Staff Directory

Dawood Abdulmalek Yahya Al-Hidabi

Academic Qualification

  • DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN EDUCATION - Doctor of Philosophy, University of Stirling
  • MASTER OF EDUCATION - Masters Degree, University of Stirling

Dawood Abdulmalek Yahya Al-Hidabi (Prof. Dr.)

IIUM Gombak Campus


Other's position:

Director, International Institute for Muslim Unity

Area of Specialisation

  • Social Science ~ Social Science ~ Education ~ Other Education n.e.c.

Professional Membership

  • 2022: Member of Profesional Body / Association: (MEMBER (MEMBERSHIP NO. MPN06174)), MAJLIS PROFESOR NEGARA
  • 2023: Member of Profesional Body / Association: (Member of the committee for refining the syllabus of the alkafaah li al lughah al arabiyyah exam), MALAYSIAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL

Teaching Responsibilities

ADVANCED CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT 2020/2021 2019/2020 2017/2018
CURRICULUM THEORY & ORGANIZATION 2024/2025 2023/2024 2022/2023 2020/2021 2019/2020 2018/2019
MODELS OF TEACHING 2022/2023 2021/2022


أثر تدريس برنامج مقترح في تنمية الحكمة لدى طلبة كلية علوم اللغات بجامعة ابن خلدون بالجزائر.
The Impact Of Teaching A Proposed Program On Developing Wisdom Among Students Of The Faculty Of Language Sciences At Ibn Khaldun University In Algeria.
Ph.D Completed 2024 Main Supervisor
الشفافية الإدارية والاندماج الوظيفي ودورهما في الأداء المؤسسي في وزارة التربية والتعليم بسلطنة عمان من وجهة نظر العاملين فيها.
The Administrative Transparency And The Employees' Engagement And Their Role In The Institutional Performance In The Ministry Of Education In The Sultanate Of Oman From The Perspective Of Employees.
Ph.D Completed 2024 Main Supervisor
أثر القيادة الأخلاقية في سلوك المواطنة التنظيمية وجودة اتخاذ القرارات لدى القيادات التربوية بمدارس سلطنة عمان من وجهة نظر التربويين العاملين في تلك المدارس.
The Impact Of Ethical Leadership On Organizational Citizenship Behavior Of The Quality Of Decision-Making Among Educational Leaders In Schools In The Sultanate Of Oman. From The Point Of View Of Educators Working In Those Schools.
Ph.D Completed 2023 Main Supervisor
أثر الإبداع الإداري بوصفه متغيرًا وسيطًا في العلاقة بين الرضا الوظيفي والأداء الوظيفي لدى مديري مدارس المرحلة الثانوية في سلطنة عُمان.
The Effect Of Job Satisfaction On Job Performance Among Secondary School Principals In The Sultanate Of Oman: Administrative Creativity As A Mediating Variable.
Ph.D Completed 2023 Main Supervisor
مدى تحقق النمذجة الرياضية في التعليم ما بعد الأساسي بسلطنة عمان.
Mathematical Modelling In Post-Primary Education In The Sultanate Of Oman.
Ph.D Completed 2023 Main Supervisor
نمذجة العوامل المؤثرة في استخدام منصة مدرستي لدى معلمي الرياضيات للمرحلة الثانوية في الرياض في ضوء نموذج قبول التقانة (TAM).
Modelling Factors Affecting Mathematics Teachers Using Of The Madrasati Platform In Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: In Light Of Technology Acceptance Model (Tam).
Ph.D Completed 2023 Main Supervisor
أهمية الشراكة بين القطاعين العام والخاص ومتطلبات تطبيقها لتحقيق التنمية المستدامة في التعليم المدرسي في سلطنة عُمان.
