Staff Directory

Akmal Hidayah Bt Halim

Academic Qualification

  • (Law) - Doctor of Philosophy, International Islamic University Malaysia
  • Comparative Law - Masters Degree, International Islamic University Malaysia
  • LL.B - Bachelor Degree, International Islamic University Malaysia

Akmal Hidayah Bt Halim (Assoc. Prof. Dr.)

Associate Professor
IIUM Gombak Campus


Expert Profile

Akmal Hidayah Halim obtained her first degree in law (LLB) from the International Islamic University Malaysia in 1998. In 1999 she was awarded with a master of comparative law (MCL) by the same university and was conferred with a doctorate degree in 2006 in the area of estate administration in Malaysia. She is the Head of Unit and Legal Consultant for property distribution/wealth management/succession/probate (civil and Islamic) at the Legal Clinic of Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, IIUM since 2014.
Dr Akmal Hidayah Halim has presented various papers both locally and abroad and has published several books and articles in her area of expertise. Her publications include two books written on Administration of Estates in Malaysia: Law and Procedure and The Law of Wills and Intestacy in Malaysia. She is the co-author for an International Encyclopaedia on Family and Succession Law for Kluwer Law International, an international publisher based in the Netherlands. She also writes articles for journal publication and is actively involved in consultancy projects in the area of estate administration, estate management and protection of estate beneficiaries, law of succession, Islamic wealth management, estate planning instruments and trust. She is the recipient of the Quality Research Award 2009, Gold and Silver Medals for Quality Day 2009, and Gold and Bronze Medals for IRIIE 2012.
Dr Akmal Hidayah has contributed to the White Book of the Malaysian Civil Procedure 2015 published by Thomson Reuters Sweet & Maxwell Asia. She served as a trainer at the Malaysian Financial Planning Council (MFPC). She has also secured several research grants most of which have been successfully completed, the latest being a research on reforming the law for the administration of estate in West Malaysia, towards establishing an effective estate administration model and one stop data centre of wills, assets and liabilities under a grant awarded by the Malaysian Law Reform Committee.
Presently, Dr Akmal Hidayah Halim is an Associate Professor at the Department of Legal Practice, Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, International Islamic University Malaysia.

Area of Specialisation

  • Social Science ~ Social Science ~ Law ~ Property Law and Conveyancing - Law of trust
  • Social Science ~ Social Science ~ Law ~ Equity and Trust Law - Law of Succession
  • Social Science ~ Social Science ~ Syariah Law ~ Other Syariah Law n.e.c.
  • Social Science ~ Social Science ~ Law ~ Family Law - Adminstration of Estate

Teaching Responsibilities

INSTRU. PERAN. HARTA ISLAM & PENTAD. PUSAKA 2022/2023 2020/2021 2019/2020 2017/2018 2015/2016 2013/2014 2012/2013 2009/2010 2008/2009 2007/2008
ISLAMIC LAW OF SUCCESSION 2023/2024 2022/2023 2021/2022 2020/2021 2019/2020 2016
ISLAMIC WEALTH MANAGEMENT 2023/2024 2021/2022 2019/2020 2016/2017 2015/2016 2015 2014/2015 2014 2013 2012
LAW OF PROBATE 2024/2025 2023/2024 2022/2023 2021/2022 2020/2021 2019/2020 2018/2019
LEGAL METHOD 2023/2024 2022/2023 2021/2022 2020/2021 2019/2020 2018/2019 2017/2018 2015/2016 2014/2015 2013/2014 2012/2013 2011/2012 2010/2011 2009/2010 2008/2009 2007/2008 2006/2007
LEGAL METHOD AND SKILLS 2013/2014 2012/2013 2011/2012
PENGURUSAN HARTA PESAKA 2019/2020 2018/2019 2017/2018 2015/2016 2014/2015 2013/2014 2008/2009 2006/2007
PENGURUSAN HARTA PUSAKA 2023/2024 2021/2022
PROBATE AND THE LAW OF SUCCESSION I 2006/2007 2005/2006 2001/2002 2000/2001 1999/2000
PROBATE AND THE LAW OF SUCCESSION II 2007/2008 2006/2007 2001/2002 2000/2001 1999/2000
THE LAW OF SUCCESSION 2018/2019 2017/2018 2015/2016 2014/2015 2013/2014 2012/2013 2011/2012 2010/2011 2009/2010 2008/2009 2007/2008


