Staff Directory

Rahmah Binti Ahmad H. Osman

Academic Qualification

  • PhD (Arabic and Malay Literature Studies) - Doctor of Philosophy, University of London
  • Master in Arabic Literature - Masters Degree, University of Jordan
  • Bachelor in Arabic Language - Bachelor Degree, University Al-Azhar, Cairo

Rahmah Binti Ahmad H. Osman (Prof. Dr.)

IIUM Gombak Campus


Expert Profile

Rahmah is a distinguished Senior Professor of Arabic Literature at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), where she has held various academic and administrative roles. She earned her Bachelor's Degree from the University of Al Azhar in Egypt, a Master's from the University of Jordan, and a PhD from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) at the University of London. Her notable career includes serving as the Director of Education Malaysia Division at the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia from April 2019 to May 2020, where she significantly contributed to the internationalization of Malaysian higher education, drafting four policy papers and implementing 43 national initiatives. At IIUM, she was the Deputy Rector for Research and Innovation (July 2017-August 2018), playing a key role in the university's transformation and research landscape. She has also been Dean, Director, and Deputy Dean in various departments at IIUM. Rahmah has earned 30 international and national awards for her academic, research, and innovation excellence, including multiple awards in 2023- the IIUM Murabbi Award, IIUM Insan Sejahtera Award and AHAS KIRKHS Leadership Award. She has won numerous awards for her contributions to e-learning and innovation, reflecting her commitment to academic excellence and innovation. An active researcher, Rahmah has completed 38 research projects, received 9 international grants, and supervised 20 postgraduate students. She holds 5 Intellectual Properties and has prolifically published, with 30 books and over 130 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters. Her influence extends to serving on several international journal editorial boards, further highlighting her expertise in literary studies and education.     

Area of Specialisation

  • Humanities ~ Humanities ~ Linguistics and Literature ~ Literary Studies (Including Literary Genres, Stylistics) - 1. Comparative Literary Studies.

Professional Membership

  • 2015 - 2016: Member of Profesional Body / Association: (MEMBER OF MAJLIS PENGURUSAN KUALITI UNIVERSITI AWAM), Ministry of Higher Education
  • 2016 - 2019: Member of Profesional Body / Association: (Ahli Panel Penilai Agensi Kelayakan Malaysia (MQA)), Agensi Kelayakan Malaysia
  • 2016 - 2017: Member of Profesional Body / Association: (MEMBER OF MAJLIS DEKAN PENGAJIAN ISLAM UNIVERSITI AWAM), Ministry of Higher Education
  • 2017 - 2018: Member of Profesional Body / Association: (MEMBER OF MAJLIS NAIB CANCELOR PENYELIDIKAN DAN INOVASI UNIVERSITI AWAM), Ministry of Higher Education
  • 2019: Member of Profesional Body / Association: (Ahli Dalam Jawatankuasa Bersama Penilaian Pengiktirafan MQA dan Penilai Berkuasa Melantik), Agensi Kelayakan Malaysia (MQA)
  • 2023 - 2025: Member of Profesional Body / Association: (MEMBER OF UTAR ACCREDITATION COMMITTEE), Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman

Teaching Responsibilities

COMPARATIVE LITERARY STUDIES 2016/2017 2015/2016 2014/2015 2012/2013
COMPARATIVE LITERATURE 2013/2014 2008/2009 2007/2008 2006/2007 2005/2006 2004/2005 2003/2004
FARDHU 'AIN CLASS (SISTER) 2008/2009 2007/2008 2006/2007 2004/2005 2003/2004
FARDHU 'AIN CLASS (SR) 2005/2006
FINAL YEAR PROJECT I 2023/2024 2022/2023 2021/2022 2020/2021
FINAL YEAR PROJECT II 2023/2024 2022/2023 2021/2022
HISTORY OF ARABIC LITERATURE 2018/2019 2016/2017 2012/2013 2010/2011
INTRO. TO MALAY ISLAMIC LITERATURE 2005/2006 2004/2005 2003/2004
ISSUES IN MODERN LITERATURE 2017/2018 2013/2014 2008/2009 2007/2008 2006/2007
JAHILI & ISLAMIC POETRY TEXTS 2016/2017 2015/2016 2014/2015 2013/2014 2012/2013 2011/2012 2010/2011 2008/2009 2007/2008 2006/2007 2005/2006 2004/2005 2003/2004
PRACTICAL TRANSLATION 2024/2025 2023/2024 2022/2023 2021/2022
QUR'ANIC & PROPHETIC TEXTS 2003/2004 2002/2003
STUDIES IN COMPARATIVE ISLAMIC LITERATURE 2018/2019 2015/2016 2014/2015 2013/2014 2011/2012 2010/2011 2008/2009 2007/2008 2005/2006
STUDIES ON ISLAMISATION IN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE (ARABIC) 2024/2025 2023/2024 2022/2023 2021/2022 2020/2021
USRAH IN ACTION 1 2023/2024
USRAH IN ACTION 2 2023/2024


رواية "طيور التاجي" للروائي الكوتي إسماعيل فهد إسماعيل: دراسة أسلوبية تحليلية .
The Novel "Tuyoor Altaji" By The Kiwaiti Novelist Ismail Fahad Ismail: Stylistic And Rhetorical Study.
Ph.D Completed 2020 Main Supervisor
االشخصية الإنسانية في روايات نجيب الكيلاني ودي أو فاغنوا المختارة في ضوء المنظور الديني: دراسة مقارنة.
The Human Characterizations In Selected Novels Of Najeeb Al-Kaylani And D.O. Fagunwa From An Islamic View: A Comparative Study.
Ph.D Completed 2020 Main Supervisor
الزمن في الشعر الإماراتي الحديث: دراسة وصفية سيميائية.
Time In Modern Poetry Of The United Arab Emirates: A Semiotic Study.
Ph.D Completed 2018 Main Supervisor
(Arabic) Islam And Arabic Proverbs, And Their Proportional Impact On Swahili Proverbs : A Comparative Fieldwork Study..
Ph.D Completed 2016 Main Supervisor
The Omani Poetry In Busa'Di Age (1162-1266ah) : An Artistic Analytical Study.
Ph.D Completed 2016 Main Supervisor
الأدب القصصي الملايوي: ترجمة ودراسة وصفية نقدية من خلال مجلة ديوان سسترا 1990 – 1992م.
Malay Fiction : A Translation And Critical Descriptive Study In The Dewan Sastera Magazine From 1990-1992 الأدب القصصي الملايوي: ترجمة ودراسة وصفية نقدية من خلال مجلة ديوان سسترا 1990 – 1992م.
Ph.D Completed 2016 Co-supervisor
Arabic : Modern Arabic Poetry In Nigeria : A Comparative Study Between Wazir Junaid And Isa Alabi.
Ph.D Completed 2015 Main Supervisor
Human Misery In Selected Novels Of Najib Mahfuz And A. Samad Said: A Comparative Study.
Ph.D Completed 2010 Co-supervisor
Minecraft In Islamic Civilisation Education: Technological Integration For Teaching Al-Kinayah In Al-Hadith As-Syarif Minecraft In Islamic Civilisation Education: Technological Integration For Teaching Al-Kinayah In Al-Hadith As-Syarif.
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
القامات الأدبية الإسلامية العالمية الحديثة: مرام وجهود The Modern Global Figures of Islamic Literature: Aim and Effort.
The Modern Global Figures Of Islamic Literature: Aim And Effort.
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
الذات ال ُمقا ِومة في أَدب االغتِراب في ال ِروايَة ال ِفلسطينية الحديثة عند سوزان أبو الهوى: دراسة تحليلية فنيّة.
Self-Resistance In The Literature Of Exile (Eghtirab) In The Modern Palestinian Novel By Susan Abu Al-Hawa: An Analytical And Technical Study.
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
المصطلحات الأدبية والبلاغية واللغوية المشتركة بين اللغة العربية والسواحلية - التشابه والاختلاف. دراسة وصفية تقابلية Literary, rhetorical and linguistic terms shared between Arabic and Swahili languages – similarities and differences. A descriptive .
Literary, Rhetorical And Linguistic Terms Shared Between Arabic And Swahili Languages – Similarities And Differences. A Descriptive .
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
فاعلية الاستراتيجية التكاملية القائمة على تطبيق أندرويد في تعلم النصوص الأدبية لدى طلبة الشهادة العالية الدينية بماليزيا The Effectiveness of the Integrative Teaching Strategy based on the Android application in Learning Literary Texts among Sijil Tinggi Agama Malaysia students .
The Effectiveness Of The Integrative Teaching Strategy Based On The Android Application In Learning Literary Texts Among Sijil Tinggi Agama Malaysia Students .
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
فاعلية تطبيق التعلم النقّال للشعر الجاهلي لدى الطلبة الناطقين بغير العربية .
Effectiveness Of Learning Classical Arabic Poetry Through Mobile Learning Application Among Non-Native Arabic Speakers.
Master Completed 2018 Main Supervisor
تعلُّم الشعر العربي للطلبة الـــــمُتخصصين باللُّغة العربية وآدابــــها عبر تطبيق "ديوان الشعر الإليكتروني": دراسة تجريبية.
Teaching Classic Arabic Poetry To Students Of Arabic Language And Literature Using "E-Diwan"Application.
Master Completed 2018 Co-supervisor
فاعلية تطبيق التعلم النقّال للشعر الجاهلي لدى الطلبة الناطقين بغير العربية .
Effectiveness Of Learning Classical Arabic Poetry Through Mobile Learning Application Among Non-Native Arabic Speakers.
Master Completed 2018 Co-supervisor
القيم الإسلامية في أمثال العرب والمادينع دراسة مقارنة.
Islamic Values In Arabic And The Mandingo Proverbs: A Comparative Study.
Master Completed 2017 Main Supervisor
نزاز قباني في منظور الأدب الفرنسي دراسة تحليلية مقارنة .
Nizar Kabbai In The View Of French Literature: A Comparative And Analytical Study .
Master Completed 2017 Co-supervisor
Arabic: The Image Of Women In Family Life: A Literary Comparative Study On Arab And Malay Folk Tales.
Master Completed 2016 Main Supervisor
خطاب ما بعد الاستعمار في روايتي "مواكب الأحرار" لنجيب و"أسرة حرب العصابات" لبراموديا الإندونيسي الكيلاني (دراسة مقارنة).
Postocolonial Discourse In Najib Al-Kilani'S 'Mawakib Al-Ahrar' Pramoedya'S 'The Guerilla Family' : A Comparative Study.
Master Completed 2016 Co-supervisor
Arabic: Heroism In The Literature Of Rawdah Al-Farakh Al Hud Hud : The Collection Of Heroic Tales For Children As A Model.
Master Completed 2014 Main Supervisor
The Animal Triad In Imru' Al-Qays' Poetry: A Critical Analytical Study.
Master Completed 2013 Main Supervisor
Principles Of Islamic Literature According To Najib Kilan And Their Relection On Two Malay Narratives 'Expressions Of Love' And 'Voice Of Praise'.
Master Completed 2012 Main Supervisor
أسلوب الدعوة في شعر الإمام الشافعي وحمكادراسة مقارنة نقدية Imam Syafie and Hamka’s Style of Da’wah through Poetry (An Analytical Comparative Study).
Imam Syafie And Hamka’S Style Of Da’Wah Through Poetry (An Analytical Comparative Study).
Master In Progress Main Supervisor
فنية الأدب الحديث في شعر عرار والأدب الملايوي الحديث The Art of Modern Literature in Arar's Poetry and Modern Malay Literature.
The Art Of Modern Literature In Arar'S Poetry And Modern Malay Literature.
Master In Progress Main Supervisor
Family Reform In Islamic Literature.
Master In Progress Co-supervisor

