Staff Directory

Farid Sufian Bin Shuaib

Academic Qualification

  • Doctor of Philosophy (Law) - Doctor of Philosophy, International Islamic University Malaysia
  • Master of Laws - Masters Degree, University of London
  • Bachelor of Laws - Bachelor Degree, International Islamic University Malaysia

Farid Sufian Bin Shuaib (Prof. Dr.)

IIUM Gombak Campus


Other's position:

Dean, Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws

Expert Profile

Farid Sufian Shuaib obtained his LLB (Hons) from the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) and was immediately offered a teaching post at the Kulliyyah of Laws, IIUM in 1993. He completed his LLM from Queen Mary, University of London and obtained his PhD in Law from IIUM.  He received and completed research grants on administration of Islamic law, media law and constitutional law. He published widely in Malaysian and international journals.  Among his books are Administration of Islamic Law in Malaysia: Text and Material, Powers and Jurisdiction of Syariah Courts in Malaysia and Constitutional Law of Malaysia: Case and Commentary published by LexisNexis and Pearson respectively. 
He has been invited to visit and to deliver seminars in universities in England, Turkey and Indonesia.  His writings are referred to in the judgments of superior courts in Malaysia. He was a Visiting Scholar at Queen Mary, University of London (QMUL) between February and March 2016.
He was awarded the Quality Research Award in 2005 by IIUM and received Hadiah Karya Kencana under the Science Social Category from the Dewan Bahasa and Pustaka in 2011.

Area of Specialisation

  • Social Science ~ Social Science ~ Media and Communications ~ Other Media and Communication n.e.c.
  • Social Science ~ Social Science ~ Syariah Law ~ Other Syariah Law n.e.c.
  • Social Science ~ Social Science ~ Law ~ International Law (Including Public and Private International Law, Law of the Sea, International Trade Law)
  • Social Science ~ Social Science ~ Law ~ Justice System

Teaching Responsibilities

ADMINISTRATION OF ISLAMIC JUDICIARY 2023/2024 2021/2022 2018/2019 2015/2016 2013/2014 2012/2013
COMPARATIVE LAW 2023/2024 2022/2023 2021/2022 2020/2021 2019/2020 2018/2019 2017/2018 2016/2017
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW I 2018/2019 2016/2017 2015/2016 2014/2015 2006/2007 2005/2006 2004/2005 2003/2004 2002/2003 2001/2002 2000/2001 1999/2000 1998/1999 1996/1997 1995/1996
INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS LAW 2020/2021 2019/2020 2017/2018 2013/2014 2012/2013
INTRODUCTION TO MALAYSIAN LEGAL SYSTEM 2008/2009 2007/2008 2006/2007 2005/2006
ISU-ISU UNDANG-UNDANG PERLEMBAGAAN 2015/2016 2014/2015 2012/2013
LAW OF TORTS I 1995/1996
LAW OF TORTS II 1995/1996 1994/1995
LEGAL METHOD 2008/2009 2007/2008
LEGAL SYSTEM AND HISTORY OF MALAYSIA 2013/2014 2012/2013 2011/2012
MALAYSIAN LEGAL SYSTEM 2017/2018 2016/2017 2013/2014 2012/2013 2011/2012 2010/2011 2009/2010 2008/2009 2007/2008 2006/2007
MALAYSIAN LEGAL SYSTEM I 2004/2005 1998/1999 1996/1997 1995/1996
MALAYSIAN LEGAL SYSTEM II 2007/2008 2000/2001 1999/2000 1998/1999 1997/1998 1995/1996
SISTEM UNDANG-UNDANG MALAYSIA 2018/2019 2017/2018 2014/2015 2013/2014 2012/2013 2011/2012 2010/2011 2009/2010


