


Lili Marziana Bt. Abdullah
Associate Professor

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Staff Details

  • Engineering Tech ~ Engineering And Technology ~ Biomedical Engineering ~ Decision Support Systems
  • ICT ~ Information, Computer And Communications Technology (ICT) ~ Software ~ Software Engineering
  • ICT ~ Information, Computer And Communications Technology (ICT) ~ Database Technology ~ Data Mining
  • ICT ~ Information, Computer And Communications Technology (ICT) ~ ICT Policy and Social Impact ~ Social Impact
  • Economics, Business And Management ~ Economics, Business And Management ~ Management ~ Management Information System
ADVANCED DATABASE 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018
DATA WAREHOUSING 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023 2023/2024 2024/2025
DATA WAREHOUSING AND MODELLING 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021
DATABASE SYSTEM II 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015
DATABASE SYSTEMS 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022
DATABASE SYSTEMS I 2010/2011 2011/2012 2013/2014
DATATHON AND BOOTCAMP 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023
FINAL YEAR PROJECT 1 2017/2018 2019/2020
FINAL YEAR PROJECT I 2003/2004 2004/2005 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2020/2021 2021/2022
FINAL YEAR PROJECT II 2004/2005 2005/2006 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022
INDUSTRIAL ATTACHMENT 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018
PRACTICAL TRAINING 2005/2006 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013
PROJECT & CHANGE MANAGEMENT 2011/2012 2013/2014
PROJECT MANAGEMENT IN IT 2003/2004 2004/2005
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 2014/2015 2015/2016
RISK MANAGEMENT 2017/2018 2018/2019
In Progress
2021 - Present Writing Teaching Cases - Manufacturing & Construction Company
2021 - Present The Study on the Implementation of Biometric-Computer-on-Card
2021 - Present The Study on the Implementation of Biometric-Computer-on-Card
2018 - Present Investigation of mobile devices usage among older people to reduce vulnerability (isolation)
2018 - Present Investigation of mobile devices usage among older people to reduce vulnerability (isolation)
2019 - 2020 Kajian Peluang Pekerjaan Orang Kurang Upaya (OKU) di Malaysia
2019 - 2020 Kajian Peluang Pekerjaan Orang Kurang Upaya (OKU) di Malaysia
2018 - 2018 Research on Future Financial Intelligence and Enforcement Systems and Knowledge Competencies
2018 - 2018 Research on Future Financial Intelligence and Enforcement Systems and Knowledge Competencies
2017 - 2017 Development of Teaching Modules on the Subject of Computer Science Form 5 for MDeC and MOE
2017 - 2017 Development of Teaching Modules on the Subject of Computer Science Form 5 for MDeC and MOE
2016 - 2021 A Risk Analysis Framework of Security, Privacy and Trust for Big Data in Cloud Computing
2014 - 2017 A Model for Information Security Risk Management and Auditing Processes in Malaysian Universities
2014 - 2017 A Model for Information Security Risk Management and Auditing Processes in Malaysian Universities
2012 - 2015 Investigation on mobile technology usage among older people in Malaysia
2012 - 2015 Investigation on mobile technology usage among older people in Malaysia
2011 - 2016 Service Quality: Implications for Management Practice in Higher Education Institution (Focus Group with Students)
2011 - 2013 (RU2011) Estimation of transaction costs on the Bursa Malaysia: an empirical research
2011 - 2014 The Investigation of Location-based Query Implementation on Aid Distribution System During Disaster Recovery
2011 - 2016 Service Quality: Implications for Management Practice in Higher Education Institution (Focus Group with Students)
2011 - 2013 (RU2011) Estimation of transaction costs on the Bursa Malaysia: an empirical research
2011 - 2014 The Investigation of Location-based Query Implementation on Aid Distribution System During Disaster Recovery
2010 - 2013 Modeling Public Organization Readiness For Implementation of Knowledge Management Process
2010 - 2013 Modeling Public Organization Readiness For Implementation of Knowledge Management Process
2021 The study of the applications of biometrics systems: a literature review. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (Special Issue on ACSAT) pp.111-119
2019 Energy saving monitoring using fuzzy logic for computing lab. International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering , 8 (1.6 Special Issue) pp.190-194
2018 The influence factors of mobile devices adoption among older people. International Journal of Information Technology Project Management , 9 (3) pp.20-33
2017 Systematic literature review on green IT practice and executional factors. International Journal of Supply Chain Management , 6 (2) pp.147-154
2017 What makes older people want to use mobile devices?. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies: Recent Trends in Information and Communication Technology , 5 pp.100-107
2015 CERT team involving GEs structured. International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Multidisciplinary Physical Sciences , 3 (3) pp.12-26
2015 CERT Technologies. International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics , 3 (6) pp.275-282
2015 Exploring older people’s experience with augmented reality (ar) applications. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences , 10 (23) pp.18004-18011
2014 Investigating the impact of audience response system on student’s performance outcomes. World Applied Sciences Journal , 32 (7) pp.1268-1283
2014 An empirical investigation on the factors that influence the use of audience response system . Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology , 62 (1) pp.45-53
2012 Exploratory case study research: outsourced project failure. Information and Software Technology , 54 (8) pp.866-886
2012 Influential factors of KM process adoption: A social-technological based approach. International Journal Of Innovation And Business Strategy , 1 pp.95-102
2012 Analysis and application of an outsourcing risk framework. Journal of Systems and Software , 85 pp.1930-1952

