Staff Directory

Mohamad Asmadi Bin Abdullah

Academic Qualification

  • PhD in Islamic Law - Doctor of Philosophy, University of Durham
  • Master in Law - Masters Degree, International Islamic University Malaysia
  • Bachelor in Law - Bachelor Degree, International Islamic University Malaysia
  • Bachelor in Syariah - Bachelor Degree, International Islamic University Malaysia
  • Matriculation - Certificate, International Islamic University Malaysia

Mohamad Asmadi Bin Abdullah (Assoc. Prof. Dr.)

Associate Professor
IIUM Gombak Campus


Other's position:

Deputy Dean, Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws

Expert Profile

An Assistant Professor in the Department of Islamic Law, Mohamad Asmadi obtained his LLB from the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) in 1997. In 1998, he completed an IIUM Syariah double degree programme, and in 2000, completed his Master in Comparative Laws (MCL) at the same university in and Ph.D in the field of Islamic Estate Planning in 2006 at the Durham University, United Kingdom. His PhD thesis was entitled "The Concept of Tarikah in the Islamic Law of Succession with Special Reference to the Practices of the Civil Courts and the Syariah Courts in Malaysia". He was a Deputy Dean, Admission and Management Division (AMAD), IIUM from 2011- 2012.From 2011-2013, he served OSK Investment Bank as a member of its Shariah Committee. Currently, he is also a member of Shariah Committee of OCBC Al-Amin.
He has presented papers both locally and abroad and has produced several articles and books in the field of Family Law. Among his articles are "A Study on the Shariah Decision- Making Processes Adopted by the Shariah Committee in Malaysian Islamic Financial Institutions", published by the Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 8 (13). "The Implementation of Shariah Governance Framework of 2010: Advantages and Constraints", published by the Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 8 (13). "The Concept of Fatwa (Islamic Verdict) in Malaysia and the Constitutional Dilemma: A Legislation or Legal Opinion?", published by International Journal of Business and Law, Vol. 4, Issue 3 (June) 2014, "When Halal and Haram Meet the Haram Prevails? An Analysis of the Maxim and Its Application in Contemporary Issues" published by the Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 6(11): 199-205, 2012 (SCOPUS), "Wives' Right to the Government Retirement Benefit: Is It Syariah Compliant or Subject to Fara`id Distribution?", published in (2012) Journal of Islamic Law Review 1270-146, Is a Nominee a Trustee or a Beneficiary? A Study on the Islamic Legal Maxim In Contracts Effects is Given to Intention and Meaning and Not Words and Forms and Its Relevance to the Nomination Concept and Practice in the Administration of A Muslim's Estate in Malaysia", published in (2012) Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 6 (11) (Online) (SCOPUS), The Entitlement of the Bayt al-Mal to a Muslim Praepositus' Estates: An Analysis on the Right of a Muslim to Bequeath without Obtaining a Consent from the Bayt al-Mal", published in International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity Studies, Vol. 4, No. 1, (Online), 269, "The Implications of Ghubn in Islamic Contracts: An Analysis of Current Practices", published in Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 7(13): (SCOPUS) and "Takaful (Islamic Insurance) Benefit: Ownership and Distribution Issues in Malaysia", published in Journal of Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance, Vol. 5, no. 3.

Area of Specialisation

  • Humanities ~ Humanities ~ Religious Studies ~ Islamic Studies - Usul Fiqh, Inheritance, Islamic Wealth Management
  • Economics, Business And Management ~ Economics, Business And Management ~ Islamic Finance ~ Islamic Banking

Teaching Responsibilities

PENGURUSAN HARTA PUSAKA 2023/2024 2022/2023
TRANSACTION IN ISLAMIC LAW I 2022/2023 2021/2022


الآثار القانونية لتعاطي المنشِّطات في الألعاب الرياضية طِبقًا لِمقاصد الشريعة الإسلامية: دراسة تحليلية ‏مُقارنة.
The Legal Effects Of Taking Steroids In Sports: A Comparative Study Between Civil Law And Shariah.
Ph.D Completed 2021 Main Supervisor
Methodology Of Ijtihad Of Salafi Doctrine; Comparative Study And Its Relevance In Malaysia.
Ph.D Completed 2021 Main Supervisor
المعوقات القانونية لتنمية الوقف في المملكة العربية السعودية : دراسة تأصيلية تحليلة.
Legal Impediments Of Waqf Development In Saudi Arabia: An Analytical Study.
Ph.D Completed 2021 Main Supervisor
أثر قانوف ىيئة أسواؽ ابؼاؿ الكويتي على الشركات ابؼدرجة:دراسة برليليٌة.
Kuwaiti Capital Market Commission Act And Its Effects On Listed Companies: An Analytical Study.
Ph.D Completed 2021 Co-supervisor
Legal And Regulatory Framework Of Islamic Microfinance In Liberia: Lessons From Bangladesh And Indonesia.
Ph.D Completed 2017 Co-supervisor
Investment Of The Wealth Orphan In Islamic And Yemeni Law : A Comparative Analytical Study.
Ph.D Completed 2016 Co-supervisor
The Multidimensional Role Of Fatwa In Nigeria And Malaysia : A Comparative Study.
Ph.D Completed 2015 Co-supervisor
Recoverability Of Economic Loss Under Construction Law In Malaysia: A Critical Analysis.
Ph.D Completed 2014 Co-supervisor
التحكيم الالكتروني الاماراتي وتطبيقه في المنازعات التجارية في العراق : دراسة تحليلية.
Proposing Uae E-Arbitration Model In Commercial Disputes In Iraq.
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
تطبيق قاعدة العادة محكمة قانون المعاملات المدنية في سلطنة عمان .
The Application Of The Legal Maxims Of Custom Arbitrary In The Sultanate Of Oman.
Ph.D In Progress Co-supervisor
Snatch Theft In Islamic Law And Malaysian Civil Law: A Comparative Study.
Master Completed 2016 Co-supervisor
Management Of Awqaf Property, Issues And Challenges : A Special Reference To The Kenyan Context.
Master Completed 2011 Main Supervisor

