Staff Directory

Mohd. Feham Bin Md Ghalib

Academic Qualification

  • Ph.D in Web-based Teaching & Learning - Doctor of Philosophy, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)
  • Master in Teaching Arabic - Masters Degree, American University, Cairo
  • Bachelor in Arabic Language and Literature - Bachelor Degree, International Islamic University Malaysia
  • Arabic & English Language - Certificate, Kolej Ugama Sultan Zainal Abidin (KUSZA)

Mohd. Feham Bin Md Ghalib (Assoc. Prof. Dr.)

Associate Professor
IIUM Gombak Campus


Other's position:

Deputy Dean, International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilisation

Expert Profile

Dr. Mohd Feham Md Ghalib who was born in Muar, Malaysia, secured his first degree from IIUM and then completed his Master and Ph.D degrees from two other esteemed institutions namely, American University in Cairo in 1999 and University Science Malaysia in 2006. He has the experience of working more than 20 years with a major specialty in the use of technology for teaching and learning Arabic language. He was involved in the development of the university's learning management system (iTaleem) and one of the main committee members of IIUM MOOC. He has written many articles that have been published in various reputable journals such as, Journal of Jordanian Arabic, Academy, Journal of Linguistics and Literary, Journal of Islamic & Arabic Education, Malaysian Journal of Distance Education, and World Applied Sciences Journal.
His paper presentations in his area of research have been published in conference proceedings both locally and internationally such as Dubai UAE, Beijing China, Cairo Egypt, Amman Jordan, Malang Indonesia, Izmir Turkey, and Southampton, UK. He secured and successfully completed both FRGS and PRGS national research grants in 2012 and 2014, respectively. He is also a member for CALL and Graduate research clusters of the university, and commissioned to do consultancies and research in the area of higher education under the purview of PTPTN and private agencies.
Currently, Dr. Feham is an Associate Professor in Instructional Technology at the Department of Arabic Language & Literature and Deputy Dean (Strategic Planning and Graduate Development), Centre for Postgraduate Studies, IIUM.

Area of Specialisation

  • Social Science ~ Social Science ~ Education ~ Educational Technology and Media - 2. Multimedia in Education
  • Humanities ~ Humanities ~ Linguistics and Literature ~ Applied Linguistics - 5. Teaching Arabic as a Second Language
  • Humanities ~ Humanities ~ Linguistics and Literature ~ Computational Linguistics - 4. Computational Linguistics
  • Social Science ~ Social Science ~ Education ~ e-Learning - 1. Instructional Technology - Web Based Teaching and Learning
  • Humanities ~ Humanities ~ Linguistics and Literature ~ Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) - 3. Computer Assisted Language Learning

Teaching Responsibilities

ADVANCED ARABIC I 2001/2002 1998/1999 1993/1994
ADVANCED ARABIC II 2000/2001 1999/2000
ARABIC FOR ISLAMIC STUDIES 2009/2010 2008/2009 2007/2008
COMPUTER APPLICATION IN LANGUAGE & LITERATURE 2022/2023 2021/2022 2020/2021 2019/2020 2017/2018 2016/2017 2015/2016 2014/2015 2011/2012 2010/2011 2009/2010 2008/2009
EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY FOR TEACHING ARABIC 2024/2025 2023/2024 2022/2023 2021/2022 2020/2021 2019/2020 2018/2019 2017/2018 2016/2017 2015/2016 2014/2015 2013/2014 2012/2013 2011/2012 2010/2011 2009/2010 2007/2008
FINAL YEAR PROJECT I 2023/2024 2022/2023 2021/2022 2020/2021
FINAL YEAR PROJECT II 2023/2024 2022/2023 2021/2022 2020/2021
LANGUAGE AND COMPUTER 2018/2019 2017/2018 2016/2017 2009/2010 2002/2003 2001/2002 2000/2001
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 2012/2013 2011/2012 2008/2009 2007/2008
RESEARCH PAPER I 2021/2022 2020/2021 2019/2020 2018/2019
RESEARCH PAPER II 2021/2022 2020/2021 2018/2019 2016/2017


