protection and adoption of abandoned children in Malaysia: a comparative overview with Islamic law. In: Program Ulasan Buku Bahagian Pusat Sumber Maklumat dan Penerbitan, JKSM
2007 Rights of abandoned child (foundling): Protection of the rights to identity: registration of birth and citizenship under the Malaysian law. In: The 4th Asian Law Institute (ASLI) Conference "Voice from asia for a just and equitable world"


2021 Contemporary issues in Islamic family law, property and finance: towards achieving Maqasid al-Shari'ah. Department of Syariah Judiciary Malaysia & Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, IIUM . ISBN 978-967-0870-86-1
2019 Indeks Syariah Malaysia aspek perundangan. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia . ISBN 978-967-418-779-8
2018 Malaysia - Family and succession law. Wolters Kluwer . ISBN 9789065448880
2016 Islamic family law in Malaysia. Thomson Reuters Malaysia Sdn Bhd . ISBN 978-967-0915-49-4
2013 Family law (non-muslim) in Malaysia . IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia . ISBN 9789670225883
2011 Family law (Non-Muslims) in Malaysia. IIUM Press . ISBN 9789670225883
2009 Undang-undang keluarga dan prosedur. Department of Islamic Law & Harun M. Hashim Law Centre . ISBN 9789834120351