Research Projects

2016 - 2019 The Objectives of Shariah in Nomination for the Payment of Takaful Benefits
2009 - 2012 The Issue of Ownership and Hibah of Takaful Benefits
2021 - Present The Right of Inheritance of the Offspring of an Irregular Marriage in the Islamic Law of Inheritance
2017 - Present Al-`Adl (justice) and Ihsan (benevolent) in Islamic Jurisprudence: A study on the concept of Equity in Islamic Law.
2016 - Present A Study on the Application of Qawa'id Fiqhiyyah (Islamic Legal Maxims) by the Shari'ah Committee in Approving Islamic Banking and Takaful Products in Malaysia
2016 - Present A Study on the Maxim and Its Application in Islamic Banking and Takaful Industries
2016 - Present A Study on the Rules of Priority Applicable to the 'Asabah Heir in the Islamic Inheritance
2014 - Present The Influence of Jahiliyy Custom on Islamic Law of Successdion on the Entitlement of Legal Heirs to the Deceased Muslim Estates
2013 - Present A Study on the Entitlement of the Agnatic Grandfather under Laws of Successions; the Malaysian Law and the Shariah Perspective
2011 - Present A Critical Study on bab al-Khiyar on the Book Magni al-Muhtaj (RU 2011)
2011 - Present A Nominee is a Trustee or Beneficiary? A Study on the Islamic Maxim "Meanings are Taken into Consideration and not the Words" and Its Relevance to the Nomination Concept and Practice in the Administration of a Muslim's Estate in Malaysia (RU 2011)
2008 - Present Studing the Feasibility of Appointing Female Judges in Malaysian Shari'ah Courts from Islamic Jurisprudence Perspective?



2017 Rangka kerja pengurusan risiko syariah institusi kewangan Islam: Suatu usaha menangani risiko ketidakpatuhan syariah global = Sharia risk management framework for Islamic financial institutions: Its global application in managing sharia non-compliant risk. Kanun : Jurnal Undang-undang Malaysia, 29 (2) pp. 99-127
2017 Shariah risk management process for Islamic financial institutions in the context of shariah governance framework 2010. UUM Journal of Legal Studies, 8 () pp. 1-15
2015 A jurisprudential overlap between fatwa, ijtihad, ijma, qiyas, istislah and istihsan: an appraisal. Journal of Islamic Law Review, 10 (2) pp. 341-357
2015 Fatwa verses Modernity within the Philosophical Epistemology of Shari'ah: Striking a Balance between the two. University of Maiduguri Law Journal, 13 (1) pp. 27-41
2015 Shari’ah court and the role of muftīs in the Nigerian Judiciary: mission on reviving the lost glory of its past. Pertanika Journal of Social Science & Humanities, 25 (s) (-) pp. 55-66
2014 A study on the Shariah decision making processes adopted by the Shariah committee in Malaysian Islamic financial institutions. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 8 (13) pp. 670-675
2014 Role of fatwa in the fight against terrorism: the relevance of the Malaysian fatwa model to the anti-boko haram crusade. GSTF Journal of Law and Social Sciences, 4 (1) pp. 34-38
2014 The concept of fatwa (Islamic verdict) in Malaysia and the constitutional dilemma: a legislation or legal opinion?. International Journal of Business, Economics and Law, 4 (3) pp. 11-19
2014 The implementation of Shariah governance framework of 2010: advantages and constraints. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 8 (13) pp. 684-687
2014 The role of fatwa (Islamic legal opinion) to Islamic banks and other financial institutions: a myth or reality in the Nigerian and Malaysian contexts? . International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, () pp. 375-389
2012 Is a Nominee a Trustee or a Beneficiary? A Study on the Islamic Legal Maxim “In Contracts Effect is Given to Intention and Meaning and not Words and Forms” and Its Relevance to the Nomination Concept and Practice in the Administration of a Muslim’s Estate in Malaysia.. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 6 (11) pp. 153-159
2012 The entitlement of the Bayt al-Mal to a muslim praepositus’ estates; an analysis on the right of a Muslim to bequeath without obtaining a consent from the Bayt al-Mal. International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity Studies, 4 (1) pp. 269-278
2012 When Halal and Haram meet the Haram prevails?: an analysis of the maxim and its application in contemporary issues. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 6 (11) pp. 199-205
2012 Wives' right to the government retirement benefit: is it Syariah compliant or subject to fara`id distribution?. Journal of Islamic Law Review, 8 (1) pp. 127-146
2011 Islamic wealth management: is the nominee a trustee or beneficiary? An analysis on the application of the nomination instrument in the disposition of property in Malaysia from the perspective of Islamic law. The Law Review, 4 () pp. 697-708
2011 The implications of ghubn in islamic contracts : an analysis of current practices. Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 7 (13) pp. 2177-2181
2010 The applicability of the Usul Fiqh principle "Istishab" to the presumption of death of a missing person in Islamic Law of Succession and Malaysian Law . IIUM Law Journal, 18 (2) pp. 321-346
2009 Takaful (Islamic insurance) benefit: ownership and distribution issues in Malaysia . Journal of Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance, 5 (3) pp. 35-48
2008 Women's rights to succession in unregistered marriages: a reference to the instrument of wasiyyah. IIUM Law Journal, 16 (1) pp. 125-139
Conference or Workshop Item