The Conduct Of Free And Fair Elections In Afghanistan: A Study Of Constitutional And Legal Framework.
Ph.D Completed 2023 Member Supervisory Committee
Application Of The Doctrine Of Separation Of Powers In The Constitution Of Afghanistan.
Ph.D Completed 2023 Main Supervisor
The Law Governing Freedom Of Speech And Mass Media In Afghanistan.
Ph.D Completed 2022 Main Supervisor
The Legal Study On Interfaith Marriage In Bangladesh : Issues And Prospects For Reform .
Ph.D Completed 2021 Member Supervisory Committee
The Malaysian Press Council: Towards Striking A Balance Between Public Interest And Freedom Of Press.
Ph.D Completed 2020 Main Supervisor
Constitutional Framework On National Language: Its Implementation In Malaysian Education Policy.
Ph.D Completed 2018 Main Supervisor
A Comparative Analysis Of The Film Censorship And The Film Censorship Board In Malaysia And Bangladesh.
Ph.D Completed 2017 Main Supervisor
Legal Protection Of Detainees: A Study In Northern Nigerian States.
Ph.D Completed 2017 Main Supervisor
The Right To Education In Nigeria: An Analysis Of Law And Policy.
Ph.D Completed 2016 Main Supervisor
Judicial Review Of Political Questions In Nigeria And Malaysia: A Comparative Analysis.
Ph.D Completed 2013 Co-supervisor
The Effectiveness Of Nigerian National Human Right Commission In Human Right Protection.
Ph.D Completed 2011 Co-supervisor
Contempt Of Court And Freedom Of Speech: Finding A Balance Between Two Competing Principles In Pakistan.
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
Resolving Conflict Through Federalism For Yemen’S New Constitution.
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
The Judicial Philosophy Of The Malaysian Courts In Constitutional Interpretation: Towards A Coherent Approach.
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
Position Of Islam Under Maldivian Constitution: Analysis On The Extent Of Its Implementation.
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
Position Of Islam Under Maldivian Constitution: Analysis On The Extent Of Its Implementation.
Ph.D In Progress Co-supervisor
Jurisdiction Of Syariah Courts Over Islamic Banking Matters: Problems And Prospects.
Master Completed 2012 Main Supervisor
Application Of The Law Of Khamr In Nothern Nigeria Comparative Analysis Of Codes Shariah.
Master Completed 2010 Main Supervisor