Research Projects

2021 - 2022 Employing Public Speech in Enhancing the Lingual Proficiency of Arabic Non-native Speakers: A Systematic Foundation
2018 - 2022 Analysis Of Ancient Malay-Omani Trans-Indianica Maritime Networks To Improve The Preservation Of National Heritage In Malaysia
2018 - 2018 IIIT Research Project-The Islamic Values in Chosen Arabic Poetic Texts
2018 - 2018 The Omani Presence in the Malay References
2017 - 2020 A Framework of Good Governance in Regulating Religious Extremism to Improve National Security in Malaysia
2017 - 2022 Maqasid Shari'ah Approach for measuring Key Intangible Performance in Islamic Academic institutions:
2017 - 2019 History of Arabic Literature
2017 - 2018 Translation of Omani Books Into Bahasa Malaysia : Project 1
2017 - 2018 Translation Project : Translation of Turkish Book into Bahasa Malaysia
2017 - 2018 Translation of Omani Books Into Bahasa Malaysia : Project 2
2016 - 2020 Postcolonial Discourse in Novel: A Descriptive Study
2016 - 2017 Translation Studies Between Theory and Practice
2016 - 2018 Maqasid Al-Shariah: The Standard for Human Needs in Social Sciences
2016 - 2017 "Izzah Azzaman Fi Madhi Sultan Oman" - The Glorious Time of Praising Sultan Oman
2015 - 2019 A Prototype Development of a Mobile Interactive Arabic Poetry Programme for Pedagogical Purposes
2014 - 2015 Program Pemantapan Bacaan Al-Quran dan Fardhu Ain Melalui Pembelajaran Hybrid di anak-anak Yatim Baitul Kasih Rawang
2014 - 2016 Textbook Project, International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT, USA)
2013 - 2013 An Interactive Computer Program to Teach Arabic Voices for Non-Native Speakers
2013 - 2013 Analisa dan Kajian Analisa Berhubung Cadangan Pelan Strategik 5 Tahun Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN) 2004-2018
2012 - 2012 Analysing The Social And Cultural Underpinnings Of Pre-Islamic Arabic Poetry
2011 - 2011 A Comparative Study On The Malay And Arabic Literatures
2011 - 2011 A Biography Of Muslim Malay Scholars (KVC Project 2011)
2011 - 2011 Studies And Issue In Arabic Language And Literature
2011 - 2011 A Selection Of Classical Arabic Poetry (KVC Project 2011)
2011 - 2011 Analyzing The Trends And Literary Conventions Of Malay Islamic Literature (KVC Project 2011)
2010 - 2017 Encyclopedia of Hajj in Singapore
2010 - 2010 The Issue of Whether Arabic is Equipped to Meet the Challenge of Modernity
2010 - 2010 Features of the Malay Islamic Literary Tradition
2009 - 2010 Comprehensive Excellence through Arabic Debate (Arabic).
2009 - 2009 A Bird's Eye View on Muslim Scholarship in Southeast Asia
2009 - 2010 The Effectiveness of Children's Arabic Literature Websites in Developing Islamic Values through Poetry
2009 - 2009 A Historical Survey on the Middle Eastern Literary Ideas with A Focus on Knowledge
2008 - 2011 Towards A New Theory and Methodology in Teaching Arabic Poetry to Non-Native Speakers
2008 - 2009 Rethinking the Method of Teaching Arabic Poetry to Non-native Speakers
2007 - 2007 Features of the Feminism Discourse in Modern Malay Narration
2006 - 2007 Towards Enlightening The Muslim World On The Malay Islamic Literary Traditions
2005 - 2006 Original Title: The Arab Hadrami Influences In The Traditions And Culture Of The Malays In Wadi Hana And Wadi Hassan, Johor Bharu. New Title:The al-Attas Family in Johor Bahru: Its Contribution to Islamic Education and Culture.
2022 - Present Arabic Literary Works of the Ulama': The Impact on societal Wellbeing
2022 - Present Biopsychospiritual Exploration and Application of Khushu': A Pilot Study
2022 - Present Towards Islamic Prose Arts
2022 - Present A Pragmatic Approach to Practical Translation for Non-Native Speakers
2022 - Present Academic Arabic Writing Problems Faced by Postgraduate Students at the International Islamic University Malaysia: An Investigation Research
2019 - Present 'Ulu al-Absar: A Novel Framework for Developing Creative Thinking & Problem-Solving Skills through Qur?anic and Prophetic Literature
2016 - Present Cybersecurity Capability Maturity Model based on Maqasid al Shari?ah (MS-C2M2)
2009 - Present Kedudukan Ilmu Dalam Kesusasteraan: Teori Dan Praktis

Award & Recognition

02 Aug, 2023 INSAN SEJAHTERA AWARD - International Islamic University Malaysia University
02 Aug, 2023 MURABBI AWARD - International Islamic University Malaysia University
09 Jun, 2023 SILVER AWARD FOR LEADERSHIP - International Islamic University Malaysia University
09 Jun, 2022 SILVER AWARD FOR COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT - International Islamic University Malaysia University
23 May, 2022 IIUM Quality Research Award - International Islamic University Malaysia University
02 Jan, 2022 FLAGSHIP PROJECT LEADER FOR IIUM FLAGSHIP 2.0- AR-RAHMAH PROJECT A SEJAHTERA SOLUTION - International Islamic University Malaysia University
10 Dec, 2021 Top Researchers with the highest amount of grants received from 2019 -2021 - International Islamic University Malaysia University
02 Jan, 2021 IIUM FLAGSHIP 2.0 PROJECT LEADER FOR AR-RAHMAH PROJECT: A SEJAHTERA SOLUTION - International Islamic University Malaysia University
13 Sep, 2018 GOLD MEDAL - International Islamic University Malaysia National
12 Sep, 2018 Outstanding E-Learning Mobile Apps Award - IUCEL National
16 Aug, 2018 PROFESSIONAL SPECIAL AWARD - Universiti Malaya (UM) National
16 Aug, 2018 GOLD MEDAL - Universiti Malaya (UM) National
12 May, 2018 ITEX 2018 SILVER MEDAL - Others National
12 May, 2018 Certificate of Merit - International Invention, Innovation & Technology Exhibition, Malaysia National
24 Feb, 2018 SILVER MEDAL - Others National
02 Oct, 2015 IIUM Quality Research Award - International Islamic University Malaysia University
22 Feb, 2012 GOLD MEDAL - IIUM IRIIE 2012 University
22 Feb, 2012 SILVER MEDAL - IIUM IRIIE 2012 University
28 Sep, 2011 GOLD MEDAL - ICERIALE2011, Langkawi, Kedah National
28 Sep, 2011 Anugerah Tokoh Akademik at Sambutan 100 tahun Madrasah Al Attas, Johor Bahru. - Madrasah Al Attas, Johor Bahru National