أثر استخدام البرنامج الترفيهي بالمحمول في تعلّم التعبيرات الاصطلاحية العربية لدى الدارسين غير الناطقين باللغة العربية.
The Effectiveness Of Using Edutainment App In Learning Arabic Idiomatic Expressions For Educational Purposes .
Ph.D Completed 2023 Main Supervisor
بناء تطبيق هاتفي لمعجم تفاعلي لتعليم اللغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها: (من الألف إلى الجيم) أنموذجاز.
Developing A Mobile Application Of Interactive Dictionary For Teaching Arabic To Non-Arab Speakers : An Example From (Aliff-Jeem)..
Ph.D Completed 2023 Main Supervisor
تصميم وحدة نموذجية حاسوبية لتنمية مهارة االستماع في تعليمية اللغةالعربية للناطقين بغيرها.
Designing A Computer Module For Developing Listening Skills In Teaching Arabic To Non-Native Speakers.
Ph.D Completed 2023 Main Supervisor
تصميم وحدة نموذجية حاسوبية لتنمية مهارة االستماع في تعليمية اللغةالعربية للناطقين بغيرها.
Designing A Computer Module For Developing Listening Skills In Teaching Arabic To Non-Native Speakers.
Ph.D Completed 2023 Co-supervisor
ﺗﺻﻣﯾم وﺣدة دراﺳﯾﺔ وﻓﻌﺎﻟﯾ َﺗﮭﺎ ﻓﻲ ﺗﻌﻠم ﻣﮭﺎرة ﺗﺻرﯾف اﻷﻓﻌﺎل ﺑﺎﺳﺗﺧدام ﺗﻘﻧﯾﺔ اﻟواﻗﻊ اﻟﻣﻌزز ﻟدى اﻟطﻠﺑﺔ اﻟﻣﺗﺧﺻﺻﯾن ﻓﻲ اﻟﻠﻐﺔ اﻟﻌرﺑﯾﺔ Designing an instructional module and its effectiveness in learning arabic verb patterns using augmented reality technology among learners majoring in Arabic language .
Designing An Instructional Module And Its Effectiveness In Learning Arabic Verb Patterns Using Augmented Reality Technology Among Learners Majoring In Arabic Language.
Ph.D Completed 2022 Main Supervisor
فاعلية استخدام التدريس التبادلي والخرائط الدلالية بمساعدة الحاسوب في تنمية مهارات فهم المقروء لدى طلبة اللغة العربية الناطقين بغيرها Effectiveness of Reciprocal Teaching and Semantic Mapping Using Computer in Enhancing Reading Comprehension Skills among Non-Native Speakers of Arabic.
Effectiveness Of Reciprocal Teaching And Semantic Mapping Using Computer In Enhancing Reading Comprehension Skills Among Non-Native Speakers Of Arabic.
Ph.D Completed 2022 Main Supervisor
فاعلية استخدام التدريس التبادلي والخرائط الدلالية بمساعدة الحاسوب في تنمية مهارات فهم المقروء لدى طلبة اللغة العربية الناطقين بغيرها Effectiveness of Reciprocal Teaching and Semantic Mapping Using Computer in Enhancing Reading Comprehension Skills among Non-Native Speakers of Arabic.
Effectiveness Of Reciprocal Teaching And Semantic Mapping Using Computer In Enhancing Reading Comprehension Skills Among Non-Native Speakers Of Arabic.
Ph.D Completed 2022 Co-supervisor
بناء قائمة المفردات العربية وتصنيف حقولها الدلالية في ضوء المدونات النصية بماليزيا: دراسة تحليلية .
Building And Arabic Vocabulary List And Categorizing Its Semantic Fields In The Light Of Corpus In Malaysia: An Analytical Study.
Ph.D Completed 2019 Member Supervisory Committee
تصميم وحدة دراسية باستخدام الواقع المعزز لتعلم اللغة العربية بالكلية الجامعية الإسلامية العالمية بسلانحور: دراسة تحليلية.
Designing Instructional Module Using Augmented Reality For Learning Arabic At Kolej Universiti Islam Selangor (Kuis): Analytical Study.
Ph.D Completed 2018 Main Supervisor
Designing Of Arabic Electornic Modules For Malaysian Students At Jordanian Universities According To Their Needs In The Cultural-Communication.
Ph.D Completed 2016 Co-supervisor
عوامل تقبل استخدام تقنية المعلومات في الفصول الذكية لدى معلمي المرحلة الثانوية في المملكة العربية السعودية في (Technology Acceptance Model) ضوء نموذج قبول التقنية .
Factors Contributing To The Use Of Information Technology In The Smart Classrooms Of Secondary School Teachers Saudi Arabia Using Technology Acceptance Model (Tam) .
Ph.D Completed 2016 Co-supervisor
بناء مقياس حاسوبي للكفايات في اللغة العربية بوصفها لغة أجنبية في المستوى المتوسط .
Developing A Computer Based Test For Competencies In Arabic As A Foreign Language At The Intermediate Level .
Ph.D Completed 2015 Member Supervisory Committee
تطوير وحدة دراسية نموذجية وفق تطبيق الواقع المعزز المحمول لتعلم المفردات العربية في مدرسة راوانج الداخلية المتكاملة بماليزيا The Development of Learning Module Based on Mobile Augmented Reality Application for Arabic Vocabulary Learning at Rawang Integrated Residential School, Malaysia. .
تطوير وحدة دراسية نموذجية وفق تطبيق الواقع المعزز المحمول لتعلم المفردات العربية في مدرسة راوانج الداخلية المتكاملة بماليزيا The Development Of Learning Module Based On Mobile Augmented Reality Application For Arabic Vocabulary Learning At Rawang Integrated Residential School, Malaysia. At Rawang Integrated Residencial School.
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
تصميم تطبيق "Arabic-VR" وتطويره عبر تقنية الواقع الافتراضي (Virtual Reality) وتقويم قابليّة استخدامه لتعلّم النحو العربي .
Design And Development Of Arabic-Vr Application Using Virtual Reality (Vr) Technology And Its Evaluation Of Usability In Arabic Grammar Learning.
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
Exploring The Impact: Westrn Influence On Religious Culture In Bangladesh.
Ph.D In Progress Co-supervisor
The Phenomenon Of Delayed Marriage And Birth Control In The Bangladeshi Society And Solution, An Analytical Study In The Light Of Islam (In Arabic).
Ph.D In Progress Co-supervisor
الألفاظ الشائعة في مدونة المقالات الأكاديمية بالجامعات الإسلامية بإندونيسيا: دراسة لغوية حاسوبية .
Common Words In The Corpus Of Academic Journals In Islamic Universities In Indonesia: Computational Linguistic Study.
Master Completed 2023 Main Supervisor
آراء الطلبة المتخصصين ذوي الخلفيات الأکاديمية المختلفة نحو استخدام الصحف العربية الإلکترونية في اکتساب المفردات في الجامعة الإسلامية العالمية بماليزيا The Perceptions of Majoring Students with Different Academic Backgrounds on The Usage of Online Arabic Newspaper for Acquiring Vocabulary in International Islamic University Malaysia.
The Perceptions Of Majoring Students With Different Academic Backgrounds On The Usage Of Online Arabic Newspaper For Acquiring Vocabulary In International Islamic University Malaysia.
Master Completed 2023 Main Supervisor
في إثراء مفردات اللغة العربية لدى الدارسين الناطقين بغير العربية (wordwall) "استخدام برنامج "ووردوول استخدام الوسائط المتعددة في تعليم مفردات اللغة العربية وتعلمها: برنامج "وورضوال" نموذجا .
Using Wordwall Program For Enriching Arabic Vocabulary Among Non-Arabic Speaking Learners.
Master Completed 2023 Main Supervisor
استخدام برنامج في التعليم اللغة العربيّة بجامعة الإسلاميّة العالميّة مالزيّا : دراسة تحليليّة Using the H5P Program in Teaching Arabic Language at International Islamic University Malaysia: An Analytical Study.