The Importance Of Partnership Between The Public And Private Sectors And The Requirements For Its Application In Sustainable Development In The Sultanate Of Oman.
Ph.D Completed 2023 Main Supervisor
معايير منح الإجازة القرآنية ومدى تطبيقها في المعاهد القرآنية في جزيرة جاوى بإندونيسيا دراسة تحليلية تطبيقية Criteria for granting Quranic Ijazah (Sanad), and to measure the extent of their application in Islamic Boarding Schools in Java Island, Indonesia..
Criteria For Granting Quranic Ijazah (Sanad), And To Measure The Extent Of Their Application In Islamic Boarding Schools In Java Island, Indonesia. .
Ph.D Completed 2023 Co-supervisor
أثر برنامج مقترح باستخدام أسلوب التّفكير التّأملي في تنمية مهارات القراءة النّاقدة لدى طالبات الصّفّ العاشر واتّجاهاتهّن نحوها بسلطنة.
The Effect Of A Proposed Program Using The Relective Thinking Method In Developing Critical Reading Skills Of Students Grade Ten Female And Their Attitudes Towards In The Sultanate Of Oman.
Ph.D Completed 2022 Main Supervisor
ثر الالتزام التنظيمي بوصفه متغيراً وسيطاً بين القيادة التحويلية والأداء الوظيفي في القطاع التربوي في سلطنة عمان.
The Impact Of Organizational Commitment As A Mediating Variable Between Transformational Leadership And Job Performance In The Educational Sector In The Sultante Of Oman.
Ph.D Completed 2022 Main Supervisor
إمكانية تطبيق معاییر ضمان الجودة والاعتماد الأكاديمي لاتحاد جامعات العالم الإسلامي في جامعة ظفار بسلطنة عمان من وجهة نظر أعضاء هيئة التدريس والإداریین.
The Possibility Of Applying The Standards Of Quality Assurance And Academic Accreditation Of The Federation Of Universities Of The Islamic World At Dhofar University, Sultanate Of Oman From The Point Of View Of Faculty And Administrative Staff.
Ph.D Completed 2022 Main Supervisor
القيادة الأخلاقية وعلاقتها بالالتزام التنظيمي والإبداع الإداري لدى مديري مدارس التعليم الأساسي في محافظة الداخلية بسلطنة عمان.
Ethical Leadership And Its Relation To The Organizational Commitment And Administrative Creativity Of Principles Of Basic Education Schools In The State Of Dakhiliyah State Of Oman.
Ph.D Completed 2022 Main Supervisor
Investigating The Factors Influencing Maldivian Public Schools Teachers' Readiness To Use M-Learning In Teaching.
Ph.D Completed 2022 Main Supervisor
The Impact Of Social Adjustment And Psychological Well-Being On Creative Thinking Of Gifted Students In The Basic Education In Muscat Governorate, The Sultanate Of Oman .
Ph.D Completed 2022 Main Supervisor
The Evaluation Of Implementing Al-Islam And Kemuhammadiyahan Course For Non-Muslim Students At University Of Muhammadiyah Kupang, Indonesia .
Ph.D Completed 2022 Main Supervisor
تأثير العوامل التنظيمية على فاعلية تقويم الأداء المؤسسي في وزارة التربية والتعليم وأساليب تطويره بسلطنة عُمان.
The Effect Of Organizational Factors On The Effectiveness Of Institutional Performance Evaluation In The Ministry Of Education And Developmental Approaches In The Sultanate Of Oman.
Ph.D Completed 2022 Main Supervisor
أثر التفاعل بين التغذية الراجعة وترتيب مفردات الاختبار الإلكتروني على الخصائص السيكومترية للاختبار ومفرداته والتحصيل لدى طلاب الصف العاشر في سلطنة عمان.
The Effect Of Feedback In Electronic Tests On Students Achievement And Psychometric Characteristics Of The Items Test Among Grade Ten Students In The Sultanate Of Oman.