Implementation Of Family Waqf (Waqf Ahli) To Complement Islamic Inheritance Within The Nigerian Law In The South West States.
Ph.D Completed 2023 Co-supervisor
The Administration Of Unclaimed Estates In West Malaysia: Formulating A Legal Framework.
Ph.D Completed 2019 Main Supervisor
The Application Of Privileged Wills In Malaysia And Other Selected Countries : A Comparative Analysis .
Ph.D Completed 2019 Co-supervisor
Resolution Of Disputes In Administration Of Estates In Malaysia: Proposing Mediation As An Effective Means .
Ph.D Completed 2018 Member Supervisory Committee
Legal Protection For Estate Beneficiaries Against Personal Representatives In Malaysia.
Ph.D Completed 2017 Main Supervisor
Administration Of Non-Contentious Estates In West Malaysia: Legal And Administrative Reforms.
Ph.D Completed 2015 Main Supervisor
Formulating Legal Framework For The Administration Of Bona Vacantia (Ownerless Estates) In West Malaysia.
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
The Use Of Trust Deed In Land Matter With Special Reference To The Estate, Distribution In West Malaysia.
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
The Creation Of Private Trust By Muslims As An Instrument Of Wealth Disposition In West Malaysia.
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
Legal And Procedural Constraints In The Execution Of Wasiyyah (Islamic Will) In Malaysia.
Master Completed 2014 Main Supervisor

Research Projects

2017 - 2023 Formulating a Comprehensive Legal Framework for the Administration of Unclaimed Estates in West Malaysia: Fulfilling the Need for Reform
2016 - 2019 The Objectives of Shariah in Nomination for the Payment of Takaful Benefits
2015 - 2017 Reforming the Administration of Estate in West Malaysia: Towards Establishing an Effective Estate Administration Model and One Stop Data Centre of Wills, Assets and Liabilities
2011 - 2014 Legal Framework for Administration of Estate in Malaysia: Is there a Need for Reforms
2010 - 2015 A Study on the Level of Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of First Year Students towards the Learning of Legal Method at the Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws,IIUM
2009 - 2011 The Law of Wills and Intestacy in Malaysia
2008 - 2012 The Legality of Living Trust as an Instrument for Muslim Estate Planning in Peninsular Malaysia
2024 - Present Subject Matter Expert for the Review and Study of the Public Trust Corporation 1995 (Act 532)
2021 - Present Streamlining the Nomination Policy in Estate Administration in Malayisa
2021 - Present Application of Joint Tenancy on Real Property and Its Impact under the Law of Succession of Malaysia
2012 - Present Islamic Wealth Management in Malaysia
2009 - Present Family Law and Ethics Unit (FAME)