Using The H5p Program In Teaching Arabic Language At International Islamic University Malaysia: An Analytical Study.
Master Completed 2022 Main Supervisor
تحليل الأخطاء الشائعة لدى الطلبة الناطقين بغير العربية في الكلية الجامعية الإسلامية العالمية بسلانجور في رسائلهم الإلكترونية في تطبيق واتساب أنموذجًا.
Common Mistakes Among Non-Native Arabic Students At International Islamic University College Selangor In Their Writing When They Use The Whatsapp Application.
Master Completed 2020 Main Supervisor
تصميم وحدات دراسية لتعليم تصريف الأفعال للدارسين الصينيين في المستوى المتوسط.
Development Of Unit For The Purpose Of Teaching Arabic Verb Conjunctions For The Secondary Chinese Students .
Master Completed 2020 Co-supervisor
استخدام مدونة الفيديو وفعالتها في تحسين مهارة الكلام لدى الطلبة الناطقين بغير العربية في ماليزيا.
The Use Of Video Blogging And Its Effectiveness In Improving The Speaking Skill Among Non-Arabic Speakers In Malaysia.
Master Completed 2019 Main Supervisor
تعلُّم العربية عن طريق الإذاعة برنامج "العربية في الراديو" عبر إذاعة ترنجانو الماليزية أُنموذجاً.
Learning Arabic Via Broadcasting: A Case Study Of Arabic Radio Programme In Terengganu Broadcasting.
Master Completed 2019 Main Supervisor
فاعلية الآيباد في التحصيل العلمي لدى طالبات اللغة العربية بمدرسة السقاف العربية بسنغافورة.
The Effectiveness Of Ipad On Acquiring Knowledge Among Arabic Learners In Al-Sagoff Arab School, Singapore.
Master Completed 2019 Co-supervisor
تعلُّم الشعر العربي للطلبة الـــــمُتخصصين باللُّغة العربية وآدابــــها عبر تطبيق "ديوان الشعر الإليكتروني": دراسة تجريبية.
Teaching Classic Arabic Poetry To Students Of Arabic Language And Literature Using "E-Diwan"Application.
Master Completed 2018 Main Supervisor
تـــــحسين مهارة الاستماع بتوظيف عناصر الوسائط الـــــمتعددة للطلبة الناطقين بغير العربية .
Improving Listening Skill By Employing The Elements Of Multimedia For Non-Arabic Speaking Students.
Master Completed 2018 Main Supervisor
فاعلية موقع عمر ومريــــم في تعلم اللغة العربية لدى طلبة مدرسة إرشاد زهري الإسلامية بسنغافورة.
Effectiveness Of Omar And Mariam Website In Learning Arabic Language Among Students Of Madrasah Irsyad Zuhri Al-Islamiah Singapore.
Master Completed 2018 Main Supervisor
فاعلية موقع عمر ومريــــم في تعلم اللغة العربية لدى طلبة مدرسة إرشاد زهري الإسلامية بسنغافورة.
Effectiveness Of Omar And Mariam Website In Learning Arabic Language Among Students Of Madrasah Irsyad Zuhri Al-Islamiah Singapore.
Master Completed 2018 Main Supervisor
بناء معايير تقويـــــم للتطبيقات التعليمية العربية عبر الهواتف الذكية: دراسة وصفية تحليلية.
Develop The Criteria In Evaluating Educational Applications In Arabic Through Smart Phones: Descriptive Analytical Study.
Master Completed 2018 Main Supervisor
فاعلية موقع عمر ومريــــم في تعلم اللغة العربية لدى طلبة مدرسة إرشاد زهري الإسلامية بسنغافورة.
Effectiveness Of Omar And Mariam Website In Learning Arabic Language Among Students Of Madrasah Irsyad Zuhri Al-Islamiah Singapore.
Master Completed 2018 Main Supervisor
فاعلية موقع عمر ومريــــم في تعلم اللغة العربية لدى طلبة مدرسة إرشاد زهري الإسلامية بسنغافورة.
Effectiveness Of Omar And Mariam Website In Learning Arabic Language Among Students Of Madrasah Irsyad Zuhri Al-Islamiah Singapore.
Master Completed 2018 Main Supervisor
إعداد الوحدات الدراسية لتعليم اللغة العربية لحفظ القرآن في المرحلة الابتدائية .
Designing Study Module For Memorizers Of Qur'An At The Elementary Level.
Master Completed 2018 Co-supervisor
احترام الذات وعلاقته في تكلم اللغة العربية في البيئات الماليزية .
Self-Esteem And Its Relationship With Speaking Arabic In Malaysian Environment.
Master Completed 2018 Co-supervisor
ترجمة المتلازمات اللفظية بين العربية والإنجليزية في النص الأدبي النثري: دراسة تحليلية لترجمة رواسة رجال في الشمس لغسان كنفاني.
Translating Collocation Between Arabic And English In Prose Texts: An Analytical Study Of The Translation Of Arabic Novel "Men In The Sun".
Master Completed 2018 Co-supervisor
فاعلية برنامج بيئة التعلم الافتراض من تعلم اللغة العربية بالمدارس الثانوية لولإية سلانجور: دراسة وصفية تحليلية.
The Effectiveness Of Virtual Learning Environment (Forg-Vle) In Learning Arabic Among Secondary School Studens In Selangor.
Master Completed 2017 Main Supervisor
تصورات الطلبة وحاجاتهم لأهمية استخدام المحمول في تعلّم اللغة العربية (الجامعة الإسلامية العالمية وجامعة العلوم الإسلامية نموذجا).
Students' Perceptions And Needs On The Importance Of Using Mobile Phone In Learning Arabic Language : A Case Study Of International Islamic University And Islamic Science University.
Master Completed 2016 Main Supervisor
Frequent Words In Specialized Academic Corpuses Of Arabic Texts At International Islamic University Malaysia: The Case Of Al-Munaqqib Al ‘Arabi.
Master Completed 2015 Main Supervisor
Arabic: Arabic Teachers’ Perceptions Toward Using Cooperative Learning Method In Teaching Arabic Language At Centre For Foundation Studies In International Islamic University Malaysia.
Master Completed 2014 Main Supervisor
Utilize The Quality Criteria In Evaluating Arabic Educational Website.
Master Completed 2013 Main Supervisor
Designing Supplementary Materials Using Microsoft Power Point For Teaching Arabic: An Example From Arabic Text Book.
Master Completed 2013 Main Supervisor
Teaching Arabic Language Using Multimedia For Year One In Government Primary School: Power Point As An Example (Arabic).
Master Completed 2012 Main Supervisor
Description Of Fi'Il Al-Madi (Past Tense) For Computer.
Master Completed 2011 Main Supervisor
The Effectiveness Of Songs In Teaching Arabic Language Skills At Government Secondary Schools In Malaysia : Descriptive And Evaluation Study.
Master Completed 2011 Main Supervisor
Ta'Alim Maharat Al-Qira'At Bi Wasatat Mawqi' Shabkah Al-Intarnit (Learning Reading Skills Using Website For Non-Arabic Speakers).
Master Completed 2009 Main Supervisor
استخدام منصة إد ابزل (Edpuzzle) وأثره في تعليم مهارة الاستماع لدى الطلبة الناطقين بغير العربية في الجامعة الإسلامية العالمية ماليزيا Use of the Edpuzzle and its Impact in Teaching Listening Skills to non-Arabic Speaking Students at Islamic International University of Malaysia.
Use Of The Edpuzzle And Its Impact In Teaching Listening Skills To Non-Arabic Speaking Students At Islamic International University Of Malaysia.
Master In Progress Main Supervisor

