


Nasarudin Bin Abdul Rahman
Associate Professor

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Staff Details

  • Social Science ~ Social Science ~ Law ~ Competition Law
COMPANY LAW I 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2017/2018 2018/2019 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023 2023/2024
COMPANY LAW II 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2023/2024
INTRODUCTION TO COMPETITION LAW 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023 2023/2024 2024/2025
ISLAMIC FINANCE CONTRACT 2018/2019 2020/2021
LAW RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 2015/2016 2018/2019 2021/2022 2022/2023
In Progress
2021 - Present Company?s Responsibility in Eliminating Corrupt Practices : Implementation of Section 17A of MACC Act
2020 - Present Kajian Pemantapan dan Perundangan Lembaga Pertubuhan Peladang (LPP) dan Pertubuhan Peladang (PP)
2020 - Present Kajian Pemantapan dan Perundangan Lembaga Pertubuhan Peladang (LPP) dan Pertubuhan Peladang (PP)
2004 - Present Trade, Regulation and Policy Research Unit
2004 - Present Trade, Regulation and Policy Research Unit
2016 - 2020 Establishing an Effective Legal Framework for Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions in Malaysia Post TPP and AEC Era
2016 - 2019 Legal Framework for Theft of trade secrets and Corporate Espionage in Malaysia: Adhering to the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA)
2016 - 2020 Establishing an Effective Legal Framework for Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions in Malaysia Post TPP and AEC Era
2016 - 2019 Legal Framework for Theft of trade secrets and Corporate Espionage in Malaysia: Adhering to the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA)
2015 - 2018 Formulating Regulatory and Institutional Frameworks to Promote Competition in the Malaysian Procurement System
2015 - 2018 Formulating Regulatory and Institutional Frameworks to Promote Competition in the Malaysian Procurement System
2013 - 2016 Formulating the Legal Framework for Incorporating Bumiputera Considerations into Malaysian Competition Law: Delimiting the Social Boundaries of Competition Act 2010
2013 - 2016 Formulating the Legal Framework for Incorporating Bumiputera Considerations into Malaysian Competition Law: Delimiting the Social Boundaries of Competition Act 2010
2020 E-hailing services: antitrust implications of uber and grab`s merger in Southeast Asia. IIUM Law Journal , 28 (SI) pp.373-394
2020 Monopsony, powerful buyers and small sellers: analysis of Malaysian competition law and lessons learnt from Indonesia. International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business , 11 (3) pp.241-257
2020 Business under threat: the criminal liability of trade secret theft in Malaysia?. International Journal of Business and Society , 21 (S1) pp.49-65
2020 Unfair risk allocation in oil and gas upstream service contracts in Malaysia: the necessity for Oilfield Anti-indemnity Act. International Journal of Business and Society , 21 (S1) pp.177-191
2018 Halal food, market access and exception to WTO law: new aspects learned from Indonesia - chicken products. Asian Journal of WTO and International Health Law and Policy , 13 (2 (Special issue)) pp.355-373
2018 Competition and government procurement in Malaysia. Herald National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts , 1 (2018) pp.872-882
2017 The theory of harm under the Malaysian competition Act 2010. Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities , 25 (Special Issue) pp.155-166
2017 State-owned enterprises, market competition and the boundaries of competition law in Malaysia. Jurnal Pengurusan , 51 pp.1-15
2016 Competition law and the Malaysian financial services market: an analysis of the structure and level of competition in the market. International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance , 9 (4) pp.353-362
2016 Peranan undang-undang persaingan dalam melindungi kepentingan pengguna dan pengusaha kecil. Kanun - Jurnal undang-undang Malaysia , 28 (1) pp.147-165
2016 Appeal decision on MAS-AirAsia case : a commentar. The Law Review , 3 pp.415-425
2015 Defining 'governmental authority' in the Malaysian competition act 2010: a quest for objectivity. International Journal of Public Law and Policy , 5 (2) pp.191-206
2015 Limited Liability Partnership (LLP@PLT): new business vehicle for the Malaysian legal and accounting private practice. Pertanika Journal of Social Science & Humanities , 23 (S) pp.211-218
2015 Competition law and affirmative action in Malaysia: complementarity or conflict?. Pertanika Journal of Social Science & Humanities , 23 (S) pp.13-26
2015 Competition law and the Malaysian financial sector. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences , 172 pp.74-80
2015 Translating non-economic goals under the Malaysian Competition Act 2010. The Law Review pp.398-412
2014 Restricting biofuel imports in the name of the environment: how does the application of WTO rules affect developing countries?. Journal of East Asia and International Law , 7 (1) pp.51-78
2014 The application of competition Act 2010 to mergers and acquisition in Malaysia. CLJ Law , 1 (xiii) pp.1-24
2014 Regulating competition in the Malaysian telecommunication sector: a need for a new approach?. International Journal of Public Law and Policy , 4 (4) pp.403-419
2014 Delimiting the social boundaries of competition law in asean: a common approach?. IIUM Law Journal , 22 (2) pp.165-196
2014 The interface between competition law and consumer protection : a Malaysian perspective. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences , 8 (16) pp.316-323
2013 'Shari'ah corporation': the legal entity of corporation from the Malaysian law and shari'ah perspective. International Journal Liability and Scientific Enquiry , 6 (4) pp.232-246
2013 Competition law and the SMEs: does the Competition Act 2010 promote or hinder the development of the SMEs in Malaysia?. South East Asia Journal of Contemporary Business, Economics and Law , 2 (3) pp.12-20
2013 Undang-undang persaingan di Malaysia: satu kajian terhadap Akta Persaingan 2010. Kanun- Jurnal Undang-Undang Malaysia , 25 (2) pp.295-301
2013 Closer cooperation and coordination in competition regulation in ASEAN and their impact on trade liberalization. Asian Journal of WTO & International Health Law and Policy , 8 (2) pp.543-564
2012 'The myth of corporate personality': a comparative legal analysis of the doctrine of corporate personality of Malaysian and Islamic laws . Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences , 6 (11) pp.191-198