2024 Streamlining the nomination policy in estate administration for Muslims in Malaysia. IIUM Law Journal, 32 (1) pp. 309-334
2023 A comparative analysis of the application of joint tenancy in the administration of real property in Malaysia, Singapore and Australia. Planning Malaysia, 21 (3) pp. 196-208
2022 Administration of estates: resolution of disputes in achieving sustainability among deceased's family. IIUM Law Journal, 30 (2) pp.
2022 Administration of estates: resolution of disputes in achieving sustainability among the deceased’s family. IIUM LAW JOURNAL, 30 (2) pp. 253-279
2021 Family waqf as progressive technique for poverty extermination: a headlong for human development in southern region of Nigeria. Albukhary Social Business Journal, 2 (1) pp. 52-62
2020 Revisiting the appointment, powers and duties of a Wasi in the administration of Muslims’ estate in Malaysia. Malayan Law Journal, 6 () pp. lxxviii-xciv
2020 The execution of Muslim wills (waÎiyyah) in Malaysia: a way to evade Islamic inheritance (FarÉ’iḍ). Journal of Islam in Asia, 17 (3) pp. 184-197
2020 The execution of Muslim wills (Wasiyyah) in Malaysia: A way to evade islamic inheritance (Fara’iḍ) (Pelaksanaan wasiat di Malaysia: Satu cara pembahagian harta pusaka (Faraid)). Journal of Islam in Asia, 17 (3) pp. 184-197
2019 The administration of Muslim's and non-muslim's ownerless estate (bona vacantia) in West Malaysia: an analysis. International Journal of Law, Government and Communication, 4 (16) pp. 26-34
2019 The impacts of non-administered estates in West Malaysia: an analysis. Journal of Islamic Law Review, 15 (1) pp. 103-123
2018 Administration of unclaimed estates in Malaysia: the peculiarities of unclaimed money, undistributed fund and bona vacantia. The Journal of Social Sciences Research, Special Issue (6) pp. 1075-1079
2018 Towards formulating a specific legislation on the law of presumption of death in Malaysia. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 9 (11) pp. 1404-1409
2017 Administration of unclaimed estates in Malaysia: The peculiarities of unclaimed money, undistributed fund and bona vacantia. International Journal of Economic Perspective, () pp.
2017 Pelaksanaan hibah amanah sebagai suatu instrumen pengurusan harta Islam di Malaysia. Kanun Jurnal Undang-undang Malaysia, 29 (2) pp. 90-115
2016 Fiduciaries in the administration of the deceased's estate: the two distinct capacities of personal representatives and trustees. Legal Network Series, 37 (1) pp. 1-17
2016 Finding the right personal representative to the deceased in estate administration: expounding the Malaysian Legal considerations. Legal Network Series, 34 () pp. 1-14
2016 Privileged wills in Malaysia: the sustainability of privileged wills among soldiers, airmen and sailors. Journal of Asian and African Social Science and Humanities, 2 (3) pp. 61-73
2015 Criminal liability for breach of fiduciary duty: a case of criminal breach of trust by the personal representative of the deceased’s estate . Pertanika Journal of Social Science & Humanities, 23 (S) () pp. 125-136
2015 Dealing with shares on a shareholder's death: The plight of the deceased's personal representative. Global Journal of Business and Social Science Review, 1 (1) pp. 25-32
2014 Managing and preserving the estates of a deceased's person: the extent of personal representatives' powers and liabilities in Malaysia. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 8 (13) pp. 663 -669
2014 Penentuan harta pusaka di Malaysia: kajian dari perspektif undang-undang sivil dan Syariah . Kanun - Jurnal Undang-Undang Malaysia, 26 (2) pp. 153-172
2013 Reforming legal framework for administration of estates in West Malaysia: an overview. The Law Review, () pp. 295-306
2013 The position of pre-marital gift as matrimonial property in Malaysia. The Law Review, () pp. 32-41
2012 Choice of Law and Recognition of Foreign Orders in the Administration of Estates in Malaysia. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 6 (11) pp. 17-21
2011 The legality of a living trust as an instrument for Islamic wealth management: a Malaysian perspective. IIUM Law Journal, 19 (1) pp. 35-50
2010 Rights and entitlements of a foreign spouse to the deceased's estate under the Malaysian law of succession. The Law Review, () pp. 437-451
2010 Tuntutan harta sepencarian dalam kes kematian. Kanun- Jurnal Undang-Undang Malaysia, 22 (1) pp. 26-46
2008 Women's rights to succession in unregistered marriages: a reference to the instrument of wasiyyah. IIUM Law Journal, 16 (1) pp. 125-139
Conference or Workshop Item