2024 Exploring Minecraft in the primary school syllabus for enhancing Arabic learning: a systematic literature review. International Journal of Language Education and Applied Linguistics, 14 (1) pp. 4-12
2024 أثر دلالة المكان في وعي الشاعر العربي في العصر الجاهلي = The pragmatic impact of ‘place’ on the awareness of the Arab poet in the pre-Islamic era. Al Hikmah: International Journal of Islamic Studies and Human Sciences, 7 (1) pp. 111-135
2023 A new horizon in language education: OBE's role in Arabic learning and assessment. Boletin de Literatura Oral - The Literary Journal, 10 (1) pp. 3677-3684
2023 Binyatu Al-Tawazi Al-Tarkibi fi Al-syi'r Al-'Arabi: Al-Barudi Namuzajan The Structure Of Synthetic Parallelism In Arabic Poems: Al-Barudi's As A Model. I J A Z A R A B I : J o u r n a l o f A r a b i c L e a r n i n g, 6 (1) pp. 258-270
2023 Empowering students as community catalysts: a dive into synergized academic activities at the Department of Arabic Language and Literature. International Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling (IJPEC), 8 (52) pp. 618-625
2023 Ethics and akhlaq of special needs kids: intellectual disabilities. International Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling (IJEPC), () pp.
2023 Examining psychological distress in orphan children. International Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling (IJEPC), 8 (52) pp. 759-772
2023 Exploring At-Tafsir Al-Maudhu’i in the Malaysian context: a comprehensive analysis of Siddiq Fadzil's contributions. International Journal of Modern Education (IJMOE), 5 (19) pp. 166-177
2023 Exploring moral development and ethical understanding in children with learning disabilities: a study of teaching ethics and akhlaq in special needs education. International Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling, 8 (52) pp. 745-758
2023 Exploring morality among orphans: a comprehensive study of akhlaq and social standards in Pusat Jagaan Hembusan Kasih Sayang. International Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling (IJEPC), () pp.
2023 Exploring morality among orphans: a study of akhlaq and social standards in Pusat Jagaan Hembusan Kasih Sayang. International Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling, 8 (52) pp. 773-783
2023 Exploring the well-being of special needs children in Malaysia: a study at Sekolah Kebangsaan Pendidikan Khas Kuantan. International Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling (IJEPC), 8 (52) pp. 829-838
2023 Integrative healthcare approaches for children with special needs: a holistic study on challenges and solutions. International Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling, 8 (52) pp. 813-828
2023 Islamic approach and the call for jihād in the anthology “Anāshīd li al-Saḥwah al-Islāmiyyah” by Aḥmad Muḥammad al-Siddīq = الاتجاهات الإسلامية ونداءات الجهاد في ديوان "أناشيد للصحوة الإسلامية" للشاعر أحمد محمد الصديق. Al-Qanatir International Journal of Islamic Studies, 32 (2) pp. 111-128
2023 LGBTQ and Islam: the Muslim queer community in the implementation of psychological value. International Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling (IJEPC), () pp.
2023 Medication adherence: understanding the challenges among the elderly. International Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling, 8 (52) pp. 865-874
2023 Penelitian terhadap elemen Islami dalam antologi "Titir Zikir" karya Kemala = A research on Islamic element in "Titir Zikir" by Kemala. International Journal of Modern Education (IJMOE), 5 (19) pp. 151-165
2023 Penggunaan kata nama am dalam al-Qur'an al-karim: kajian analisis sintaksis= The usage of the indefinite in the Al-Quran Al-Karim: a study of syntactic analysis. Asian Journal of Civilizational Studies, 5 (3) pp. 53-66
2023 Persamaan inversi dalam Ayat Al-Mutasyabihat Al-Quran di antara Surah Al-Fatihah dan Surah Al-Jathiyah: kajian konteks dan Retorik = The Anastrophe of in Similar Quranic Verses between Surah Al-Fatihah and Surah Al-Jathiyah: contextual and rhetorical Studies. Journal of Quran Sunnah Education and Special Needs, 7 (2) pp. 1-11
2023 Persamaan inversi dalam Surah Al-Fatihah dan Surah Al-Jathiyah: kajian konteks dan retorik = The Anastrophe of in similar Quranic verses between Surah Surah Al-Fātiḥah and Surah Al-Jāthīyah: contextual and rhetorical studies. Asian Journal of Civilizational Studies, 5 (2) pp. 12-25
2023 Postcolonialism, Islamophobia and inserting Islamic facts in African-American fiction: Umm Zakiyyah’s if I should speak. Islam in Asia, 20 (3) pp. 34-61
2023 Resilience and well-being among orphans in Malaysia: a multidimensional perspective. International Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling, 8 (52) pp. 854-864
2023 The evaluation of the quality of life (QOL) among senior citizens living at an old age home on the Malaysian East Coast. International Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling (IJEPC), 8 (52) pp. 839-853
2023 The lifestyle of single mothers in the east coast of Malaysia: the impact on their health and wellbeing. International Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling, 8 (52) pp. 784-792
2023 The perceived psychological well-being of LGBTQ individuals in Malaysia. International Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling, 8 (52) pp. 793-812
2023 The Straits of Malacca and Straits of Hormuz: A Brief Historical Review. Kemanusiaan: The Asian Journal of Humanities, () pp.
2023 The structure of synthetic parallelism in Arabic poems: Al-Barudi's as a model = بنية التوازي التركيبي في الشعر العربي: البارودي نموذجا. Ijaz Arabi: Journal of Arabic Learning, 6 (1) pp. 258-270
2023 الإسلاموفوبيا والأدب الإسلامي في أمريكا: دور الرواية الأدبية في سرد حقيقة الإسلام ودفع الإسلاموفوبيا: رواية "لو يجب أن أتكلم" لأم زكية انموذجا = Postcolonialism, Islamophobia and inserting Islamic facts in African-American fiction: Umm Zakiyyah’s if I should speak = Pascakolonialisme, Islamofobia dan memasukkan fakta Islam dalam fiksyen Afrika-Amerika: Umm Zakiyyah's if I should speak. Jpurnal of Islam in Asia, 20 (3) pp. 34-61
2023 تاريخ الملاحة البحرية الملايوية: بزوغها وتموقعها الإستراتيجي ودورها في تطور التجارة البحرية الدولية = The Malay maritime: its history and strategic role in the development of the international maritime trade. Journal of Al-Tamaddun, 18 (2) pp. 283-292
2023 تحليل الأغنية الشعبية الثورية الفلسطينية المعاصرة "فدائي" للشاعر فلسطيني على ضوء منهج النقد الأدبي: سعيد المزين أنموذجا = Analyzing the contemporary Palestinian revolutionary folk song “Fida’I” by the Palestinian poet in the lense of literary criticism method: Sa’eed al-Muzayyen as model. International Journal of West Asian Studies, 15 () pp. 181-192
2022 "موقع الثقافة" الشتات وملامح الهوية الثقافية الهجينة في رواية "من الصومال مع الحب" للكاتبة نعيمة ب. روبرت "Mauqi' Al-Thaqafah"- Al-Shatat wa Malamih Al-Huwiyah Al-Thaqafiyah Al-Hajibah fi Riwayat "Min Al-Somal ma'a Al-Hub li Katibah Naemah b. Robert. Journal of Linguistic and Literary Studies, 13 (2 (Special Issue)) pp. 251-270
2022 A biopsychospiritual framework for the investigation of khushu’. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, 13 (9) pp. 1522-1529
2022 Al-fikr al-Islami wa tajalliyatuhu fi al-adab al-Malayu al-Mu'asir: titir zikir li al-sya'ir Kamala Namudhazajan = Islamic thought and it's manifestation in contemporary Malay literature: "Titir Zikir" by Poet Kemala as an example. Al Hikmah International Journal of Islamic Studies and Human Sciences, 5 (3 Special Issue: June) pp. 57-78
2022 Al-Khasais al-Islamiyah fi kitab al-lughah al-'Arabiyah li al-Marhalah al-Ibtidaiyah: dirasah manhajiyah li intaj tolib shamil wa muta'adidat al-thaqafat = Islamic characteristics in the elementary Arabic language textbook: produce holistic and multicultural students. Al Hikmah International Journal of Islamic Studies and Human Sciences, 5 (3 Special Issue: June) pp. 153-174
2022 Al-Khasais al-Islamiyah fi shakhsiyah al-mar'ah al-Malayuwiyah fi al-hikayat al-Malayuwiyah al-qadimah: dirasah adabiyah tahliliyyah = Islamic values in the characteristics of Malay woman in classical Malay texts: a literary analysis. Al Hikmah International Journal of Islamic Studies and Human Sciences, 5 (No. 3 Special Issue: June) pp. 38-56
2022 Al-kitabah al-jawiyah adatun li Islamiyat al-ma'rifah. Al Hikmah International Journal of Islamic Studies and Human Sciences, 5 (No. 3 Special Issue: June) pp. 116-127
2022 Al-mabadi' al-Islamiyah fi hikayat muluk Pasai wa 'aqatuha bi al-waqi' al-mu'asir = Islamic perspective in "Hikayat Raja-Raja Pasai" and its relevance in the contemporary Muslim world. Al Hikmah International Journal of Islamic Studies and Human Sciences, 5 (No. 3 Special Issue: June) pp. 79-95
2022 Al-mafahim al-islamiyah fi al-aflam al-malayuwiyah: filem Pendekar Bujang Lapok min ikhraj P.Ramlee namudhzajan = Islamic concepts in Malay film: "Pendekar Bujang Lapok" directed by P. Ramlee as a model. Al Hikmah International Journal of Islamic Studies and Human Sciences, 5 (3 Special Issue: June) pp. 128-140
2022 Al-tahadiyyat al-tarbawiyah li raudhah al-atfal fi janub Thailand = The challenges kindergarten "Tadika" in Southern Thailand to study Islamic education. Al Hikmah International Journal of Islamic Studies and Human Sciences, 5 (No 3 : Special Issue: June) pp. 141-152
2022 E-diwan app: the 21st century solution for teaching and learning Arabic poetry. International Journal of Advanced Research in Technology and Innovation (IJARTI), 4 (1 (2022)) pp. 18-27
2022 Emotion priming in Malay-Arabic bilinguals. Annals of Forest Research, 65 (1) pp. 5228-5242
2022 Historical references on the presence Of Omani travellers In Malaysia. Specialusis Ugdymas, 1 (43) pp. 207-219
2022 History of economic relations between Oman and the Malay archipelago via maritime networks. Journal of Positive School Psychology, 6 (2) pp. 301-312
2022 Izdiwajiyat al-hawiyat, al-fada' al-thalith wa tafkik al-markaziyah al-gharbiyah fi riwayat ma ba'da al-koloniyaliyah "al-fatatu al-muslimat li ummi zakiyah: unmuzajan. Majallat Al-Ansaq li Al-Funun wa Al-Adab wa Al-Ulum Al-Insaniyah, 7 (3) (2) pp. 252-276
2022 Keberkesanan pembelajaran sastera Arab menggunakan aplikasi teknologi di kalangan penutur bukan Arab di UIAM. International Journal of Education, Psychology and Counselling (IJEPC), 7 (48 (December 2022)) pp. 512-526
2022 Keistimewaan Bahasa Arab sebagai bahasa al-Quran dan kepentingan menguasainya bagi para mufassirīn. Al-Hikmah: International Journal of Islamic Studies and Human Sciences, 5 (2) pp. 325-342
2022 Keistimewaan bahasa Arab sebagai bahasa Al-Quran dan kepentingan menguasainya bagi para mufassirīn = (the privilege of arabic as the language of the Qur'an and the importance of mastering it for the mufassirīn). Al-Hikmah International Journal for Islamic Studies & Human Sciences, 5 (2) pp. 325-342
2022 Maqasid al-shari’ah theoretical framework for teaching and the parameters for measuring Key Intangible Performance (KIP) in teaching. Specialusis Ugdymas, 1 (43) pp. 7295-7320
2022 Online teaching challenges: the role of created audiovisual aids in teaching Arabic to non-Arab speakers at schools. International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE), 14 (03) pp. 2307-2316
2022 Rakaiz aslamah al-ma'rifah fi tarbiyah al-awlad: qisah Luqman Wa ibnihi Namudhzajan = The pillars of the Islamization of knowledge in raising children: the story of Luqman and his son as a model. Al Hikmah International Journal of Islamic Studies and Human Sciences, 5 (No 3 Special Issue: June) pp. 175-189
2022 Revisiting Omani legacy in Malaya through the Royal Kedah dress: reassessment. Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization, 12 (1) pp. 48-74
2022 Sheikh Abdullah al-Qumairi Al-Yamani’s role in the Islamization of Kedah and his connection to the Transindianica Maritime Network Tradition. Journal of Northeastern University, 25 (04) pp. 4125-4135
2022 Tahlil filem Sang Pencerah: min Khilal al-Mabadi' al-Islamiyah wa tatbiquha fi hayat mujtama' bi Yogyakarta = Sang Pencerah Films: analysis of Islamic principles and their application in the life of the community in Yogyakarta. Al Hikmah International Journal of Islamic Studies and Human Sciences, 5 (No. 3 Special Issue: June) pp. 96-115
2022 Tarjamah ma'ani Al-Qur'an Al-Kareem ila al-lughah al-tamiliyahbi al-nuskhah al-tiba'iyah: dirasah Tarikhiyah (translation of the noble Qur’an to Tamil language in printing version: a historical study). Indonesian Journal of Arabic Studies, 4 (1) pp. 67-80
2022 The Mediating Roles Of Religious And Spiritual Coping Between Religiosity, Spirituality, And Depression Among Medical And Health Science Students.. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 09 (08) pp. 1209-1223
2022 The moderating effects of religious and spiritual coping on the relationships of religiosity and spirituality with depression among medical and health science students. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 9 (8) pp. 28-40
2022 The prominence of Omani maritime networks. Specialusis Ugdymas, 1 (43) pp. 220-232
2022 The relationships of religiosity, spirituality, religious and spiritual coping with depression among medical and health science students. Jisuanji Jicheng Zhizao Xitong / Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 28 (12) pp. 393-407
2022 The Trans-Indianica maritime networks and its impacts on Malay civilivation: revisiting the history of Kedah kingdom. International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education, 14 (03) pp. 2336-2343
2022 The trans-indianica maritime networks and its impacts on Malay civilization: revisiting the history of Kedah Kingdom. International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education, 14 (3) pp. 2336-2343
2022 Translation priming in Malay-Arabic bilinguals. Journal of Northeastern University, 25 (4) pp. 2238-2252
2022 Women and family life: a comparative analysis of Arabic and Malay folk tales. Journal of Northeastern University, () pp. 3189-3200
2022 استخدام الفن في الدعوة إلى الله: الشيخ سنان بونانغ نموذجا = The use of art in the Islamic’s advocacy: the advocacy method of Sheikh Sunan Bonang as a model. Al-Hikmah International Journal for Islamic Studies & Human Sciences, 5 (3 Special Issue) pp. 1-17
2022 الأسلوب الشعري عند كعب بن زهير ودوره في أسلمة المعرفة: شعر الإسلامية أنموذجا. Al Hikmah International Journal of Islamic Studies and Human Science, 5 (3) pp. 18-37
2022 الحركة التجارية البحرية بين العرب والملايو: قراءة تاريخية = Maritime trade movement between Arabs and Malays: A historical review = Menelusuri sejarah: perdagangan maritim antara Arab dan Melayu. Journal Islam in Asia, 19 (1) pp. 170-195
2022 اللغة العربية ورهان الإبداع البحثيّ والتعليمي في مجتمع المعرفة = The Arabic language and the challenge of research and educational creativity in the knowledge society. International Journal of West Asian Studies, 14 ((2022)) pp. 179-190
2022 الملاحة، التجارة البحرية والمراكز الملاحية بين عمان و ماليزيا و مساهمتها في التجارة الدولية قديما: دراسة تاريخية. Majallah Al-Sharq Al-Awsat Li Al-Nashr Al-Ilmi, 5 (2) pp.