Book Section

2021 An overview on islamic principles of religious diversity at workplaces in Malaysia. In: Family Law in Malaysia and beyond: Towards sustainable family institution Department of Syariah Judiciary Malaysia & Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, IIUM . ISBN 978-967-0807-87-8 , pp.263-279
2021 The enfluence of the Arab jahiliyy customary practices over the entitlement of muslim legal heirs to the deceased muslim's estates in Islamic law of succession: a fact or a myth?. In: Contemporary Issues in Islamic Family Law, Property and Finance: Towards Achieving Maqasid al-Shariah Department of Syariah Judiciary Malaysia & Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, IIUM . ISBN 978-967-0870-86-1 , pp.327-341
2021 KEDUDUKAN DAN PERLINDUNGAN HAK-HAK WANITA DALAM ISLAM SECARA SEPINTAS LALU. In: Undang-undang Keluarga Islam di Malaysia: Teori, Amalan dan Pelaksanaan Department of Syariah Judiciary Malaysia & Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, IIUM . ISBN 978-967-0870-88-5 , pp.31-54
2021 The role of the private sector in providing foster care services for children without parental care in Malaysia. In: Family fiqh in Malaysia: An analysis of the selected issues CFRU & IBT . ISBN 978-967-0526-83-6
2021 Responsibility to maintain parents in the light of Maqasid al-Shari‘ah. In: Contemporary Issues in Islamic Family Law, Property and Finance: Towards Achieving Maqasid al-Shariah Department of Syariah Judiciary Malaysia & Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, IIUM . ISBN 978-967-0870-86-1 , pp.53-68
2021 Hak isteri terhadap fasakh menghilangkan kemudaratan dalam perkahwinan. In: Fiqah kekeluargaan Islam isu terpilih Penerbit Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin . ISBN 978-967-2231-87-5 , pp.39-53
2021 Prosedur perkahwinan melalui wali raja : isu dan permasalahan. In: Undang-undang Keluarga Islam di Malaysia: Teori, Amalan dan Pelaksanaan Department of Syariah Judiciary Malaysia & Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, IIUM . ISBN 9789670870885 , pp.55-70
2021 An appraisal of child protection through adoption under Malaysian registration of adoptions Act 1952 and Kafalah in Morocco. In: Contemporary Issues in Islamic Family Law, Property and Finance: Towards Achieving Maqasid al-Shariah Department of Syariah Judiciary Malaysia & Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, IIUM . ISBN 978-967-0870-86-1 , pp.171-198
2021 The role and methods of reconciliation center in alternative dispute resolutions between spouses: case study of Saudi Arabia. In: Contemporary Issues in Islamic Family Law, Property and Finance: Towards Achieving Maqasid al-Shari‘ah Department of Syariah Judiciary Malaysia & Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, IIUM . ISBN 978-967-0870-86-1 , pp.199-211
2021 Safeguarding the best interest of the child in adoption process in Malaysia: whether kafala is an alternative option?. In: Family Fiqh in Malaysia: An Analysis of the Selected Issues CFRU and IBT . ISBN 978-967-0526-83-6 , pp.140-160
2021 Talaq through electronic medium under Islamic and Malaysian law: The impact on ‘iddah and ruju’. In: Family fiqh in Malaysia: An Analysis of the Selected Issues Contemporary Fiqh Reserach Unit (CFRU), IRKHS In Collaboration with Islamic Book Trust . ISBN 978-967-0526-83-6 , pp.89-107
2021 Maqasidi approach to child marriage with special reference to the preservation of lineage (hifz al-nasl). In: Contemporary Issues in Islamic Family Law, Property and Finance: Towards Achieving Maqasid al-Shariah Department of Syariah Judiciary Malaysia & Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, IIUM . ISBN 978-967-0870-86-1 , pp.149-169
2021 Online mediation in family support division (bsk), Department of Syariah Judiciary Malaysia : its application in post Covid-19. In: Contemporary Issues in Islamic Family Law, Property and Finance: Towards Achieving Maqasid al-Shariah Department of Syariah Judiciary Malaysia & Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, IIUM . ISBN 978-967-0870-86-1 , pp.235-247
2021 The implementation of Tahkim under the Hakam (stage of Selangor) Rules 2014. In: Contemporary Issues in Islamic Family Law, Property and Finance: Towards Achieving Maqasid al-Shariah Department of Syariah Judiciary Malaysia & Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, IIUM . ISBN 978-967-0870-86-1 , pp.249-266
2020 Protection of adopted children’s rights to custody and maintenance: an appraisal of the law governing Muslims in Malaysia. In: The Asian Year Book of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Brill Nijhoff . ISBN 978-90-04-43175-1 , pp.183-204
2019 Dealing with unlawful sources of funds among Islamic banks in Malaysia: the practitioners’ perspectives. In: Emerging issues in Islamic finance law and practice in Malaysia Emerald Publishing Limited . ISBN 978-1-78973-546-8 , pp.15-32
2019 Dealing with unlawful sources of funds among Islamic banks in Malaysia: the practitioners’ perspectives. In: Emerging issues in Islamic finance law and practice in Malaysia Emerald Publishing Limited . ISBN 978-1-78973-546-8 , pp.15-32
2019 Filiation and the protection of parentless children (Malaysia). In: Filiation and the Protection of Parentless Children: towards a social definition of the family in Muslim jurisdiction T.M.C. Asser Press (Springer) . ISBN 978-94-6265-310-8 , pp.205-230
2019 Filiation and the protection of parentless children (Malaysia). In: Filiation and the Protection of Parentless Children: towards a social definition of the family in Muslim jurisdiction T.M.C. Asser Press (Springer) . ISBN 978-94-6265-310-8 , pp.205-230
2018 Married to a prisoner: the Islamic legal remedy on husband's imprisonment. In: Contemporary issues in Islamic thought IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia . ISBN 978-967-491-008-2 , pp.215-227
2016 Child's right to religious freedom under the convention on the rights of the child is Islamic law: examining the conflicting paradigm in selected jurisdictions. In: Issues on harmonisation of human rights in Islam IIUM Press . ISBN 9789674174186 , pp.121-141
2014 Breastfeeding (Rada'ah) under Islamic law and its promotion towards sustaining mother and her children's health. In: Critical issues in women's rights in Islam SerialsPublications . ISBN 9788183876247 , pp.192-207
2014 Women’s right to lead her marriage contract (‘aqd) under Islamic law: an appraisal of the differences of opinion among the majority (Jumhur) and the Hanafi school of law. In: Critical issues in women's rights in Islam Serials Publications . ISBN 978-81-8387-624-7 , pp.242-260
2014 Women’s right to lead her marriage contract (‘aqd) under Islamic law: an appraisal of the differences of opinion among the majority (Jumhur) and the Hanafi school of law. In: Critical issues in women's rights in Islam Serials Publications . ISBN 978-81-8387-624-7 , pp.242-260
2014 Breastfeeding (Rada'ah) under Islamic law and its promotion towards sustaining mother and her children's health. In: Critical issues in women's rights in Islam SerialsPublications . ISBN 9788183876247 , pp.192-207
2011 Right of working wife to maintenance under Islamic law: a comparative overview with civil in Malaysia. In: Harmonisation of the shari'ah and civil laws (perspective and practice) IIUM Press . ISBN 9789670225890 , pp.537-554
2011 Maintenance of illegitimate child by biological father in Islamic law: an analysis. In: Islamic family law: demistifying Shariah in the protection of chidren's rights IIUM Press . ISBN 9789674180249 , pp.31-60
2009 Melindungi hak-hak anak tak sahtaraf: peruntukan di bawah undang-undang di Malaysia. In: Undang-undang keluarga & prosedur. Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws and Harun M. Hashim Law Centre, International Islamic University Malaysia . ISBN 9789834120351 , pp.47-72
2009 Melindungi hak-hak anak tak sahtaraf: peruntukan di bawah undang-undang di Malaysia. In: Undang-undang keluarga & prosedur. Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws and Harun M. Hashim Law Centre, International Islamic University Malaysia . ISBN 9789834120351 , pp.47-72
2009 Nafkah anak terdampar yang tidak diketahui ibu-bapa atau penjaganya (laqit) dari perspektif Islam dan praktis di Malaysia. In: Undang-undang keluarga & prosedur Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws and Harun M. Hashim Law Centre, International Islamic University Malaysia . ISBN 9789834120351 , pp.178-189
2009 Nafkah anak terdampar yang tidak diketahui ibu-bapa atau penjaganya (laqit) dari perspektif Islam dan praktis di Malaysia. In: Undang-undang keluarga & prosedur Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws and Harun M. Hashim Law Centre, International Islamic University Malaysia . ISBN 9789834120351 , pp.178-189
2009 Legitimacy of a child through acknowledgement (Al-Iqrar) under Islamic Law: the extent to which acknowledgement establishes paternity of an illegitimate child . In: Proceedings of the Seminar on Research Findings 2008 IIUM Press . ISBN 9789833855780 , pp.1-5
2007 Pengangkatan dan pemeliharaan anak. In: Undang-undang keluarga (Islam) Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka . ISBN 978-983-62-9727-3 , pp.282-322
2007 Pengangkatan dan pemeliharaan anak. In: Undang-undang keluarga (Islam) Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka . ISBN 978-983-62-9727-3 , pp.282-322