Conference or Workshop Item

2018 Promoting socio-economic goal through government procurement: the case of South Africa and Malaysia. In: 7th International Conference on Law And Society (ICLAS 7)
2017 Mergers and acquisition law: the need for harmonization in ASEAN. In: International Conference on Law and Society 6 (ICLAS 6)
2017 Economic impact of competition policy and law in Malaysia. In: TCA 20th Anniversary Conference International Panel II
2016 The Transpacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) and government procurement in Malaysia. In: The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP): A Paradigm Shift in International Trade Regulation?
2016 Competition law and the Malaysian financial services market: an analysis of the structure and level of competition in the market. In: SIBR-Thammasat Conference on Interdisciplinary Business & Economics Research
2016 Should competition laws in ASEAN promote non-efficiency goals?. In: International Conference Legal Institutions of the ASEAN Economic Community: Implications for Vietnam's Trade and Investment Law 2016
2015 Competition law and affirmative action in Malaysia: complementarity or conflict?. In: 4th International Conference on Law & Society (ICLAS IV) 2015
2015 The theory of harm under the Malaysian Competition Act 2010. In: 4th International Conference on Law & Society (ICLAS IV) 2015
2014 Competition law and the shipping industry: the case of the Malaysian block exemption on shipping liners. In: International Conference on Social Science and Management (ICSSAM)
2014 Translating non-efficiency goals under the Malaysian Competition Act 2010. In: 11th ASLI Conference 2014: Law in Asia: Balancing Tradition and Modernization
2014 Defining "governmental authority" in the Malaysian Competition Act 2010. In: 2014 IAITL Conference
2014 Competition, competition law and the Malaysian financial sector. In: Global Conference on Business and Social Science (GBSS 2014)
2013 Regulating firms' behaviour in the market under the competition law : Issues and challenges. In: International Conference on Law and Society I (ICLAS 1)
2013 Delimiting the social boundaries of competition law in ASEAN: A common approach? . In: International Conference on International Relations and Development (ICIRD) 2013
2013 Competition law and the SMEs: does the Competition Act 2010 promote or hinder the development of the SMEs in Malaysia?. In: KL International Business Economics and Law
2013 Regionalization of competition regulation in ASEAN and its impact on trade liberalization . In: Asia WTO Research Network Annual Conference
2013 The interface between competition and consumer policy: A Malaysian perspective. In: International Conference on Commercial Laws (ICCL 2013)
2013 The success story of legal transplantation in Malaysia.. In: International Conference on Law and Society II (ICLAS II)
2013 Competition law in Malaysia: issues and challenges in regulating market behaviour. In: 2013 IAITL Conference
2013 Regulating competition in the Malaysian telecommunication sector: a need for a new approach?. In: 4th International Private Law Conference
2013 Shari‘ah corporation”: The legal entity of corporation from the Malaysian law and Shari‘ah perspective. In: International Conference on Legal, Security and Privacy Issues in IT Law (LSPI)
2013 Regionalisation of competition regulation in ASEAN: Prospects and challenges . In: Asia WTO Research Network Annual Conference
2012 A preliminary report on early Atherosclerostic changes and Paraoxonase(PON1) activity in Organophosphate exposed rats . In: 12th Symposium of Malaysia Society of Applied Biology


2016 Competition law in Malaysia. Sweet & Maxwell (Thomson Reuters) . ISBN 978-967-0915-44-9

Book Section

2017 The TPP and government procurement in Malaysia. In: Paradigm shift in international economic law rule-making: TPP as a new model for trade agreements? Springer . ISBN 978-981-10-6730-3 , pp.325-342
2014 Competition law and the Malaysian financial market. In: Information ethics and security: future of international world time The International Association of IT Lawyers . ISBN 87-994854-4-3 / 978-87-994854-4-4 , pp.439-451
2013 Regulating competition in the Malaysian telecommunication sector: A need for a new approach? . In: Law & Practice, Critical Analysis and Legal Reasoning International Association IT Lawyers (IAITL) . ISBN 9788799485437 , pp.329-344
2013 Regulating competition in the Malaysian telecommunication sector: A need for a new approach? . In: Law & Practice, Critical Analysis and Legal Reasoning International Association IT Lawyers (IAITL) . ISBN 9788799485437 , pp.329-344
2013 Competition law in Malaysia: issues and challenges in regulating market behaviour. In: Law & practice: critical analysis and legal reasoning International Association of IT lawyers (IAITL) . ISBN 9788799485437 , pp.317-329