Research Projects

2019 - 2024 Malaysia's Accession to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: Legal Implications and the Law Reforms that Need to be Made to Implement it
2019 - 2022 Formulating legal framework on refugee status in protecting sovereignty and security of Malaysia
2019 - 2019 Agenda Reformasi Dewan Negara (PARLIMEN MALAYSIA)
2017 - 2017 Kajian Kebolehlaksanaan Penyampaian Perkhidmatan Alternatif (ASD) Dalam Perkhidmatan Penjagaan Warga Emas dan Pemulihan Penagihan Dadah
2017 - 2017 Malaysia's Accession to the Hague Children's Conventions: The Feasibility Analysis
2013 - 2017 Security Offences Law Vis a Vis Right to Privacy in Malaysia: Guidelines for Reconciliation and Enforcement
2013 - 2018 Formulating a New Legal Framework for Film Censorship in Malaysia
2013 - 2013 Teras 5; Hak Kewajipan Antarabangsa
2012 - 2013 Judicial Powers and the Role of the Malaysian Central Bank's Shariah Advisory Council as Determiner of Islamic Banking Disputes
2011 - 2012 Malaysian Communications And Multimedia Commission's Powers In Regulating Online Publication: The Case Of Publication in Public Internet
2011 - 2011 Selected Human Rights Issues in Malaysia and its Interplay with International Law Instruments
2011 - 2016 Establishing the Syariah Apex Court in Improving Administration of Islamic Law
2010 - 2011 Administration of Syariah Criminal Justice under the Constitutional Framework
2009 - 2009 Controlling Political Communication in the Blogosphere
2009 - 2010 Sedition Law as a Tool to Manage Ethnic Relations
2009 - 2010 Towards Malaysian Common Law: Implanting Indigenous Norms using Common Law Methods
2008 - 2008 Creeping Monism in Malysian Legal Discourse in Reference to International Law
2008 - 2010 Judicial Appointment Process in Malaysia : A Proposal for Reform
2008 - 2009 Understanding the Constitution: The Need for a Paradigm Shift
2008 - 2009 Review on the Position of Council of Religion of Islam, Fatwa and Shariah Officers
2008 - 2008 Constitutional Restatement of Parallel Jurisdiction Between Civil Courts and Syariah Courts by Art.121(1A): Twenty Years On (1988-2008)
2007 - 2008 Ahmad Ibrahim and Development of Syariah Courts after the Independence
2007 - 2011 The Role and Powers of Syari'ah Courts in Islamic Finance and Halal Governance
2007 - 2008 Parallel Court Systems and Conversion of One Spouse to Islam: A Case Commentary on Saravanan Thangathoray v Subashini Rajasingam & Another Appeal
2005 - 2006 The Development Of Shariah Courts Before and After Merdeka
2004 - 2007 Basic Concepts Under the Malaysian Federal and States Constitution
2024 - Present Review of Criteria, Qualifications and Requirements under Part 1 of the New Guidelines on Qualifications and Requirements to Qualify to Sit for the Malaysian Certificate in Legal Practice (CLP) Examination (For Law Degrees from the United Kingdom) ("UK Guidelines") and Part 1 of the Guidelines for Recognition of Australian and New Zealand Law Degrees ("ANZ Guidelines")
2021 - Present Curricula Development on Climate Change Policy and Law (CCP_Law) ERASMUS+ CBHE project ID 618874_CCP- Law
2021 - Present The Foundation of Human Rights in Islam
2020 - Present The Use of Dualist and Monist Theories in the Application of International Law in Domestic Legal System: A Comparative Study between Indonesia and Malaysia
2010 - Present Constitution, Administration, Good Governance, Integrity and Human Rights Research Unit (CANGGIH)
- Contribution of Tan Sri Harun M. Hashim in the Legal Development in Malaysia

Award & Recognition

02 May, 2005 Quality Award - Quality Research Award, Kulliyyah Level University
02 May, 2005 Quality Award - Quality Research Award, University Level University
02 May, 2005 Quality Award - Quality Research Award, Kulliyyah Level University
16 Mar, 2002 Quality Research Award (Kulliyyah) - International Islamic University Malaysia Kulliyyah