2018 Administration of the deceased’s estates an analysis to the effect of nomination. In: 9th UUM International Legal Conference (ILC 2017),
2018 Administration of the deceased’s estates: an analysis to the effect of nomination. In: The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences EpSBS,
2018 Determinant of roles of personal representative in administration of estates in Malaysia and its challenges. In: 7th International Conference on Law And Society (ICLAS 7),
2018 The objectives of Shariah (Maqasid al-Shariah) in nomination for the payment of family takaful benefits. In: 7th International Conference on Law And Society (ICLAS 7),
2017 Administration of the deceased’s estates: Analysis on the effect of nomination under the Islamic Financial Services Act 2013. In: 9th UUM International Legal Conference (ILC 2017),
2017 ADR mechanisms to resolve potential disputes on the payment of takaful benefits under conditional hibah. In: International Conference on Dispute Resolution 2017 - Modern Trends in Effective Dispute Resolution,
2017 Overview of family disputes in administration of estates: Analysis on mediation as effective dispute resolution mechanism. In: International Conference on Dispute Resolution 2017 - Modern Trends in Effective Dispute Resolution,
2016 Keberkesanan dan kecekapan institusi pengurusan harta pusaka di Malaysia: satu penilaian. In: Seminar Faraid dan Perancangan Pewarisan: Isu Harta Beku dan Penyelesaiannya di Malaysia 2016,
2016 Understanding Muslim land inheritance law (Faraid) and its implication in Malaysia land. In: 3rd Malaysia Land Conference 2016,
2015 Administration of non-contentious estates in west Malaysia: legal and administrative reforms. In: International Conference on Advanced Research in Business and Social Sciences 2015 (ICARBSS 2015),
2015 Post MH370 mysterious disappearance: presumption of death in estate administration of a missing person. In: The 8th UUM International Legal Conference 2015,
2014 Claiming for a fair share in the matrimonial partnership upon death: the right of the surviving spouse from the Malaysian legal perspective . In: Global Conference on Business and Social Science (GBSS 2014),
2014 Dealing with shares on a shareholder's death: the plight of the deceased's personal representative. In: Global Conference on Business and Social Science (GBSS 2014),
2014 Pentadbiran harta pusaka orang Islam: prospek di mahkamah syariah. In: Seminar on Administration of Estates of Muslim: The Prospect of the Syariah Court,
2014 Surat kuasa mentadbir harta pusaka orang Islam: prospek di mahkamah syariah. In: Konvensyen Peguam Syarie kali ke-3,
2013 "Stepping into a dead man's shoes": the extent of personal representative's powers and liabilities in managing and preserving the deceased's estate. In: International Conference on Commercial Laws (ICCL 2013),
2013 Islamic trust: general overview & its applicability and challenges. In: Attorney General Chambers Internal Course ,
2013 Legal framework of estates administration in West Malaysia: past, present and future. In: International Conference of Law and Society 2013,
2013 Managing the deceased's estate: the necessity of choosing the veracious personal representative. In: 2nd International Management Conference 2013 (IMaC'2013),
2013 Personal representative cum trustee in estate administration: conflict of duties and obligations. In: The 7th UUM International Legal Conference 2013,
2013 Pre-marital gift and its position after divorce: Malaysian experience. In: International Conference on Law and Society I (ICLAS 1),
2013 Probate and administration of estate. In: Bengkel Intensif Subjek Sijil Amalan Guaman (SAG),
2013 Regulating the conduct of personal representative in deceased’s estate administration: Malaysian legal perspective. In: International Academic Conference on Social Science (IACSS 2013),
2013 Wasiat dan hibah: hukum dan prosedur. In: Seminar Wanita & Syariah,
2012 Administration of Testate Estates: A Malaysian Identity. In: 9th ASLI Conference,
2011 Legal framework for administration of estates in West Malaysia: is there a need for reforms?. In: International Conference on ‘Emerging Issues in Public Law: Challenges and Perspectives 2011' (ICPL 2011),
2011 Pengurusan dan pentadbiran pusaka di Malaysia. In: Seminar on Faraid ,
2010 Guardianship of a child's property: rights of the child v. responsibilities of the guardian . In: National Conference on Child Law 2010: Issues & Challenges,
2009 Cross border marriages: the rights of foreign spouse under the Malaysian law of succession. In: 6th Asian Law Institute Conference,
2009 Harmonising the use of living trust as an instrument for Islamic estate planning in Malaysia. In: 4th International Conference on Harmonisation of Civil Law & Shariah 2009,
2008 Pemilikan dan Pewarisan Harta. In: Kursus Literasi Undang-Undang Kekelurgaan Malaysia,
2007 "Runaway Bride”: any right to succession?. In: International Family Law Conference 2007,