Research Projects

2016 - 2017 A Semiotic-Sociological Analysis of Kuala Lumpur's City Signs
2016 - 2019 Arabic Learning Module Using Augmented Reality Based Materials: Design and Its Implementation
2015 - 2019 A Prototype Development of a Mobile Interactive Arabic Poetry Programme for Pedagogical Purposes
2014 - 2016 Compiling Arabic Textbooks of Malaysian Secondary Schools
2014 - 2017 Prototype Development of Mobile App for Trilingual Islamic Banking & Finance Glossary of Terms (Arabic-Malay-English) Accessible via iOS & Android based devices.
2014 - 2017 Applying an Instructional Design Model on Designing Online Lessons for Malaysian Students Enrolled in Arab Universities
2013 - 2013 Fields of Teaching Arabic Language: Future Horizons
2013 - 2014 Designing Arabic Interactive Courseware for Enhancing Writing Skills: Self-Learning Prototype Among Non-Arabic Speakers in IIUM
2013 - 2016 Index of the Arabic Scholarly Periodicals in the Malaysian Academic Libraries(1950-2010)
2012 - 2015 A Prototype Development of a Mobile (Android and i-Phone Based) Application for enhancing eFolio (electronic Portfolio) service
2012 - 2013 Graduate Citizenry: Higher Education, Patriotism and Nation Building in Malaysia
2012 - 2015 A Critical Assessment of the Impact of PSPTN Phase 1 on Malaysian Higher Education Stakeholders
2011 - 2014 Challenges and Obstacles in Standard Arabic Reactivation: Field-work Study in the Context of Malaysian and Yobey Muslim Societies
2010 - 2012 An Assessment of the Arabic Language Programme for Human Sciences Students at IIUM
2009 - 2012 Web-Based Electronic Portfolio Assessment for Students Majoring Arabic and Islamic Studies: Development, Implementation and Evaluation
2009 - 2011 Compiling Arabic Corpus at IIUM
2008 - 2011 Developing and Validating and Analytic Scoring Rubric for Electronic Portfolio: a Model for Assessing L2 Students? Process Writing English for Academic Writing Classroom
2024 - Present Kajian Perbandingan Sistem Perlembagaan
2024 - Present Penyelidikan Lanjutan Aspek Pembinaan Negara Bangsa Malaysia Melalui Penerbitan Buku Berjudul "Watan Bangsa Malaysia"
2024 - Present Kajian Keabsahan Pemerhatian Kes Indira Gandi Terhadap Kedudukan Mahkamah Syariah
2023 - Present Perkhidmatan Perundingan: Sistem Kesultanan Pahang
2007 - Present Computer Assisted Language Learning Research Unit (CALLRU)