2022 تجربة الجامعة الإسلاميّة العالمية بماليزيا في تعليم العربيّة للنّاطقين بغيرها من خلال التعليم الشبكي: دراسة ميدانية وصفية. مجلة أنساق للفنون والآداب والعلوم الإنسانية, 7 (3) (2) pp. 277-297
2022 صورة الآخر في روایة "صباحات في جنین" لسوزان أبو الھوى / The image of The Other in the novel of "Mornings in Jenin" by Susan Abulhawa. Journal of Islam in Asia, 19 (2) pp. 193-234
2021 ‘Travelers of unknown path’: on the aim of Islamic Education. Intellectual Discourse, 29 (1 (2021)) pp. 5-34
2021 Cyber security and maqasid al- shariah: a case of facebook application. International Research Journal Of Shariah, Muamalat And Islam (IRJSMI), 3 (6) pp. 12-25
2021 Freemium multi-sided platform business model: mosque kitchen as a source of free food, employment and empowerment of B40s food-preneurs. Journal of Information Systems and Digital Technologies, 3 (2) pp. 1-10
2021 Internationalization of Education during the Epoch of COVID-19 Pandemic: the way forward. Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI) 7138- 7143, 12 (6 (JULY)) pp. 7138-7154
2021 Malaysian-Omani historical and cultural relationship: in context of halwa maskat and baju maskat. International Journal Of Heritage, Art And Multimedia (IJHAM), 4 (12) pp. 17-27
2021 The prophecy of green Arabia and the possibility of miracle: a refutation of David Hume’s theory of no miracle. Hamdard Islamicus, 44 (1) pp. 29-51
2021 أسلمة المعرفة في الشعر العربي بين الجاهلية والإسلام: شعر حسان بن ثابت في المدح أمنوذجا = Islamization of Arabic Poetry between Pre-Islamic (Jahiliyyah) and Islamic Period: Praise Poetry of Hassan Ibn Tsabit as a Case Study. Al-hikmah International Journal of Islamic Studies and Human Sciences, 4 (Special Issue) pp. 1-20
2021 أسلمة المعرفة وجهودها لتحييد فكرة الإسلام الليبرالي: دراسة وصفية = The Islamization of Knowledge and Its Efforts to Neutralize The Idea of Liberal Islām: A Descriptive Study. Al-hikmah International Journal of Islamic Studies and Human Sciences, 4 (Special Issue) pp. 1-24
2021 إسهامات محمد بن نقيب العطاس في أسلمة المعرفة في العالم الإسلامي المعاصر = The Contributions of Muhammad Naqib Al-Attas in the Islamization of the Contemporary Islamic World. Al-hikmah International Journal of Islamic Studies and Human Sciences, 4 (Speacial Issue) pp. 1-9
2021 البناء والتركيب في رواية "طيور التاجي" لإسماعيل فهد إسماعيل. Journal of Islam in Asia, () pp. 1-22
2021 البناء والتركيب في رواية "طيىر التاجي" لإسماعيل فهد إسماعيل Syntax and Structure in the Novel 'Tuyoor Al- Taji' By Ismail Fahad Ismail Ilmu Linguistik dan Gaya Bahasa di Dalam Novel 'Burung-Burung Taji' oleh Ismail Fahad Ismail. ISLAM IN ASIA, 18 (1) pp. 1-30
2021 التعلم النقّال في تعلم الشعر الجاهلي لطلبة الناطقين بغير العربية: "ديوان الشعر" أنموذجًا Learn classical Arabic poetry through mobile learning for non-native students: model “Diwanus Shi’ir”. Al-Risalah: Journal of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, 5 (1) pp. 236-259
2021 دافعية التعلم في ضوء الإسلام = Learning motivation from an Islamic perspective. Al-hikmah International Journal of Islamic Studies and Human Sciences, 4 (Special Issue) pp. 1-26
2021 دور العقل في الفكر الإسلامي المعاصر = The role of aqal in contemporary Islamic thought. Al-Hikmah International Journal of Islamic Studies and Human Sciences, 4 (Special Issue) pp. 27-63
2021 قضايا اجتماعية في ماليزيا من وجهة النظر الإسلامي = Social issues in Malaysia from the Islamic perspective. Al-hikmah International Journal of Islamic Studies and Human Science, 4 (Special Issue) pp. 1-30
2021 مساهمات اللغة العربية في أسلمة وسائل الإعلام في ماليزيا = The Contributions of Arabic Language in the Islamization of Mass Media in Malaysia. Al-hikmah International Journal of Islamic Studies and Human Sciences, 4 (Special Issue) pp. 1-14
2020 The theoretical framework for measuring Key Intangible Performance (KIP) in research and publication using Maqasid al-Shar'iah (MS). Intellectual Discourse, 28 (2) pp. 409-432
2019 Creating job opportunities through humanizing entrepreneurship education in Somalia. International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations, 7 (1 (April-September)) pp. 84-91
2018 A novel critique on ‘The scientific miracle of Qur’an philosophy’: an inter-civilization debate. Intellectual Discourse, 26 (2) pp. 705-727
2018 Dukhūluṣ saḥāfah ilā ad-dual al ‘Arabiyyah wa ta’ṡīruhā ‘alā al-mujtama’ al-‘arabi = دخول لصحافة إلى الدول العربية وتأثيرها على المجتمع العربي. لسان الضاد, 5 (2) pp. 127-140
2018 Good governance based on Maqāsid al-Sharī‛ah in management of tabung masjid: a case study of Malaysia. Islamic Quarterly, 62 (1) pp. 43-60
2018 Imam Bediuzzaman's concept of tolerance as a pillar of wasatiyyah (moderation) and unity. The Journal of Risale-I Nur Studies, 1 (1) pp. 29-39
2018 Kulliyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, IIUM: a successful story of integration of Islamic and human sciences. International Journal of Muslim World Studies, xx (xx) pp. 1-20
2018 The significant contribution of Caliphs in the efflorescence of Muslim librarianship: a historical account. Intellectual Discourse, 26 (Special Issue (Waqf)) pp. 1247-1261
2018 التصميم الجديد لتدريس الشعر العربي. International Journal of Muslim World Studies, xx (xx) pp. 1-14
2018 الصورة الموسيقية لدى الشاعرين الوزير جنيد وعيسى ألبي: تحليل وموازنة. Anyigba Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studie, 6 (1) pp. 177-192
2018 قرأة نقدية في رواية في حضرة العنقاء والخل الوفي = A critical reading of “fī hadhrati al-ʽAnqā’ wa al-Khill al-Wāfi” = Sorotan kritikal “fī hadhrati al-ʽAnqā’ wa al-Khill al-Wāfi”. مجلة الدراسات اللغوية والأدبية (Journal of Linguistic and Literary Studies), 9 (2 (Special issue)) pp. 253-265
2018 للكاتب البروناوي الحاج محمد حسين بن عبد الرحمن (Pancawarna)"سمات الأدب الإسلامي في رواية "الألوان الخمسة = Features of Islamic literature in the novel “Pancawarna” by Bruneian writer Haji Md Hussain bin Abdul Rahman. Journal of Islam in Asia, 15 (3: Special Issue: Integration of Islamic Revealed Knowledge into Humanities and Social Sciences) pp. 72-96
2017 Development of Islamic values through Arabic poetry; contribution of Arabic literature websites. Al-Shajarah, 22 (2) pp. 151-174
2017 Investing Muslim public funds for fulfilling maqasid al-shari'ah: a case study of tabung masjid in malaysia. Journal of Islam in Asia, 14 (2) pp. 283-308
2017 The efforts of Malaysian Muslim NGOs in spreading the message of peace in Malaysia: Activities and challenges. ASIATIC, 11 (2) pp. 92-101
2017 The tiger and the terrorist: how Malaysian NGOs deal with terrorism. Intellectual Discourse, 25 (2) pp. 297-319
2017 إشكالية الترجمة الأدبية من لغة يوربا إلى العربية في رواية قصب المخيِّم استدراكات لترجمة الأستاذ أحمد شيخ عبد السلام. Alimi Journal of Arabic Studies, xx (xx) pp. 1-19
2017 إيجابيات اللغة العربية وسلبياتها في قصص "حكايات طبيب" لدى الملايو. Journal of Islam in Asia, xx (xx) pp. 1-21
2017 عصر الانحطاط بين القبول والرفض = The age of decline between adoption and rejection = Era keruntuhan antara penerimaan dan penolakan. At-Tajdid, 41 (A) pp. 243-277
2017 قضية الوطن في ديوان "التجوال في الموانئ البعيدة" لعارف خضيري وديوان "دامي دالم سنتوهن" لشكري زين دراسة تحليلية مقارنة. Lisanudhad, () pp.
2016 Understanding the classical Malay literary framework: A reappraisal of the poetic theories of Vladimir Braginsky and Muhammad Haji Salleh. Asiatic: IIUM Journal of English Language and Literature, 10 (2) pp. 148-162
2016 صورة البطولة في قصة "في أحراج يعبد" لروضة الهدهد: دراسة تحليلية = The image of Heroic figures in the story of ‘Aḥrāj Ya‘bud by Wardah al-Hudhud: an analytical study = Gambaran watak keperwiraan di dalam Kumpulan Cerpen ‘Aḥrāj Ya‘bud nukilan Rawdah al-Hudhud: satu kajian analitik. Journal of Linguistic and Literary Studies, 7 (3) pp. 223-244
2015 الخصائص العامة للشعر العربي في ولايتي هوسا ويوربا: نظرات مقارنة = General characteristics of Arabic poetry in the Provinces of Hausa and Yoruba: Some comparative considerations = Ciri-ciri umum Syair Arab di Wilayah Hausa dan Yoruba: Beberapa pertimbangan perbandingan. Al-Tajdid , 19 (37) pp. 111-147
2015 المميزات العامة للشعر العربي في ولايتي هوسا ويوربا: نظرات مقارنة. al-Tajdid , 19 (37) pp. 1-34
2015 مظاهر التأثر والتأثير في شعر المدائح النبوي = Mazahir al-tathir wa-al-tathir fi shi'r al-mada'ih al-nabawi. Majallah al-Dirasat al-Islamiyah, () pp.
2015 مقاربات تاريخية لتطور الشعر العربي بنيجيريا: ولايتا هوسا ويوربا أنموذجين. Majallah al-Arabiyah wa al-Tarjumah, Arab Organization for Translation, 21 (3/2015) pp.
2015 نحو أسلوب فعّال لتدريس الشعر العربي في السياق الماليزي = Nahw uslub fa'al litadris al-syi'r al-'arabiy fi al-siyaqi al-Maliziy. Majallat Jami'ah al-Quds al-Maftuhah, 36 (2) pp. 306-324
2014 Mazahir al-ta'thir wa-al-ta'thir fi shi'r mada'ih al-nabawiyah = مظاهر التأثر والتأثير في شعر المدائح النبوية = . Journal Hawliyat al-Jami'at al-Islamiyyat al-'Alamiyyah, 22 () pp. 329-344
2014 Sastera sebagai sumber ilmu: satu tinjauan terhadap sorotan pengertian al-adab. Universiti Islam Sharif Ali Refereed Journal (UNISSA Journal), 3 () pp. 1-29
2014 The literary facets of the Qur'an as a guideline for islamic literary writing. Al-Shajarah , 19 (2) pp. 215-250
2014 اسهامات العلماء والمفكرين في أرخبيل ملايو في تطور المجتمعات ونشر التعاليم اﻹسلامية = Ishamat al-ulama' wa-al-mufakkirin fi arkhabil Malayu fi tatawur al-mujtama'at wa-nasr al-ta'alim al-Islamiyah. Dirasat Da'awiyah , () pp.
2014 وجوه التأثر بالتراث العربي الإسلامي في أدب الهوسا أعمال الحاج أبي بكر إمام القصصية ‏أنموذجًا = Faces vulnerable to Arab-Islamic heritage in literature Hausa Haj Abu Bakr to the realization of short stories "model". مجلة الأستاذ (Al-Ustath), 209 () pp.
2013 Integration of an interactive program in learning Arabic language for non-native speakers via virtual tutor. GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies, 13 (3) pp. 117-131
2013 MyMosqueNet2Cloud collaborative system: a network of mosques towards eradicating poverty in Malaysia. American Academic and Scholarly Research Journal, 5 (5) pp. 169-179
2013 Unsur-unsur retorik dalam puisi Melayu Al-Amin karya A.Samad Said = Rhetorical Elements in the Malay Poetry Al-Amin by A. Samad Said. Jurnal Usuluddin, 37 (2) pp. 1049-1081
2013 اللغة العربية في الهند: فن وابتكار. مجلة اللسان العربي, X (X) pp. XX-XX
2013 توظيف أسلوب الشرط في شعر امرئ القيس – استقرائية تحليلية. المجلة العلمية, 28 () pp.
2013 غرس الذوق العربي بالأشعار والأمثال العربية عند الناطقين بغيرها = The impact of Arabic poetry and proverbs in teaching English to non-native speakers. مجلة كلیة التربیة للبنات, 24 (1) pp. 1-13
2012 Investigating the perceived emotional experience of bilinguals in the acquisition of first and second languages: KIRKHS students as a case study. International Journal of Social Science and Humanity (IJSSH), 2 (6) pp. 554-556
2011 A bird’s eye view on the Islamic discourse in Indonesia . International Journal of Business and Social Science, 2 (11) pp. 101-109
2011 Manipulasi peristiwa Israk Mikraj dalam karya sastera arab dan barat: satu analisis terhadap Al-Maqamah Al-Iblisiyah, Al-Tawabi' Wa Al-Zawabi', Risalat Al-Ghufran dan The Divine Comedy. KEMANUSIAAN The Asian Journal of Humanities, 18 (1) pp. 53-76
2011 Sastera Islam: satu perbandingan antara pandangan Mohd. Affandi Hassan dengan Abu Hassan Al Nadwi. Jurnal e-Utama, 3 () pp.
2011 العمل الأدبيّ بين نظريتي التعبير و"النص المثالي"(TEKSDEALISMA): رواية "محبّة" أنموذجًا = al-'Amal al-adabi bayna naziratay al-ta'bir wa "al-nass al-mithali (TEKSDEALISMA): riwayat "mahabbat" anmudhajan . al-Sirat: Jurnal Kolej Islam Pahang Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah (KIPSAS), 12 () pp. 163-185
2011 اللهجة العامية في تفسير عبد الله الطيّب المجذوب = al-Lahjah al-'amiyah fi Tafsir 'Abd Allah al-tayyib al-Majzub . مجلة الإسلام في آسيا (Majallah al-Islam fi Asia) , 8 (2) pp. 167-183
2011 المناظرة وسيلة للتفاهم بين الأفراد والأطراف المتباينة في المجتمع . Journal of Linguistic and Literary Studies, () pp.
2011 دراسة تحليلية لرواية مأساة العبيد على ضوء خصائص الأدب الإسلامي = Dirasat tahliliyat li-riwayat ma'sat al-'abid 'ala daw' khasa'is al-adab al-Islami. Journal of Islam in Asia, () pp.
2011 دور الخطابة المنبرية في التطور اللغوي العربي في جنوب نيجيريا "خطبة الشيخ حبيب الله آدم نموذجا" . Journal of Islam in Asia, () pp.
2011 دور الخطابة المنبرية في التطور اللغوي العربي في جنوب نيجيريا "خطبة الشيخ حبيب الله آدم نموذجا" (Dawr al-khitabah al-manbariyah fi al-tatawwur al-lughawi al-'Arabi fi Janub Naygeria "Khutbah al-Shaykh Habib Allah Adam namudhajan") . Journal of Islam in Asia, Spcl (1) pp. 137-166
2011 ملامح الخطاب الاجتماعي في القصة الملايوية النسوية الحديثة (Malamih al-khitab al-ijtima'i fi al-qissah al-Malayuwiyah al-naswiyah al-hadithah) . al-Tajdid , 15 (30) pp. 11-45
2011 منهج الخطاب القرآني في الحديث عن النصرانية، وآثار المنهج القرآني (Manhaj al-khitab al-Qur'ani fi al-hadith 'an al-Nasraniyah, wa athar al-manhaj al-Qur'ani). Journal of Islam in Asia, () pp.
2011 نافذة على المناهج الأدبية الإسلامية الملايوية = Nafidhat 'ala al-manahij al-adabiyah al-Islamiyah al-Malayuwiyah. Journal of Islam in Asia, () pp.
2011 نافذة على مناهج الأدبية الإسلامية الملايوية (Nafizah 'ala manahij al-adabiyah al-Islamiyah al-Malayuwiyah). Journal of Islam in Asia, (2) pp. 199-247
2010 “Karya Al Tawabi’ wa Al Zawabi’ oleh Ibn Shuhayd dan Risalat Al Ghufran oleh Al Ma’ari: Satu Adaptasi Daripada Peristiwa Isra’ Mi’raj” (Ibn Shuhayd’s Al Tawabi’ and Al Ma’ari’s Risalat Al Ghufran: An Adaptation of the Isra’ Mi’raj Incident). Dinika, 8 (1) pp. 6-17
2010 Karya Al Tawabi’ wa Al Zawabi’ oleh Ibn Shuhayd dan Risalat Al Ghufran oleh Al Ma’ari: satu adaptasi daripada peristiwa Isra’ Mi’raj” (Ibn Shuhayd’s Al Tawabi’ and Al Ma’ari’s Risalat Al Ghufran: an adaptation of the Isra’ Mi’raj incident). . Dinika, 8 (1) pp. 1-16
2010 التطرق على قضية الحداثة في الشعر العربي المعاصر = Al-tatarruq 'ala qadiyah al-hadathah fi-al-shi'ir al-'arabi al-mu'asir . Majallah ‘Ulum Insania (E-Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences), 8 (46) pp. 1-22
2010 الملامح عن الأنشودة الإسلامية بماليزيا. International Refereed Journal of Language and Culture, 1 (1) pp. 31-55
2009 A bird’s eye view on Muslim scholarship in Southeast Asia . The International Journal oh Humanities, 7 (3) pp. 7-20
2009 التطرق على شعر الوطنية عند الرصاف والزكوي: دراسة تحليلية مقارنة. Australian Journal of Islamic Studies, () pp.
2009 التطرق على قصيدة "البردة" للبوصيري وقصيدة "الاءمين" للاءديب الملايوي الماليزي داتوك ا.صمد سعيد: دراسة تحليلية مقارنة “Attarruq ‘Ala Qasidah Al Burdah li Al Busairi wa Qasidah Al Amin li A. Samad Said:Dirasah Tahliliyyah Muqaranah” (An Analytical Comparative Study on the “Burdah’ Panegyric of Busairi (The Arab Poet) and A.Samad Said (The Malay Poet) . Majallah ‘Ulum Insania (E-Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences), 43 (7) pp. 1-47
2009 العمل الأدبي بين نظرية التعبير ونظرية "النص المثالي" (TEKSDEALISMA): رواية "محبة" أنموذجا(al-'Amal al-adabi bayna nazariyat al-ta'bir wa nazariyat "al-nas al-mithali" (TEKSDEALISMA): riwayat "mahabbat" anmudhajan). الرسالة (al-Risalah), 9 (9) pp. 91-112
2008 واقع المرأة الأردنية في القصة النسوية الأردنية: دراسة سوسيولوجية. Al-Risala, 8 (8) pp. 129-156
2006 Islamic literature and sastera Islami: a conceptual comparison. Intellectual Discourse, 14 (1) pp. 71-87
Conference or Workshop Item