Conference or Workshop Item

2021 Predicting Sources of Self-Efficacy as Factors of IT Student Learning Behavior in Improving IT Competence. In: 9th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM 2021)
2020 Investigation of IT competence and readiness of IT students facing the industrial revolution 4.0. In: 8th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM 2020)
2019 Risk assessment for Big Data in cloud computing: trust as an impact. In: International Conference on Cloud Computing and Business Process Management
2018 Rising ageing population: a preliminary study of Malaysian older people expectations in Information and Communication Technology. In: 2nd International Conference of Reliable Information and Communication Technology 2017 (IRICT 2017)
2018 A systematic literature mapping of risk analysis of big data in cloud computing environment. In: 1st International Conference on Big Data and Cloud Computing (ICoBiC) 2017
2018 Risk assessment for big data in cloud:security, privacy and trust. In: 2018 Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing Conference (AICCC 2018)
2017 Systematic literature review on green IT practice and organizational sustainability. In: 1st International Conference on Business and Management (ICBM 2017)
2016 A conceptual model of green it practices on organisational sustainability. In: 6th International Conference on ICT for the Muslim World (ICT4M) 2016
2016 Systematic literature review on green practice and execution factors. In: 2nd Advances in Business Research International Conference 2016
2015 Social networks content analysis for peacebuilding application. In: 4th World Congress on Information & Communication Technologies (WICT'14)
2014 Investigation of mobile devices usage and mobile augmented reality applications among older people. In: International Research, Invention and Innovation Exhibition 2014 (IRIIE2014)
2014 Older people and their use of mobile devices: issues, purpose and context. In: 5th International Conference on Information & Communication Technology for The Muslim World (ICT4M 2014)
2014 Social networks peacebuilding event mining: a systematic literature review. In: 3rd International Conference of Advanced Computer Science Applications and Technologies (ACSAT 2014)
2014 A preliminary empirical validation of an incremental approach to constructing component-based systems directly from natural language requirements. In: 5th International Conference on Information & Communication Technology for The Muslim World (ICT4M 2014)
2014 Audience response system utilization outcome in secondary school environment. In: 5th International Conference on Information & Communication Technology for the Muslim World (ICT4M)
2014 Estimation of transaction costs on Bursa Malaysia = Anggaran kos urus niaga di Bursa Malaysia. In: The 2nd National Symposium on Mathematical Sciences (SKSM22)
2014 Requirements elicitation and analysis: towards the automation of software project risk management. In: 2014 8th Malaysian Software Engineering Conference (MySEC)
2013 Mobile applications using augmented reality to support older people. In: 3rd International Conference on Research and Innovation in Information Systems – 2013 (ICRIIS’13)
2011 Understanding organizational readiness for knowledge management in the Malaysian public sector organization: a proposed framework. In: International Conference on Research and Innovation in Information Systems (ICRIIS), 2011
2011 Understanding organizational readlines for knowledge management in the Malaysia public sector organization: a proposed framework . In: 2nd International Conference on Research and Innovation in Information Systems
2009 Outsoured strategic IT systems development risk . In: Third International Conference on Research Challenges Information Science


Book Section

2011 Malaysian past leaders . In: Project on Islamic Edutainment and Islamic Systems IIUM Press . ISBN 9789674181048 , pp.101-106
2011 Bosnia travel channel . In: Project on Islamic Edutainment and Islamic Systems IIUM Press . ISBN 9789674181048 , pp.117-127
2011 Mahallah Hafsa online . In: Project on Islamic Edutainment and Islamic Systems IIUM Press . ISBN 9789674181048 , pp.129-134
2011 Disciplinary record system for mahallah. In: Project on Islamic Edutainment and Islamic Systems IIUM Press . ISBN 9789674181048 , pp.135-137
2011 Applying multiple case studies research to investigate IT development outsourcing project risks.. In: Information technology issues and applications in Malaysia : a collection of articles IIUM Press . ISBN 9789674180034 , pp.163-186