2023 A structured review of mobile augmented reality for language instruction and learning. International Journal of Modern Education, 5 (19) pp. 78-98
2023 تصميم وحدة نموذجية حاسوبية لتنمية مهارة الاستماع في تعليم اللغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها = Designing a computer module to develop listening skills in teaching Arabic to non-native speakers. International Journal on Islamic Applications in Computer Science and Technology, 11 (2) pp. 1-25
2022 Analysis of student’s needs at the International Islamic University of Malaysia for learning Arabic idioms through edutainment. e-Jurnal Bahasa dan Linguistik (e-JBL), 4 (2) pp. 133-152
2022 تحليل حاجات الدارسين في تطوير البرنامج الترفيهي في تعلّم التعبيرات الاصطلاحية العربية للناطقين بغيرها في التعليم الجامعي = Analyzing the needs of learners in developing the recreational program in learning arabic idiomatic expressions for non-native speaker in University education. Journal of Linguistic and Literary Studies, 13 (3) pp. 92-112
2022 تصميم أنشطة ترفيهية مبرمجة وفقًا لأنموذج الجزار لتنمية التعبيرات الاصطلاحية العربية للدارسين في التعليم الجامعي = Designing edutainment activities program according to the Al-Jazzar Model in learning Arabic idiomatic expressions for students in tertiary education = Mereka bentuk program berkonsepkan aktiviti didik hibur untuk pelajar-pelajar di peringkat pengajian tinggi. Journal of Linguistic and Literary Studies, 13 (2 (special issue)) pp. 20-41
2021 مستوى التفكير فوق المعرفي لدى طلبة كلية معارف الوحي والعلوم الإنسانية بالجامعة الإسلامية العالمية بماليزيا في ضوء بعض المتغيرات المصاحبة: = The level of metacognitive thinking among students of the KIRKHS at the International Islamic University Malaysia in the light of some mediated variables. Journal of Sultan Alauddin Sulaiman Shah (JSASS), 8 (2) pp. 73-96
2020 Practical suggestions for a future vision of the educational book for the Arabic language for non-native speakers in the Southeast Asia aria considering metacognition theory: a descriptive study. Al-Risalah: Journal of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences (ARJIHS), 4 (2) pp. 83-102
2019 الحروف الشائعة في المدونات النصية الأكاديمية لبرنامج المنقب العربي = The frequent connectives in academic corpuses of Arabic texts from Al-Munaqqib Al-Arabi. Al-Risalah: Journal of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences (ARJIHS), 3 (1) pp. 114-138
2019 تصميم وحدة دراسية باستخدام تقنية الواقع المعزز لتعلم اللغة العربية بالكلية الجامعية الإسلامية العالمية سلانجور، ماليزيا: دراسة وصفية تحليلية Tasmim wahadat dirasiyyah bi istikhdam al-Waqi' al-mu'azzaz li ta'allum al-Lughah al-Arabiyyah bi al- Kulliyyah al-Jami'iyyah al-'Alamiyyah Salanjur: Dirasat wasfiyyat tahliliyyah -. Sultan Alauddin Sulaiman Shah Journal (JSASS), 3 (Special Issue) pp. 390-420
2018 توظيف تقنية الواقع المعزز في تعلّم اللغة العربية = Employing reality as an enforcing technic in learning Arabic = Memanfaatkan unsur realiti sebagai satu teknik dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Arab. مجلة الدراسات اللغوية والأدبية (Journal of Linguistic and Literary Studies), 9 (3) pp. 33-53
2017 Prototype development of mobile app for trilingual Islamic banking and finance glossary of terms via iOS and android based devices. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 11 (3) pp. 145-161
2016 A study to investigate state of ethical Development in E-learning. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 7 (4) pp. 284-290
2015 Need analysis for the development of mobile app glossary of terms in Islamic banking and finance. Business Research Review, 1 (2) pp. 44-61
2014 Developing icollect mobile (android and iphone-based) application for arabic language teaching. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 20 () pp. 21-27
2014 iCollect mobile application for e-portfolio: experiences from an instructional design perspective . Malaysian Journal of Distance Education, 16 (1) pp. 1-12
2014 Innovative teaching and learning environment system (iTa’LEem): implementing a state-of-art platform for managing E-learning. Bulletin MEIPTA , (2) pp. 17-19
2014 Revisiting the concept of an integrated curriculum and its implications for contemporary Islamic schools. US-China Education Review B, 4 (8) pp. 550-559
2013 Students’ perception of an Arabic language course in humanities degree programmes at the International Islamic University Malaysia. World Applied Sciences Journal , 21 () pp. 36-43
2013 مشروع جمع المدونات النصية الخاصة بالنصوص الأكاديمية في اللغة العربي = Mashru' jam' al-mudawanat al-nasiyah al-khasah bi al-nusus al-akadimiyyah fi al-lughah al-arabiyyah. Journal of the Jordan Academy of Arabic, 85 () pp. 57-77
2012 Employability programmes and graduates' assessment of their employability. International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity Studies, 4 (1) pp. 357-364
2012 استراتيجيات الطلاب غير المتخصصين في اللغة العربية في تعلّم مهارة الكتابة عبر برنامج ويكي = Strategies of non-Arabic students in learning Arabic through Wiki programme. Journal of Islamic and Arabic Education, 4 (1) pp. 31-44
2012 تعليم اللغة العربية عبر الوسائط المتعددة وعلاقتها بالتعليم الحاسوبي على ضوء النظرية الإدراكية = Ta'lim al-lughah al-'arabiyyah 'ibra al-wasait al-muta'addiah wa 'alaqatuha bi al-ta'lim al-hasubi 'ala du'i al-nazariyyah al-idrakiyyah. Journal of Linguistic and Literary Studies, 3 (2) pp. 101-128
2011 خطوات تعليم مهارة الكتابة عبر برنامج "ويكي" وإجراءاتها لدى دارسي العربية بوصفها لغة ثانية نموذجاً - Steps and Procedures of Teaching Writing Skill via Wiki Among Learners of Arabic as Second Language as a Model. Journal of Linguistic and Literary Studies, () pp.
Conference or Workshop Item