2021 Mass media rights under Afghanistan Laws: challenges and prospects. Journal of Islamic Law Review, 17 (1) pp. 99-122
2020 Security challenges for journalists and the mass media in advancing free speech in war torn countries: The case of Afghanistan. Journal of Islamic Law Review, 16 (1) pp. 59-77
2020 The distribution of petroleum resources in Malaysia: unpacking federalism. The Journal of World Energy Law & Business, (00) pp. 1-17
2019 Embracing international human rights law: the Malaysian experience in navigating the dual quality of international law. IIUM Law Journal, 27 (2) pp. 265 -277
2019 Lessons from a secular state: extracting the essence of the constitution and its implication on judicial interpretation of human rights provisions in Turkey and Malaysia. Al-Shajarah, xx (xx) pp. 1-19
2018 Administration of Islamic Law and human rights: the basis and its trajectory in Malaysia. Al-Jami’ah: Journal of Islamic Studies, 56 (2) pp. 281-304
2018 Comparative Law in Asia: the case for intra-Asia intensification. Indonesian Comparative Law Review, 1 (1) pp. 1-4
2017 If you don’t trust judges, let the scholars decide: The primacy of the Malaysian shariah advisory council on Islamic finance. Journal of Commercial and Intellectual Property Law, 3 (2) pp. 105-112
2017 Islam, nation-state and the legal system of Malaysia. Suleyman Demirel University Faculty of Law Review, 7 (1) pp. 75-90
2017 Kesan globalisasi terhadap guna pakai Undang-undang Islam di Malaysia = The effect of globalization on Islamic Laws in Malaysia. Kanun Jurnal Undang-Undang Malaysia, 29 (2) pp. 17-37
2017 Towards an Apex sharia court in Malaysia. Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 25 (Special Issue) pp. 309-322
2015 Federalising Shariah courts in Malaysia: lessons from the Indonesian peradilan agama . Malayan Law Journal, 1 () pp. lviii-xv
2015 Isu-isu perlembagaan dan hak asasi manusia dalam pentadbiran keadilan jenayah syariah. Kanun-Jurnal Undang-Undang Malaysia, 27 (1) pp. 33-51
2015 Position, status and role of Malay language in Malaysia = Kedudukan, status, dan peranan Bahasa Melayu di Malaysia. Perspektif: Jurnal Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan, 7 (1) pp. 1-11
2012 The rights and duties of journalists in a constitutional democracy: An analytical exposition. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Science, 6 (11) pp. 145-152
2011 Administration of Shariah Criminal Justice under the Malaysian Constitutional Framework: Issues and Suggestions. Malayan Law Journal, 6 () pp. i-xvi
2011 Controlling political communication in the blogosphere: business as usual in Malaysia. Communications Law, 16 (1) pp. 27-30
2011 Islam and the legal system of Malaysia. CLJ Syariah Reports (Laporan Syariah), 1 (2) pp. i-xvi
2011 Malaysian Judicial Appointment Process: An Overview of the Reform. Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 7 (SI/13) pp. 2273-2278
2011 Spousal religious conversion: Choice of laws and forums in Malaysia. IIUM Law Journal, SEd () pp. 19-38
2011 The Islamic Legal System in Malaysia. The Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal, 21 (1) pp. 85-113
2009 Does doctor know best? The recent trend in medical negligence. Biomedical Imaging and Interrvention Journal, 5 (1) pp. 1-3
2009 Muzzling communication: sedition law as a tool to manage ethnic relations. The Law Review, () pp. 164-178
2009 Pentadbiran dan Institusi Islam di Malaysia: Cadangan ke Arah Pemantapan. Kanun- Jurnal Undang-Undang Malaysia, 21 (1) pp. 12-28
2009 Towards Malaysian common law: convergence between indigenous norms and common law methods. Jurnal Undang-undang dan Masyarakat, 13 () pp. 158-169
2008 Constitutional restatement of parallel jurisdiction between civil courts and Syariah courts in Malaysia: Twenty years on (1988-2008). Malaysan Law Journal, 5 () pp. xxxiii-l
2008 Strengthening administrative institutions of Islamic law in Malaysia: an overview. Shariah Journal, 16 () pp. 443-464
2008 The status of international law in the Malaysian municipal legal system: creeping monism in legal discourse. IIUM Law Journal, 16 (2) pp. 181-202
2007 Parallel court systems and conversion of one spouse to Islam: A case commentary on Saravanan Thangathoray v Subashini Rajasingam and Another Appeal. The Law Review, () pp. 246-261
Conference or Workshop Item