2021 Contemporary issues in Islamic family law, property and finance: towards achieving Maqasid al-Shari'ah. Department of Syariah Judiciary Malaysia & Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, IIUM, ISBN: 978-967-0870-86-1
2018 Malaysia - Family and succession law. Wolters Kluwer, ISBN: 9789065448880
2016 The law of wills and intestacy in Malaysia, 2nd ed.. Mashi Publication Sdn. Bhd., ISBN: 9789671373682
2013 The law of wills and intestacy in Malaysia. Mashi Publication Sdn. Bhd., ISBN: 9789671045466
2012 Administration of estates in Malaysia: law and procedure . Sweet & Maxwell, ISBN: 978-967-5040-84-9
2009 The law of wills and intestacy in Malaysia. Department of Islamic Law & Harun M. Hashim Law Centre, ISBN: 978-983-41203-9-9
2009 Undang-undang harta dan amanah. Jabatan Undang-undang, Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia, ISBN: 9789834120368
2008 International encyclopaedia of law: family and succession law. Kluwer Law International, ISBN: 978-90-654-4945-0
Book Section

2023 Issues on Legitimacy in Muslims’ Inheritance in West Malaysia. In: Harun M. Hashim Law Centre, AIKOL, International Islamic University Malaysia, ISBN: 978-967-2424-46-8, pp. 241-258
2021 Kajian terhadap pencapaian Maqasid al-Shari’ah sistem pewarisan Islam dalam amalan penamaan untuk pembayaran manfaat takaful keluarga. In: Jabatan Kehakiman Syariah Malaysia & Kulliyyah Undang-undang Ahmad Ibrahim, IIUM, ISBN: 978-967-0870-88-5, pp. 571-588
2021 Pentadbiran dan pengurusan harta pusaka Islam di Malaysia : prospek peluasan bidang kuasa Mahkamah Syariah. In: Jabatan Kehakiman Syariah Malaysia & Kulliyyah Undang-undang Ahmad Ibrahim, IIUM, ISBN: 978-967-0870-88-5, pp. 553-570
2021 The execution of hibah as an instrument for islamic estate planning in Malaysia with special reference to Hibah Ruqba. In: Department of Syariah Judiciary Malaysia & Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, IIUM, ISBN: 978-967-0870-86-1, pp. 327-342
2019 The objectives of sharīʿah in nomination for the payment of family takaful benefits. In: Emerald Publishing Limited, ISBN: 978-1-78973-546-8, pp. 33-52
2011 Guardianship of a child's property acquired via succession: a Malaysian perspective. In: IIUM Press, ISBN: 9789674182250, pp. 113-127
2011 Harmonising the use of living trust as an instrument for Islamic estate planning in Malaysia. In: IIUM Press, ISBN: 9789670225890, pp. 227-241
2011 Wealth purification and disposition: a special reference to the creation of waqf on land. In: IIUM Press, ISBN: 9789674181093, pp. 37-55
2010 Family and succession law : Malaysia. In: Kluwer, ISBN: 978-90-654-4888-0, pp.

2012 The legality of living trust as an instrument for Muslim estate planning in peninsular Malaysia. In: s.n,