2023 دور إد بازل في تعليم مهارة الاستماع بالطريقة السمعية البصرية. In: Multidisciplinary International Conference (MIC) 2023,
2021 Kemahiran bertutur dalam bahasa Arab: masalah dan solusi. In: Kolokium Siswazah dan Prasiswazah Pengajian Arab dan Tamadun Islam (e-KOSPATI 3.0) 2021,
2020 Augmented reality (AR) tasrif in teaching and learning Arabic morphology. In: International Putra InnoCreative Poster Competition International Putra InnoCreative Carnival in Teaching and Learning 2020,
2020 تحليل حاجات الدارسين في تعلم مهارة تصريف الأفعال العربية باستخدام برنامج الواقع المعزز بمركز الدراسات الأساسية في الجامعة الإسلامية العالمية بماليزيا. In: 7th International Conference of Arabic Language and Literature ICALL 2020, “Criticism and Innovation in Linguistics and Literary Works”,
2020 تصميم الوحدة الدراسية في تعلم وتعليم مهارة تصريف الأفعال عبر تقنية الواقع المعزز = Augmented Reality (AR) Tasrif in learning Arabic Verb Forms. In: Arabic International E-Innovation Teaching & Learning 2020 (AiiTeL2020),
2019 Mobile app glossary of terms in Islamic banking & fInance. In: 30th International Invention, Innovation & Technology Exhibition, Malaysia 2019,
2018 E-Diwan ingenious mobile interactive Arabic language education tool. In: International University Carnival on E-Learning (IUCEL) 2018,
2018 Mobile app glossary of terms in Islamic banking and finance (Arabic-Malay- English) via IOS & AMP; android based devices. In: International University Carnival on E-Learning (IUCEL) 2018,
2017 Designing instructional module for learning Arabic using augmented reality. In: International University Carnival on e-Learning (IUCEL) 2017,
2017 Implementing augmented reality technology for learning experience enrichment in acquiring Arabic language. In: International Conference on Lifelong Learning for Islamic Education (ICLLIE) 2017,
2017 Mobile app glossary of terms in Islamic Banking and finance (Arabic-Malay-English) via IOS & Android based devices.. In: Invention and Innovation Awards 2017, Malaysia Technology Expo (MTE ),
2017 Mobile app glossary of terms in Islamic banking and finance (Arabic-Malay-English) via iOS and android based devices. In: Malaysia Technology Expo (MTE 2017),
2017 أهمية المدونات الناصية في تعليم اللغة العربية وتعلمها: قائمة الأفعال الشائعة نموزجا. In: Seminar Kebangsaan Bahasa dan Kesusasteraan Arab (SEMBARA 2017),
2017 استخدام التدريس التبادلي بهدف تنمية مهارات ما وراء المعرفة في القراءة للناطقين بغير اللغة العربية. In: 6th International Conference on Arabic Language & Literature (iCALL 2017),
2017 بناء معايير تقويم للتطبيقات التعليمية العربية عبر الهواتف الذكية. In: 6th International Conference on Arabic Language & Literature (iCALL 2017),
2017 تعليم الشعر الجاهلي لمتعلمي اللغة العربية المتقدمين من غير العرب باستخدام تطبيق "ديوان الشعر الإلكتروني". In: 6th International Conference on Arabic Language & Literature (iCALL 2017),
2017 توظيف تقنية الواقع المعزز في تعلم اللغة العربية. In: 6th International Conference on Arabic Language & Literature (iCALL 2017),
2017 دور الخرائط الدلالية في تنمية مهارات فن الاستذكار في حفظ المفردات والنصوص للناطقين بغير اللغة العربية. In: Seminar Kebangsaan Bahasa dan Kesusasteraan Arab (SEMBARA 2017),
2016 An overview of interactive language activities in learning Arabic among secondary school students via Frog Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) . In: International Language and Tourism Conference 2016 (ILTC 2016),
2016 Mobile app glossary of terms in Islamic banking and finance (Arabic-Malay-English) via iOS & android based devices. In: International Exposition On Syariah Compliant –Idea, Invention, Innovation And Design (iSCIIID),
2016 Mobile App glossary of terms in Islamic banking and finance (Arabic-Malay-English) via iOS & android based devices. In: International Exposition on Shariah Compliant Idea, Invention, Innovation & Design (ISCIIID 2016),
2016 تصميم الرسوم الساخرة للهاتف المحمول بوصفها وسيلة التعلم الذاتي للغة العربية لدى الطلبة المبتدئين = Design mobile-comic as an Arabic language self-learning method among elementary students. In: International Language and Tourism Conference 2016 (ILTC 2016),
2016 تصورات الطلبة وهاجاتهم لأهمية استخدام المحمول في تعلم اللغة العربية (الجامعة الإسلامية العالمية وجامعة العلوم الإسلامية نموذجا) . In: International Language and Tourism Conference 2016 (ILTC 2016),
2015 Arabic educational vocabulary games for beginners . In: International Conference and Exposition on Invention of Institutions of Higher Learning (PECIPTA) 2015,
2015 Providing a mobile service for academics and professionals: need analysis for the development of mobile app glossary of terms in Islamic banking and finance . In: The 5th International Conference on e-Learning (ICeL 2015),
2015 Using wordlists to teach and learn Arabic vocabulary. In: International Conference on Corpus Linguistics and Technology Advancement,
2015 توظيف المدخل الاتِّصالي الثَّقافي في تصميم وحدات دراسيَّة للنَّاطقين بغير العربية. In: International Language and Education Conference 2015 (iLEC 2015),
2015 توظيف المدخل الاتصالي الثقافي في تصميم وحدات دراسية للناطقين بغير العربية. In: International Language and Education Conference 2015,
2014 Building a virtual union catalogue for Arabic journal articles in Malaysian libraries using open source solutions. In: 2nd International Conference on Islamic Applications on Computer Science and Technology (IMAN 2014),
2014 ELGG as an assessment tool in teaching and learning Arabic language. In: 2nd International Conference on Islamic Applications on Computer Science and Technology (IMAN 2014),
2014 Pembangunan laman e-portfolio pembelajaran Bahasa Arab dengan ELGG . In: 3rd Lifelong Learning International Conference 2014 (3LInC'2014),
2013 Developing computer software using Quranic script (Jawi). In: Sub-Regional Workshop on Designing Programs, Syllabus, and Training on Writing Using Quranic Script (Jawi) via the Computer,
2013 Developing eFolio mobile (Android and iPhone-based) application: perspectives, experiences and challenges. In: International Language for Communication Conference (ILCC 2013): Engaging Global Community: Breaking the Barries to Effective Communication,
2013 تصوّر مقترح لبناء درس إلكتروني في تعليم العربيَّة للنَّاطقين بغيرها في ضوء المدخل الاتصالي. In: International Language for Communication Conference (ILCC 2013): Engaging Global Community: Breaking the Barries to Effective Communication,
2012 Daur al-duwal al-'Arabiyah fi nashr al-lughah al-'Arabiyah fi Malizia= دور الدول العربية في نشر اللغة العربية في ماليزيا. In: Nadwah: al-Lughah al-'Arabiyah fi Maliziya: al-madhi, al-hadir wa-al-mustaqbal,
2012 An assessment of the Arabic language programme for Human Sciences students at International Islamic University Malaysia. In: Languages of the Wider World: Sustaining a Global Society,
2012 Facebook and students’ attitudes toward writing. In: International Conference on Quality Of Teaching & Learning (ICQTL 2012),
2012 Human sciences students’ perception of an Arabic course and their retention of the language. In: IIUM Research, Invention and Innovation Exhibition, IRIIE 2012,
2011 An evaluation of Arabic for Human Sciences students programme . In: 2nd International Language Conference (ILC) 2011,
2011 Evaluating the use of e-portfolio as an alternative assessment tool for students majoring Arabic and Islamic studies: some experiences from International Islamic University Malaysia. In: Language and Education Conference (LEC),
2011 My Arabic Wiki: an innovative model of teaching and learning Arabic writing skills via the Wiki. In: Islamic Innovation Expo 2011 (i-Inova’ 2011),
2011 Online e-folio for students of Arabic and Islamic studies : experiences and challenges. In: Seminar Antarabangsa Pengajaran Bahasa Arab 2011 (SAPBA),
2011 The design,development and evaluation of a web-based Arabic vocabulary learning games prototype in IIUM . In: IIUM Research, Invention and Innovation Exhibition (IRIIE) 2011,
2011 The impact of learning Arabic via online games prototype among elementary learners in IIUM. In: Islamic Innovation Expo 2011 (i-Inova’ 2011),
2011 خدمة البورت فوليو الإلكتروني القائمة على شبكة الإنترنت للطلبة المتخصصين في اللغة العربية والدراسات الإسلامية: تجارب وتحديات = Khidmat al-burtfuliyu al-iliktruni al-qa'imah 'ala shabakat al-intirnit lil-talabah al-mutakhasisin fi al-lughah al-'arabiyah wa-al-dirasat al-Islamiyah: tajarub wa-tahaddiyat = Online e-folio for students of Arabic and Islamic studies : experiences and challenges. In: Seminar Antarabangsa Pengajaran Bahasa Arab 2011 (SAPBA'11),
2011 معايير تقويم مواقع تعليم اللغة العربية وتعلمها بوصفها لغة ثانية. In: الندوة الدولية حول تجربة تعليم اللغة العربية في إندونيسيا ما لها وما عليها ,
2009 Employing a developmental research approach in the design and development of an online Arabic vocabulary games learning prototype in IIUM. In: The 2nd International Conference of Arabic Language and Literature (ICALL 2009),