2020 Implications of the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court Justices Selection System on Judicial Independence: A Comparative Study between Indonesia and Malaysia. In: The 9th International Conference on Law and Society (ICLAS 2020),
2020 Improving the protection of child’s right in Malaysia. In: International Webinar on the System and Rules on Child Protection,
2020 Introduction to the Malaysian legal system: A comparison. In: Guest Lecture Series,
2020 The Legal System of Malaysia. In: Special Lectures on Law and Politics,
2020 The pandemic and the Notion of Duties and Responsibilities under Human Rights: The Hashtag #KitaJagaKita in Malaysia. In: International Conference on Law and Human Rights: Reimagining the Vision on Law and Human Rights,
2019 A new Malaysia? constitutional development after the 2018’s general election. In: Seminar Series of KITLV (Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies),
2019 Innovation and sustainability in the disruptive era: The case of a new Malaysia. In: ASIAN Conference on Comparative Laws 2019 (IACL),
2019 International Law within the domestic legal system: The Malaysian perspective. In: International Seminar on International Law within Domestic Legal System: Diverse Approaches,
2018 Comparative law in Asia: the case for intra-Asia intensification. In: Asian Conference on Comparative Laws 2018 (ASIAN-COL),
2018 The legal pluralism in Malaysia. In: Public Lecture, Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia,
2018 The position of religion in the Turkish and the Malaysian constitutions. In: 7th International Conference on Law And Society (ICLAS 7),
2018 The relevance of the tradition in the Malaysian constitution. In: Visiting Lecturer "The Relevance of the Traditions in Malaysian Constitution",
2018 The religious authorities' competency to make rules in Malaysia: a preliminary remark on the contested power. In: 2nd Postgraduate Conference Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga (UIN-SUKA),
2018 Using legal tools in achieving social justice and peace: a look at the experience of Malaysia. In: 7th International Conference on Acheh and Indian Ocean Studies (ICAIOS) in conjunction with the 2nd Ar-Raniry International Conference on Islamic Studies, Islam and Social Justice: Towards Sustainable Peace in Regional and Global Contexts,
2017 Administration of Islamic law and human rights: The basis and its trajectory in Malaysia. In: Workshop on the Human Rights Discourse in the Administration of Islamic Law in Malaysia and Indonesia,
2017 Detention under anti terrorism laws in Malaysia and Nigeria: an expository study on Boko haram suspects. In: International Conference on Law and Society 6 (ICLAS 6),
2017 The legal position and constitutional framework in the implementation of Islamic criminal law. In: International Workshop on Islamic Law,
2017 The legal system in Malaysia and the position of Islam. In: The Legal System in Malaysia and The Position of Islamic Law Conference,
2017 The use of the majalla in Islamic finance in Malaysia: a preliminary study. In: International Symposium of the Majalla: Codification, Practice and Contemporary Effects,
2017 Women, family, pluralism and the law in Malaysia. In: 3rd International Social Gender Justice Congress,
2016 Global poverty, justice and law = Küresel fakirlik, adalet ve hukuk. In: 4th International Religion and Human Rights Workshop,
2016 Kebolehlenturan pentafsiran perlembagaan dalam pencapaian matlamat lebih utama. In: Persidangan Meja Bulat: Perlembagaan Persekutuan dan Maqasid Shari`Ah: Perbahasan Awal,
2016 Kesan globalisasi terhadap guna pakai undang-undang Islam di Malaysia. In: Simposium Undang-Undang Islam di Malaysia Mengenang Dr. Mahamad bin Arifin,
2016 The continuing saga of the proposed Malaysian Press Council: a boone or bane?. In: International Conference on Media, Communication, Culture and the Dynamics of Change (ACMC 2016),
2016 Views on film censorship by films practitioners in Malaysia and Bangladesh: some preliminary findings. In: 7th International Borneo Business Conference (IBBC 2016),
2015 Kebebasan asasi berkaitan orientasi seksual dan pengenalan gender dalam undang-undang Malaysia. In: Diskusi Ilmiah Isu-isu Mahkamah Syariah 2015,
2015 Reviewing the pressures to reform film censorship in Malaysia. In: Global Multidisciplinary Academic Conference 2015 (GMAC 2015),
2015 Towards an APEX Syariah court in Malaysia. In: 4th International Conference on Law & Society (ICLAS IV) 2015 ,
2014 Federalising religious courts in Malaysia: lessons from the Indonesian peradilan agama. In: International Conference on Social Science and Management (ICSSAM) 2014,
2014 Film censorship in Malaysia: balancing free speech and tradition. In: International Conference on Law and Society III (ICLAS III),
2014 Isu-isu perlembagaan dan hak asasi manusia dalam pentadbiran keadilan jenayah syariah. In: Seminar Undang-Undang dan Masyarakat ke-2 (SLAS II),
2014 Pelaksanaan undang-undang harta pusaka Islam dalam sistem perundangan Malaysia: satu perspektif perlembagaan. In: Seminar Undang-Undang Pentadbiran Harta Pusaka Islam Malaysia 2014 (SUPPHI 2014),,
2014 Position, status and role of Malay language in Malaysia. In: International Conference on Law and Society III (ICLAS III),
2014 Searching the essence of the Malaysian Constitution: between Islam and secular. In: Seminar of Law and Society 4 (SLAS 4): Development of the Law and Islamization, The Malaysian and Indonesian Perspectives,
2013 Legal pluralism and the place of Syariah courts in the Malaysian legal system. In: International Seminar on The Contemporary Implementation of Islamic Law in Iran, Malaysia, and Indonesia: A Comparative Study,
2013 Restatement on the origin and basis of the Malaysian legal system. In: International Conference on Law and Society (ICLAS),
2013 Student exchange programme between the International Islamic University Malaysia and the Universitas Muhammadiyyah Yogyakarta: An overview. In: International Conference on Law and Society (ICLAS),
2013 Transformation of Syariah courts: Tradition, constitution, law and practice. In: Seminar on Islamic Law in Practice with Global Perspective,
2012 Censorship and the Law: Balancing Public Interest and Free Speech . In: Conference on Media and Society, Media, Censorship and Society: Crossroads between Global and Local Realities,
2012 Exploring Court Systems in the Region: The Case of Indonesia. In: BIMP-EAGA Conference (BEC) 2012,
2012 Malaysian communications and multimedia commission’s powers in managing and regulating online publication . In: 2nd International Conference On Management,
2011 A case study on improving essay writing tasks. In: Enhancing Learning: Teaching and Learning Conference 2011,
2011 Exploring the Policy of relinquishing Judicial Powers to the Jurists in Determining Islamic Banking Disputes: The Case of Bank Negara's Shariah Advisory Council. In: 2nd International Conference on Public Policy & Social Sciences 2011: Socio-Economic Transformation Issues and Challenges in the 21st Century,
2011 Tensions between the Government and the governed in exercising communications rights in Malaysia: The case of online speech. In: Conference of the International Association of Media and Communication Research (IAMCR 2011): Cities, Connectivity and Creativity,
2010 Controlling political communication in the blogosphere: Business as usual in Malaysia. In: International Conference on Communication and Media (iCOME) 2010: Communication and Society: Challenges and Engagement,
2010 Reforming the judicial appointment process in Malaysia. In: International Conference o f Societies in Transition: Balancing Security, Social Justice and Tradition,
2009 Competition law as a tool to ensure diversity of voices and access to the media. In: First International SEARCH Conference 2009,
2009 Curing the hiccup: Reforming administration of Islamic law in Malaysia. In: Workshop on Creating Islamic Lawyers and Judges: Islamic Law in the Law Schools and Judicial Training Academies of Muslim Southeast Asia,
2009 Malaysian judicial appointments commission and independent judiciary: a change we believe in?. In: 6th Asian Law Institute Conference: Dynamics of change in Asia,
2009 Muzzling communication: Sedition law as a political tool to suppress dissent or a legal tool to manage ethnic relation?. In: 7th Biennial PACA International Conference: Communication Encounters Across Cultures,
2009 Pinning for judges in harmonising Civil Law and Shariah: Challenges and prospects. In: 4th International Conference on Harmonisation of Civil Law and Shariah 2009: Towards Harmonisation of Civil law and Shariah: Theories and Practices in the Era of Globalisation,