2021 Business model shifts: masjid kitchens as soup kitchens, jobs employment and empowering asnaf entrepreneurs, and income generation for the masjid. In: International Conference on Information Technology for the Muslim World (ICT4M 2021),
2021 Cooperative behavior (ta’awun) between mosques and civic organizations in empowering asnafpreneurs through IIUM m-kitchen® project. In: 2nd Kedah International Zakat Conference 2021 (KEIZAC 2021),
2021 E-Diwan App: embracing 21st century technologies and innovations in the learning & teaching of Arabic poetry. In: International Conference on Humanities, Business, Education, Social Sciences and Technology 2021 (ICHBEST2021),
2021 Embracing 21st century technologies and innovations in the learning & teaching of Islamic studies. In: International Conference and Exhibiton 2021 (NICX2021),
2021 Peranan Perempuan Dalam Pendidikan, Dakwah Dan Kepimpinan. In: Tanggapan Terhadap Praktik Kolonialisme: Kontribusi Cendiakawan Muslim di Asia Tenggara,
2021 The perceived educational dilemma of international students during the COVID-19 pandemic in Malaysia. In: Third International Seminar (Webinar) on the Roles of University in Responding to Psychosocial Issues in the Community 2021 (ISRUPIC 2021),
2021 المرأة واللغة العربية في ماليزيا: الواقع وآفاق المستقبل. In: ICESCO International Conference on Women and Arabic Language: Reality and The Future,
2021 تبعات جائحة (كوفيد ١٩) على أساليب تدريس اللغة العربية. In: International Language and Education Conference,
2021 تحديث أساليب تدريس الدراسات الإسلامية. In: المؤتمر الدولي الشريعة والتحديات المعاصرة نحو حلول للتحديات المعاصرة = International Conference on Shariah and Contemporary Challenges,
2020 "إي ديوان: الشعر بنقرة واحدة"اللغة العربية والتعليم الالكتروني في الجامعة اﻹسلامية العالمية بماليزيا. In: الندوة الدولية اللغة العربية والتعليم الالكتروني بمناسبة اليوم العالمي للغة العربية كلية دجلة الجامعة بالعراق,
2020 Cyber security and Maqasid Al-shariah: a case of Facebook application. In: International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches in Social Sciences, Islamic & Technology 2020 (ICMASIT 2020),
2020 Malaysian-Omani historical and cultural relationship. In: International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches in Social Sciences, Islamic & Technology 2020 (ICMASIT 2020),
2020 ﺇي ديوان: ديوان الشعر الإلكتروني تطبيق مبتكر للهاتف الجوال لتعليم العربية تفاعليًّا. In: Al-Multaqa Al-Dawliy Al-Awwal Li Al-Lughah Al-Arabiyah(The 1st International Symposium on Arabic Language),
2018 Cyber security maturity model and Maqasid al-Shari'ah. In: 2018 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for the Muslim World (ICT4M),
2018 E-Diwan ingenious mobile interactive Arabic language education tool. In: International University Carnival on E-Learning (IUCEL) 2018,
2018 How learning technologies are transforming studies at IIUM?. In: The Digital Campus and Learning Transformation 2018,
2018 Islamic education reform for new women leadership of the millennial generation. In: Milad Satu Abad Madrasah Muallimaat Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta,
2018 الأدب العربي الإسلامي في أرخبيل الملايو تطوُّر تعليمه في ماليزيا أنموذجًا. In: Symposium on Contemporary Approaches in Islamic Literature in Southeast Asia 2018,
2018 التجربة الماليزية في التنمية المستدامة. In: المؤتمر الدولي الثامن للإتحاد العربي للتنمية المستدامة والبيئة الصحة والبيئة في إطار التنمية المستدامة 201,
2018 تَجْرِبَةُ الجَامِعَةِ الإسْلامِيَّةِ العَالَمِيَّةِ في مَالِيزْيَا في تَعْلِيْمِ العَرَبِيَّةِ لِلنَّاطِقِيْنَ بِغَيْرِهَا. In: تعليم اللغة العربية في جمهورية إندوتيسيا: الواقع والمستقبل 2018,
2018 مكانة البحث اللغوي في بناء الإنسان المتسلح بالعلم لمواجهة الثورة الصناعية. In: 2nd International Conference on Research, Language, and Education (ICORALE2018),
2017 Good governance based on Maqasid al-Shariah in management of tabung masjid: a case study of Malaysia. In: 6th International Conference on Islamic Jurisprudence (ICIJ 2017),
2017 IIUM: a successful story of integration of Islamic and human sciences. In: Conference on Islamisation and Integration of Knowledge 2017,
2017 Imam Bediuzzaman Said Nursi's concept of tolerance and a pillar of moderation and unity. In: International Conference on Bediuzzaman Said Nursi’s Thought on Wasatiyah and an Exemplary Society 2017,
2017 Islam and leadership universal values in the construction of a pluralistic world. In: The Third International conference on Qalb – Guided Leadership in Higher Education Institutions (iQALB2017),
2017 Kulliyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, IIUM: a successful story of integration of Islamic and human sciences. In: Reform of Higher Education in Muslim Societies Roundtable,
2017 Role of public funds in sustaining Islamic microfinance based on Maqasid approach: a case study of Selangor Tabung Masjid. In: 4th International Islamic Economics and Finance Congress,
2017 Role of public funds in sustaining Islamic microfinance based on maqasid approach: a case study of Selangor tabung masjid. In: 4th International Islamic Economics and Finance Congress,
2017 The endeavour of Malaysian muslim NGOs in spreading the message of peace in Malaysia: activities and challenges. In: International Forum on ‘Role Of Muslim NGOs In Promoting Culture Of Peace: Challenges And Prospects,
2017 الأساليب المعاصرة في تدريس الأدب العربي للناطقين بغيرها. In: International Conference on Arabic Language and Literature (ICALL) 2017,
2017 الأساليب المعاصرة في تدريس الأدب العربي للناطقين بغيرها. In: International Conference on Arabic Language and Literature (ICALL) 2017,
2017 التصميم الجديد لتدريس الشعر العربي للناطقين بغير اللغة العربية. In: Seminar Kebangsaan Bahasa dan Kesusasteraan Arab 2017 (SEMBARA 2017),
2017 تعليم الشعر الجاهلي لمتعلمي اللغة العربية المتقدمين من غير العرب باستخدام تطبيق "ديوان الشعر الإلكتروني". In: 6th International Conference on Arabic Language & Literature (iCALL 2017),
2016 Enhancing Quranic and fardhu ain programmes through hybrid learning among orphans at Rumah Amal Baitul Kasih, Rawang. In: International Conference on Knowledge Transfer (ICKT 2015),
2016 الأدب الإسلامي. In: One Day Seminar on Islamic Literature in Nusantara 2016,
2015 A cybersecurity capability maturity model based on Maqasid Shari’ah(MS-C2M2). In: International Conference on Maqasid Al-Shari'ah in Public Policy and Governance,
2015 Enhancement program of reciting al-Quran and fardhu ain through hybrid learning among orphans at Rumah Amal Baitul Kasih, Rawang = Program pemantapan bacaan al-Quran dan fardhu ain di kalangan anak-anak yatim melalui pembelajaran hybrid di Pusat Jagaan Anak-Anak Yatim Baitul Kasih Rawang. In: International Conference on Knowledge Transfer (ICKT 2015),
2015 العنصر التعليمي في رواية قصب المخيّم للروائي النيجيري دي أو فاغنوا وملامح بعض التعاليم الإسلامية فيها: دراسة أدبية تحليلية . In: The 5th International Conference Of Arabic Language & Literature(ICALL 2015),
2014 eHalal4All program - promoting a halal rural products and services globally by harnessing the Network-of-Mosques(NoM) capabilities. In: International Halal Conference 2014 (INHAC 2014) ,
2013 Designing an interactive program for learning Arabic language for non-native speakers via Virtual Tutor . In: International Language for Communication Conference (ILCC 2013): Engaging Global Community: Breaking the Barries to Effective Communication,
2013 MyMukim2Cloud collaborative system: A mosque collaborative network for enhancing and serving the society needs in Malaysia. In: International Conference on ICT for the Muslim World (ICT4M) 2013,
2013 Towards eradicating poverty in Malaysia: leveraging on MyMosqueNet2Cloud collaborative system. In: International Conference on Rural ICT Development 2013 (RICTD 2013),
2012 An interactive program for teaching Arabic Language for the non-native speakers. In: International Conference on Quality Of Teaching & Learning (ICQTL 2012),
2010 نافذة على تاريخ أندونيسيا من خلال مسرحية "عودة الفردوس" لعلي أحمد باكثير. In: المؤتمر العلمي الأول للغة العربية بماليزيا: اسهامات اللغة والأدب في البناء الحضاري للأمة الاسلامية,
2010 Using multimedia to teach Arabic literature. In: 1ST International Language Conference,
2010 قضية قدرة العربية على الوفاء بمطالب الحضارة الحديثة (Qadhiyyah qudrah al-arabiyyah ala al-wafa' bi matalib al-hadharah al-hadithah). In: المؤتمر الدولي للغة العربية "اللغة العربية بين الانقراض والتطور ، تحديات وتوقعات" (al-Mu'tamar al-duwali lil-lughah "al-lughat al-'Arabiyah bayn al-inqirad wa al-tatawwur, tahaddiyat wa tawqi'at"),
2009 دور الأدب العربيّ في تقوية تعلّم اللغة العربية. In: المؤتمر الوطني الأول لتعليم اللغة العربية في ماليزيا,
2007 دور القاصات الماليزيات في الدفاع عن حقوق المرأة وإثراء المكتبة الأدبية الملايوية. In: International Conference on the Status of Muslim Women in Contemporary Societies,