2021 Abhath muhakkamah: al-nitaj al-ilmi fi ta’lim al-lughah al-Arabiyyah li ghair al-natiqin biha. KIRKHS, IIUM, ISBN: ISSN: 2805-4415, ISBN: 9772805441005
2021 أبحاث محكَّمة "النتاج العلمي في تعليم اللغة العربية لغير الناطقين بها" Refereed Papers" Academic works in Teaching Arabic Language for Non-Native Speakers. Darul Syakir Enterprise, ISBN: 2805-4415
2017 IIUM TRACER STUDY 2016. Naga Global Print (M) Sdn Bhd, ISBN: 9789671396957
2017 IIUM tracer study 2016 first degree and post-graduate. Alumni and Global Networking Division, ISBN: 978-967-13969-4-0
2017 IIUM tracer study 2016 follow up. Alumni and Global Networking Division, ISBN: 978-967-13969-- 4
2017 المؤتمر العالمي السادس للغة العربية وآدابها: اللغة العربية وتحديابها في القرن الحادي والعشرين. Darul Syakir Enterpris, ISBN: 978-967-467-007-8
2017 المؤتمر العالمي السادس للغة العربية وآدابها: اللغة العربية وتحديابها في القرن الحادي والعشرين , جزء 2. Darul Syakir Enterpris, ISBN: 978-967-467-008-5
2017 فاعلية استخدام برنامج بيئة التعلّم الافتراضي. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, ISBN: 978-967-418-817-7
2017 مقاربات في الألسنية والتعليم والأدب، أبحاث محكمة لمؤتمر اللغة العربية وتحدياتها في القرن الحادي والعشرين = Muqarabaat fi al-Alsuniyyah wa al-Ta'lim wa al-Adab, Abhath Muhakkamah limu'tamar al-Lughah al-'Arabiyyah wa Tahaddiyyatiha fi al-Qarn al-Hadi wa al-'Ishrin. Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge & Human Sciences, IIUM, & Darul Syakir Enterprise, ISBN:
2016 IIUM tracer study 2015 first degree and post-graduate. Alumni and Global Networking Division, ISBN: 9789671396919
2016 IIUM tracer study 2015 follow up. Alumni and Global Networking Division, ISBN: 978-967-13969-3-3
2015 IIUM tracer study 2014: follow up. Alumni and Career Service Division, ISBN: na
2015 أبحاث المؤتمر (محمكة) مقاربات في اللسانيات والأدبيات بين التقليد والتجديد- الجزء الثاني- الأدبيات (Abhath al-muktamar (muhakkamah): Muqarabat fi al-lisaniyyat wa al-adabiyyat bayna al-taqlid wa al-tajdid (al-juzuk al-thani: al-adabiyyat). IIUM Press, ISBN: 978-967-418-423-0
2015 أبحاث المؤتمر (محمكة) مقاربات في اللسانيات والأدبيات بين التقليد والتجديد- الجزء الأول - اللسانيات والتعليم -Abhath al-muktamar (muhakkamah): Muqarabat fi al-lisaniyyat wa al-adabiyyat bayna al-taqlid wa al-tajdid (al-juzuk al-awwal: al-lisaniyyat wa al-ta'leem). IIUM Press, ISBN: 978-967-418-422-3
2013 مجالات تعليم اللغة العربية: آفاق مستقبلية (Majalat ta'lim al-lughah al-'Arabiyah afaq mustaqbaliyah) = Fields of Teaching Arabic Language: Future Horizons . IIUM Press, ISBN: 9789674182786
2013 Advantages and disadvantages of studying at IIUM. Alumni and Career Service Division, IIUM, ISBN: 9789671082669
2013 IIUM alumni tracer study 2012. Alumni and Career Services Division, ISBN: 978-967-10826-3-8
2013 IIUM tracer study 2013 follow up. Alumni and Career Services Division, ISBN: 978-967-10826-7-6
2013 IIUM tracer study 2013: first degree and post graduate. Alumni and Career Services Division, ISBN: 978-967-10826-5-2
2012 IIUM alumni tracer study 2012: first degree and post graduate. Alumni and Career Services Division, ISBN: 978-967-10826-4-5
2011 Alumni tracer study 2011: International Islamic University Malaysia. Alumni and Career Services Division, International Islamic University Malaysia, ISBN: 978-967-10826-2-1
2011 Tracer study 2009 first degree graduates: International Islamic University Malaysia. Alumni and Career Services Division, International Islamic University Malaysia, ISBN: 9789679935912
2011 Tracer study 2010: first degree graduates International Islamic University Malaysia. Alumni and Career Services Division, ISBN: 9789671082607
2011 Tracer study 2011 First Degree and Post Graduates: International Islamic University Malaysia. Alumni and Career Services Division, International Islamic University Malaysia, ISBN: 798-967-10826-1-4
2011 Tracer Study First Degree Graduates 2010: International Islamic University Malaysia. Alumni and Career Services Division, International Islamic University Malaysia, ISBN: 978-967-10826-0-7
2008 Tracer study 2008 First Degree Graduates. Alumni and Career Services Division, International Islamic University Malaysia, ISBN: 9789834168988
2007 Tracer study 2007 First Degree Graduates: International Islamic University Malaysia. Alumni and Career Services Division, International Islamic University Malaysia, ISBN: 97898341689-6-4
Book Section