2017 Proceeding: International Conference on Law and Society. Faculty of Law & LP3M Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY), ISBN: 9786027577961
2016 Halsbury's Laws of Malaysia: Islamic Law, 2016 Reissue, 14(2). LexisNexis, ISBN: 978–967–400–639–6
2010 Administration of Islamic law in Malaysia: text and material, 2nd edition. LexisNexis, ISBN: 9789675371479
2010 Statutes on Malaysian legal system, revised 3rd edition. Harun M Hashim Law Centre, ISBN: 983-41203-3-8
2009 Constitution of Malaysia: text and commentary, 3rd Edition. Pearson Prentice Hall, ISBN: 9789673490271
2009 Undang-undang harta dan amanah. Jabatan Undang-undang, Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia, ISBN: 9789834120368
2008 Powers and jurisdiction of Syariah Courts in Malaysia, 2nd Edition. LexisNexis, ISBN: 978-967-96-2922-4
2007 Pentadbiran keadilan : artikel terpilih. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, ISBN: 9789836297143
2007 Sumber undang-undang Malaysia : artikel terpilih. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, ISBN: 9789836297167
2006 Administration of Islamic Law in Malaysia: text and material. Malayan Law Journal, ISBN: 967-962-302-5
2006 Halsbury's laws of Malaysia- Volume 14, 2006 Reissue: Family Law, Syariah Law. Malayan Law Journal Sdn Bhd, ISBN: 9679627756
2006 Statutes on family law . Harun M. Hashim Law Centre, AIKOL, IIUM, ISBN: 953-40413-3-0
2005 Kaedah perundangan, bidang kuasa dan tatacara mahkamah syariah. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, ISBN: 983-62-8386-2
2005 Murtad : kedudukannya di sisi Islam dan perlembagaan Malaysia. Intel Multimedia and Publication, ISBN: 9832417260
2004 Statutes on contract law. Harun M Hashim Law Centre, ISBN: 983-40413-4-9
2003 Harta sepencarian, prosiding ex-parte, perintah injunksi. Pusat Undang-undang UIAM, ISBN: 983-2740-00-2
2002 Statutes on Malaysian legal system. IIUM Law Centre, ISBN: 983-41203-1-1
2001 Administration of Islamic law in Malaysia: text and material (1st edition). Malayan Law Journal, ISBN: 9789679623024
Book Section