2023 mKitchen™ towards Masyarakat Madani. mKitchen KICT IIUM, ISBN: 9789672656999
2023 Rumah Makan mKitchen for Free Food Distribution. mKitchen, KICT IIUM, ISBN: 978-967-26569-8-2
2022 Batch 3 IIUM mkitchen students. mKitchen, ISBN: 978-967-26569-6-
2022 Budi Ramadan mKitchen IIUM students. mKitchen KICT, ISBN: 978-967-26569-4-4
2022 Empowered batch 3 IIUM mkitchen students. mKitchen, ISBN: 978-967-26569-7-5
2022 MKitchen IIUM students integrate food with budi sejahtera. mKitchen Kulliyyah of Information and Communication Technology (KICT), ISBN: 978-967-26569-3-7
2022 MKitchen training and development. Mkitchen, KICT IIUM Gombak, ISBN: 978-967-26569-2-0
2022 Readings on Sejahtera MKitchen Entrepreneurship. mKitchen KICT IIUM, ISBN: 978-967-26569-5-1
2022 بحوث في الأدب الإسلامي. Al Manar Resources, ISBN: 978-629-97700-1-5
2022 بحوث في تعليم اللغة العربية وتعلُّمها. Al Manar Resources, ISBN: 978-629-97700-0-8
2022 مدخل إلى توظيف الخطابة في تعزيز الكفاية اللغوية للناطقين بغير العربية = An introduction to employing the public speech in enhancing the lingual proficiency of Arabic non-native speakers. Islamic World Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization, ISBN: 978-9920-682-27-5
2022 مطبخ المسجد: مشروع ريادي تعاوني. Al Manar Resources, ISBN: 978-629-97700-2-2
2021 A journey of ta’awun (cooperative behaviour) in edu-action at IIUM Mkitchen® and Masjid al-Syakirin Gombak (MASG). Meso Publishing, ISBN: 9789671981412
2021 Budiman Mahallah kitchen. mKitchen, ISBN: 9789672656906
2021 History of Arabic literature (Arabic). Perbadanan Kota Buku, ISBN:
2021 Inaugural edu-action journey with cooperative behavior (Ta’awun) of mKitchen® students in free food for the needy. Meso Publishing, ISBN: 978-967-19814-4-3
2021 Mkitchen® UIAM penggerak asnaf sejahtera lestari. Meso Publishing, ISBN: 978-967-19814-2-9
2018 Umat Islam dan Barat dilemma langkah dan tindak balas. ذاكرة عمان, ISBN: 978-9933-29-498-4
2018 عمان في الذاكرة الماليزية، المرجعية التاريخية والتراث الثقافي للشعب العماني في ماليزيا = Oman in the Malaysian memory: the historical reference and cultural heritage of Omani nation in Malaysia. ذاكرة عمان, ISBN: 978-9933-29-496-0
2017 التحليل الفني ونقد الترجمة العربية لرواية قصب الدخيّم اليورباوية. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, ISBN: 978-967-418-987-7
2017 الدوازنة بين الوزير جنيد وعيسى ألبي في ضوء الشعر العربي الحديث. IIUM Press, ISBN: 978-967-418-950-1
2017 القيم الإسلامية في أدب العرب والدادينغ. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, ISBN: 978-967-418-957-0
2017 القيم الإسلامية في أمثال العرب والمادينغ. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, ISBN: 978-967-418-957-0
2017 القيم الإسلامية في النصوص الشعرية العربية المختارة. International Institute of Islamic Thought, ISBN:
2017 المقارنة بين صورة المرأة في حياتها الأسرية في الحكايتين الشعبيتين. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, ISBN: 978-967-418-951-8
2017 الموازنة بين الوزير جنيد وعيسى ألبي في ضوء الشعر العربي الحديث. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, ISBN: 978-967-418-950-1
2017 شرح قصيدة غرة الزمان في مديح سلطان عمان = An analysis on Ibn Shaykhan's eulogy poem "Ghurrat Al-Zaman" for the Sultan of Oman. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, ISBN: 978-967-418-826-9
2017 مشهد الشعر العماني في العصر البوسعيدي. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, ISBN: 978-967-418-964-8
2017 معالم خطاب ما بعد الاستعمار في روايتي "مواكب الأحرار" لنجيب الكيلاني "وأسرة حرب العصابات" لبراموديا. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, ISBN: 978-967-418-959-4
2017 ملامح الخطاب الاجتماعية في القصص الملايوية والأردنية النسوية الحديثة. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, ISBN: 978-967-418-803-0
2011 Kaukabah al-'Ulama wa al-mufakkirin fi arkhabil al-Malayu. IIUM Press, ISBN: 9789670225715
2011 دراسات في قضايا اللغة العربية وآدابها (Dirasat fi qadaya al-lughah al-'Arabiyah wa-adabiha). IIUM Press, ISBN: 967-0225-55-5
2011 قضايا في الأدب الإسلامي الملايوي (Qadaya fi al-adab al-Islami al-Malayuwi) . IIUM Press, ISBN: 9789670225593
2011 كوكبة العلماء والمفكرين في أرخبيل الملايو (Kawkabat al-'ulama' wa al-mufakkirin fi Arkhabil al-Malayu). IIUM PRESS, ISBN:
2011 مجموعة من الدراسات المقارنة بين الأدبين العربي والملايوي (majmu'ah min al-dirasat al-muqaranah baina al-adabaini al-arabi wa al-malayuwi). IIUM Press, ISBN: 9789670225562
2011 مقتطفات من الشعر الجاهلي = (Muqtatafat min al-shi'r al-jahili) . IIUM Press, ISBN: 9789670225579
2009 مناهج الأدب الإسلامي عند الأد باء العرب والملايويين في العصر الحديث (Manahij al-adab al-Islami 'inda al-udaba' al-'Arab wa-al-Malayuwiyin fi al-'asr al-hadith). IIUM Press, ISBN: 9789833855933
2009 مناهج الأدب اﻹسلامي عند الأدباء الملايويين والعرب في العصر الحديث. IIUM Press, ISBN: 978-983-3855-93-3
2008 اﻹسلام والأدب الملايوي: تحليل للنقاشات في ماليزيا (Al-Islam wa al-adab al-Malayu: tahlil lil-naqashad fi Malizia). IIUM Press, ISBN: 978-983-3855-41-4
2008 اﻹسلام والأدب الملايوي: تحليل للنقاشات في ماليزيا (Al-Islam wa al-adab al-Malayu: tahlil lil-naqashad fi Malizia). IIUM Press, ISBN: 978-983-3855-41-4
2008 الإسلام والأدب الملايوي: تحليل للنقاشات في ماليزيا al-Islam wa al-adab al-Malayuwi: tahlil li al-niqasyat fi Malizia. IIUM Press, ISBN: 9789733855414
2005 آفاق الأدب اﻹسلامي الملايوي. Darul Tajdid, ISBN: 983-2599-47-4/979-983-2599-47-9
2005 محاضرات في نصوص شعرية جاهلية واسلامية. Darul Tajdid, ISBN: 983-2599-48-2
Book Section