2018 The objectives of Shariah (Maqasid al-Shariah) in nomination for the payment of family takaful benefits. In: 7th International Conference on Law And Society (ICLAS 7),
2017 ADR mechanisms to resolve potential disputes on the payment of takaful benefits under conditional hibah. In: International Conference on Dispute Resolution 2017 - Modern Trends in Effective Dispute Resolution,
2014 Fatwa versus modernity within the philosophical epistemology of the Qur’an: striking a balance between the two. In: 4the Internatioanl Annual Qur'anic Conference (MuqaddasIV),
2014 Legal framework on Islamic finance in Nigeria: a critical appraisal of Hurdles against the effective shari‘ah governance. In: 5th International Conference on Islamic Jurisprudence in the 21st Centurty (ICIJ2014),
2014 Shari'ah court and the role of muftīs in the Nigerian judiciary: mission on reviving the lost glory of its past. In: International Conference on Law, Order and Criminal Justice 2014,
2014 The concept of Fatwa (Islamic verdict) in Malaysia and the constitutional dilemma: a legislation or legal opinion?. In: Kuala Lumpur International Business, Economics and Law Conference (KLIBEL4), Vol. 3,
2014 The Malaysian fatwa framework and its relevance to anti terrorism policy: a critical reflection on the Nigerian "Boko Haram" causes. In: 3rd Annual International Conference on Law, Regulations and Public Policy (LRPP 2014),
2013 Enhancement programmes conducted by Malaysian Islamic banks towards the implementation of Shariah compliance. In: International Conference on Commercial Laws (ICCL 2013) ,
2007 "Runaway Bride”: any right to succession?. In: International Family Law Conference 2007,

2010 Rules of the derivation of laws for reforming the people ( Qawa'id al-ahkam fi islah al-anam). IBFIM, ISBN: 9789834377762
Book Section

2021 Kajian terhadap pencapaian Maqasid al-Shari’ah sistem pewarisan Islam dalam amalan penamaan untuk pembayaran manfaat takaful keluarga. In: Jabatan Kehakiman Syariah Malaysia & Kulliyyah Undang-undang Ahmad Ibrahim, IIUM, ISBN: 978-967-0870-88-5, pp. 571-588
2021 The enfluence of the Arab jahiliyy customary practices over the entitlement of muslim legal heirs to the deceased muslim's estates in Islamic law of succession: a fact or a myth?. In: Department of Syariah Judiciary Malaysia & Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, IIUM, ISBN: 978-967-0870-86-1, pp. 327-341
2019 The objectives of sharīʿah in nomination for the payment of family takaful benefits. In: Emerald Publishing Limited, ISBN: 978-1-78973-546-8, pp. 33-52
2018 Hibah dan faraid dalam undang-undang Islam di Malaysia: adakah wujud percanggahan antara kedua-duanya?. In: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP), ISBN: 978-983-49-1372-4, pp. 286-315
2014 Wives' right to the government retirement benefit: is it Syariah compliant or subject to Fara'id distribution?. In: Serials Publications, ISBN: 9788183876247, pp. 121-140
2014 Wives' right to the government retirement benefit: is it Syariah compliant or subject to Fara'id distribution?. In: Serials Publications, ISBN: 9788183876247, pp. 121-140
2009 Ownership and hibah issues of Takaful benefit. In: IIUM Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance, ISBN: 9789834456801, pp. 153-174
2009 Ownership and hibah issues of Takaful benefit. In: IIUM Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance, ISBN: 9789834456801, pp. 153-174