2021 مقترح لتصميم وحدة دراسية حاسوبية لتعليم مهارات الاستماع في اللغة العربية لغير الناطقين بها A Proposal for Designing a Study Unit in Teaching Listening Skills in Arabic to Non-Native Speakers. In: Darul Syakir Enterprise, ISBN: , pp. 257-265
2020 Google Meet. In: Centre for Professional Development (CPD), International Islamic University Malaysia., ISBN: , pp. 138-147
2020 iTa’LeEM. In: Centre for Professional Development (CPD), International Islamic University Malaysia., ISBN: , pp. 81-123
2020 Microsoft Teams. In: Centre for Professional Development (CPD), International Islamic University Malaysia., ISBN: , pp. 148-161
2020 تصميم الوحدة الدراسية باستخدام الواقع المعزز لتعلم مهارة تصريف الأفعال العربية. In: Mashreq International for Books, ISBN: 978-967-2416-23-4, pp. 387-408
2014 Investigating faculty adoption of Blended Learning. In: Pusat Pengajaran & Teknologi Pembelajaran, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, ISBN: 978-983-3168-40-8, pp. 135-144
2014 Investigating faculty adoption of Blended Learning. In: Pusat Pengajaran & Teknologi Pembelajaran, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, ISBN: 978-983-3168-40-8, pp. 135-144
2013 Discussions and recommendations. In: Alumni and Career Service Division, IIUM, ISBN: 978-967-10826-5-2, pp. 327-359
2013 مشروع جمع المدونات النصية الخاصة بالنصوص الأكاديمية في اللغة العربي. In: IIUM Press, ISBN: 9789674182809, pp. 309-322
2011 كتابة اللغة الملايوية بالحرف القرآني وتحديات التقنية الاتصالية المعلوماتية (kitabah al-lughah al-malayuwiyyah bi al-huruf al-qur'ani wa tahidiyyat al-taqaniyyah al-ittisaliyyah al-ma'lumatiyyah) . In: IIUM Press, ISBN: 9789670225449, pp. 149-167

2018 Islamic banking and finance Terms Apps (ibfterms Apps). In: Namelite Technology,
2017 “Applying an instructional design model on designing online lessons for Malaysian students enrolled in Arab universities”. In: IIUM, RMC,
2015 Designing Arabic Interactive Courseware for Enhancing Writing Skills: Self-Learning Prototype Among Non-Arabic Speakers in IIUM. In: US-China Education Review A,
2015 IIUM TRACER STUDY 2014. In: Alumni and Career Service Division,