2022 Investment of Tabung Masjid in Malaysia toward fulfilling Maqasid-Al-Shariah. In: Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN: 978-3-031-06889-8, pp. 255-274
2022 آليات التَّناصِّ القرآنيِّ في نقائض جرير والفرزدق والأخطل. In: Al Manar Resources, ISBN: 978-629-97700-1-5, pp. 31-62
2022 إستراتيجيات تعلُّم الكلمات لدى المتخصصين في اللغة العربية وآدابها في الجامعة الإسلامية العالمية بماليزيا. In: Al Manar Resources, ISBN: 978-629-97700-0-8, pp. 77-100
2022 الـمُثُل الأخلاقيَّة في سيرة عنترة بن شدَّاد. In: Al Manar Resources, ISBN: , pp. 11-30
2022 الخصائص الإسلاميَّة في فيلم علي بابا بوجانغ لابوك. In: Al Manar Resources, ISBN: : 978-629-97700-1-5, pp. 117-138
2022 القيم الأخلاقيَّة في حكايات جحا العربيَّة والسيد بندير الملايويَّة. In: Al Manar Resources, ISBN: 978-629-97700-1-5, pp. 99-115
2022 الملامح الإسلاميَّة في قصائد الباروديِّ الوطنيَّة. In: Al Manar Resources, ISBN: 978-629-97700-1-5, pp. 63-97
2022 تحليل الأخطاء النحوية في قراءة القصة القصيرة لدى طلبة المرحلة الثانوية. In: Al Manar Resources, ISBN: , pp. 101-135
2022 تعلُّم اللغة العربية وآدابها في الجامعة الإسلامية العالمية بماليزيا في ظلِّ وباء كوفيد 19: فرصٌ وتحدِّياتٌ. In: Al Manar Resources, ISBN: 978-629-97700-0-8, pp. 11-43
2022 تقييم فاعلية استخدام الفيديوات القصيرة في اكتساب الكلمات العربية لدى تلاميذ الصف السادس الأساسي: فيديوات الرسوم المتحركة "تعلَّم مع زكريا" أنموذجًا. In: Al Manar Resources, ISBN: 9786299770008, pp. 45-75
2022 مقاربة التلعيب في تعلُّم اللغة العربية وآدابها لدى طلبة المرحلة الجامعية في ماليزيا. In: Al Manar Resources, ISBN: 978-629-97700-0-8, pp. 137-164
2021 Redesign business model of masjid kitchens as soup kitchens, providing jobs employment and nurturing of asnaf as entrepreneurs, and income generation for the masjid. In: Pusat Islam UTM, ISBN: , pp. 100-111
2019 Research and innovation: acculturating Itqan, Ikhlas and excellence. In: IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, ISBN: 978-967-491-035-8, pp. 193-203
2018 تجربتي في تعلم العربية وتعليمها. In: King Abdallah Ibn Abdul Aziz International Centre for the Arabic Language, Saudi Arabia, ISBN: 978-603-8221-18-1, pp. 97-111
2016 eHalal4All Program—Promoting Halal rural products and services globally by harnessing the Network-of-Mosques (NoM) capabilities . In: Springer Singapore, ISBN: 978-981-10-1450-5, pp. 335-346
2016 eHalal4All Program—Promoting Halal rural products and services globally by harnessing the Network-of-Mosques (NoM) capabilities . In: Springer Singapore, ISBN: 978-981-10-1450-5, pp. 335-346
2011 "سيرة خير البرية في قصيدتي "البردة للبوصيريٌ و"الأمين لعبد الصمد سعيد دراسة مقارنة (Sirah Khairul Bariyyyah fi qasidati " Burdah" lil Bosara wa al-Amin li Abdul Samad Said dirasah muqaranah). In: IIUM Press, ISBN: 9789670225562, pp. 55-102
2011 Abu al-Hasan Ali al-Nadwi dan pandangannya tentang sastera Islam (manhaj al-adab al-Islami 'ind al-shayhu abi al-Hasan Ali an-Nadwi) . In: IIUM Press, ISBN: 9789670225593, pp. 109-147
2011 إطلالة على فن المسرح العربي والملايوي الحديث (Itlalah 'ala fann al-masrah al-'Arabi wa-al-Malayuwiy al-hadith) . In: IIUM Press, ISBN: 9789670225562, pp. 41-53
2011 الشخصية الرئيسة في مسرحيتي شكسبير " أنطونيو" وشوقي "كليوباترا" : دراسة مقارنة (al-Syakhsiyyah al-ra'isiyyah fi masrihiyati Shakespeare 'Antonio' wa Shawki 'Cleopatra': dirasah muqaranah). In: IIUM Press, ISBN: 9789670225562, pp. 21-31
2011 القضية الاجتماعية في روايتي"زقاق المدق" لنجيب محفوظ و"سالينا" لصمد سعيد: دراسة تحليلية مقارنة (al-Qadiyah al-ijtima'iyah fi-riwayatay Zuqaq al-midaq li-Najib Mahfuz wa-Salina li-Samad Sa'id: dirasah tahliliyah muqaranah). In: IIUM Press, ISBN: 9670225562, pp. 31-40
2011 الكتابة الجاوية لدى الجالية الملايوية في جنوب أفريقيا: التاريخ والمسيرة (al-Kitabah al-jawiyah lada al-jaliyah al-Malayuwiyah fi Janub Afriqiya: al-tarikh wa-al-masirah). In: IIUM Press, ISBN: 9670225449, pp. 263-271
2011 الكتابة الجاوية لدى الجالية الملايوية في جنوب أفريقيا: التاريخ والمسيرة (al-Kitabah al-jawiyah lada al-jaliyah al-Malayuwiyah fi Janub Afriqiya: al-tarikh wa-al-masirah). In: IIUM Press, ISBN: 9670225449, pp. 263-271
2011 الكتابة الجاوية لدى الجالية الملايوية في جنوب إفريقيا: التاريخ والمسيرة (al-kitabah al-jawiyyah lada al-jaliyyah al-malayuwiyyah fi junub Ifriqiyya: al-tarikh wa al-masirah). In: IIUM Press, ISBN: 9789670225449, pp. 319-328
2011 اللغة العربية وقدرتها على مواكبة المستحدثات الحضارية (al-lughah al-arabiyyah wa qudratiha 'ala muakabah al-mustahadithat al-hadharah). In: IIUM Press, ISBN: 967-0225-55-5, pp. 11-23
2011 رواية "محبّة" للأديب الوطني شحنون أحمد بين نظريتي: التعبير الغربي والنص المثاليّ الملايوي (Riwayah mahabbah lil-adib al-watani Shahnun Ahmad bayna naziratay: al-ta'bir al-gharbiy wa-al-nass al-mithali al-Malayuwi). In: IIUM Press, ISBN: 9789670225593, pp. 65-83
2011 قصص الأنبياء بين الأدبين الملايوي والعربي: دراسة نقدية مقارنة (Qasas al-anbiya' bayna al-adabayn al-Malayuwi wa-al-'Arabi: dirasah naqdiyah muqaranah). In: IIUM Press, ISBN: 9670225562, pp. 9-20
2011 مدخل إلى الأدب الإسلامي الملايوي (mudakhal ila al-adab al-Islami al-Malayuwi). In: IIUM Press, ISBN: 9789670225593, pp. 11-64
2011 مدخل ﺇلى الأدب الإسلامي الملايوي = Madkhal ila al-adab al-Islamiy al-Malayuwwi . In: IIUM Press, ISBN: 9670225593, pp. 11-56
2011 ملامح الأنشودة الإسلامية بماليزيا دراسة نقدية (malamih al-ansyudah al-Islamiyyah bi Maliziya dirasah naqdiyyah) . In: IIUM Press, ISBN: 9789670225593, pp. 85-107
2011 مواليد القرن الثامن عشر الميلادي . In: IIUM Press, ISBN: 9789670225715, pp. 15-25
2010 Features of the feminism discourse in modern Malay narration. In: IIUM Press, ISBN: 978 967 0225 01 2, pp. 356-362
2010 Sejarah tradisi sastera Arab dan Islam: fokus kepada sastera sebagai sumber ilmu. In: Institut Alam dan Tamadun Melayu (ATMA), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, ISBN: 9789832457220, pp. 18-81
2009 آفاق الأدب الإسلامي الملايوي (Afaq al-adab a-Islami al-Malayuwiyi) . In: IIUM Press, ISBN: , pp. 211-226
2009 ملامح الخطاب النسوي في القصة الملايوية الحديثة (Malamih al-khitab al-niswi fi al-qissah al-Malayuwiyah al-hadithah . In: IIUM Press, ISBN: 978 983 3855 78 0, pp. 203-210
2007 شعر الوطنية بين الرصافي والزكوي: دراسة تحليلية مقارنة. In: IIUM Press, ISBN: 9789832599739, pp. 223-242
2007 نافذة على تاريخ اندونيسيا من خلال مسرحية عودة الفردوس لعلي باكثير. In: IIUM Press, ISBN: 9789832599739, pp. 87-107