2020 Parliament, treaties and international law. In: Sweet & Maxwell, ISBN: 9789672339748, pp. 459-471
2018 Percanggahan bidang kuasa antara mahkamah Syariah dengan mahkamah sivil: menyusuri kesan pindaan perkara 121(A) Perlembagaan Persekutuan. In: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP), ISBN: 978-983-49-1372-4, pp. 47-69
2018 Syariah courts and issues on administration of Syariah criminal justice in Malaysia. In: The Malaysian Current Law Journal Sdn. Bhd., ISBN: 9789674571368, pp. 115-128
2012 Contemporary human rights issues in Malaysia. In: Sweet & Maxwell Asia, ISBN: 9789675040870, pp. 311-317
2012 Fundamental liberties under the Federal Constitution : a critical analysis. In: Sweet & Maxwell Asia, ISBN: 978-967-5040-87-0, pp. 293-309
2012 Komentar dan cadangan kajian semula terhadap Undang-Undang Pentadbiran Agama Islam. In: Penerbit IKIM, ISBN: 9789832636502, pp. 15-28
2012 Komentar dan cadangan kajian semula terhadap Undang-Undang Pentadbiran Agama Islam. In: Penerbit IKIM, ISBN: 9789832636502, pp. 15-28
2007 Badan perundangan sebelum dan selepas merdeka. In: Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka, ISBN: 978-983-62-9716-7, pp. 18-75
2007 Badan perundangan sebelum dan selepas merdeka. In: Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka, ISBN: 978-983-62-9716-7, pp. 18-75
2007 Sistem perundangan Malaysia: perkembangan penggunaan prinsip ekuiti. In: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, ISBN: 978-983-62-9716-7, pp. 102-152
2007 Sistem perundangan Malaysia: perkembangan penggunaan prinsip ekuiti. In: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, ISBN: 978-983-62-9716-7, pp. 102-152

2019 Laporan reformasi Dewan Negara. In: ,
2012 Malaysian communications and multimedia commission's powers in regulating online publication: the case of publication in public internet. In: s.n,