2020 A framework of good governance in regulating religious extremism to improve national security in Malaysia. In: IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia,
2020 Cadangan rasionalisasi Pejabat Education Malaysia selari dengan pelaksannan rasionalisasi pejabat perwakilan dan wakil agensi-agensi kerajaan Malaysia di luar negara oleh Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam. In: ,
2020 Cyber security capability maturity model based on Maqasid A Shari’ah (MS-C2M2). In: ,
2020 KPM “travel advisory” berkaitan jangkitan COVID-19 untuk warga Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia. In: ,
2020 The preparatory plan to prevent transmission of the COVID-19 for Malaysian institutes of higher learning. In: ,
2019 Garis panduan pemeriksaan kesihatan dan perlindungan insurans bagi pelajar antarabangsa di IPT Malaysia. In: ,
2019 Penambahbaikan dasar dan pengurusan pelajar antarabangsa ke institusi pendidikan tinggi di Malaysia. In: ,
2019 Penyelarasan pelaksanaan program education tourism. In: ,
2015 Program Pemantapan Bacaan Al-Quran dan Fardhu Ain Melalui Pembelajaran Hybrid di anak-anak Yatim Baitul Kasih Rawang - Knowledge Transfer Programme (KTP) 2014-2015. In: RMC and MoHe,
2012 Analysing the social and cultural underpinnings of pre-Islamic Arabic poetry. In: s.n,