Ph.D Completed 2022 Main Supervisor
أثر جودة الخدمات في كفايات رواد الأعمال من خلال الأدوار الوسيطة للتدريب في المراكز الحرفية في سلطنة عُمان من وجهة نظر الخريجين.
The Impact Of Service Quality On The Competencies Of Through The Intermediate Roles Of Training In Enterpreneurs Craft Center In The Sultanate Of Oman.
Ph.D Completed 2022 Main Supervisor
A Proposed Islamic Microfinance Model For Reducing Unemployment Rate In Yemen.
Ph.D Completed 2022 Co-supervisor
علاقة تطبيق مبادئ الحكومة بمبادئ ادارة الجودة الشاملة في بعض الجامعات الخاصة بسلطنة عمان.
The Relationship Of Applying Governance Principles To The Principles Of Total Quality Management In Some Private Universities In The Sultanate Of Oman.
Ph.D Completed 2021 Main Supervisor
أساليب المعاملة الوالدية كما يدركها الأبناء وعلاقتها بالأفكار اللاعقلنية وقلق المستقبل لدى الطلبة المعاقين سمعيا في سلطنة عمان.
Parenting Styles And Its Relationship To The Irrational Thoughts And Future Anxiety Among The Students Of Hearing Disabilities In Oman.
Ph.D Completed 2021 Main Supervisor
Integration Of Islamic Perspective Into The Global Perspectives Textbook Of An International School In Qatar.
Ph.D Completed 2021 Main Supervisor
أثر استخدام تطبيق الواتس آب WhatsApp في تنمية مهارتي القراءة والكتابة لدى طلبة اللغة العربية في الصف الحادي عشر في محافظة مسقط واتجاهاتهم نحو استخدامه.
Effects Of Using Whatsapp On Developing Reading And Writing Skills Among 11th Grade Arabic Language Students At Muscat Governorate And Their Attitudes Towards It.
Ph.D Completed 2021 Main Supervisor
التدين وعلاقته بالرضا الزواجي من خلال الذكاء العاطفي والمسؤولية الاجتماعية في محافظة الداخلية فب سلطنة عمان.
Relationship Of Religiosity Satisfaction Through Emotional Intelligence And Social Responsibility In The Interior Province Of Oman.
Ph.D Completed 2021 Main Supervisor
دور المشرفين التربويين في تطوير الأداء الوظيفي للمعلمين الاوائل في ضوء نموذج الاشراف بالأهداف في محافظة مسقط.
The Role Of Educational Supervisors In Developing Senior Teachers Professional Performance As Resident Supervisors Based In Supervision By Objectives Model In Muscut Governorate Schools.
Ph.D Completed 2021 Main Supervisor
The Role Of Somali Secondary School Curriculum In Building Students' Citizenship And National Identity .
Ph.D Completed 2021 Main Supervisor
مقترح تصور لكفايات أستاذ العلوم الإسلامية في الجامعات في ضوء مدخل الملكات في الفكر التربوي الإسلامي.
A Proposed Conception Of The Competencies Of Islamic Sciences Lecturer In Universities According To Malakat Approach In Islamic Educational Thought.
Ph.D Completed 2021 Co-supervisor
دور استخدام تقنية المعلومات والاتصالات في تطوير الأداء الإداري من وجهة نظر إدارات مدارس التعليم الأساسي في الحلقة الثانية بسلطنة عُمان.
The Role Of Using Ict In Enhancing Administrative Performance From The Perspective Of Upper Primary Schools Administration At Oman.
Ph.D Completed 2021 Co-supervisor
أثر التماثل التنظيمي بوصفه متغيرًا وسيطًا في العلاقة بين الرضا الوظيفي والالتزام التنظيمي لدى معلمي مدارس التعليم الأساسي في سلطنة عمان.
The Effect Of Organization Identification As An Intermediary Variable In The Relationship Between Job Satisfaction And Organization Commitment Among Basic Schools Teachers In Sultanate Of Oman.
Ph.D Completed 2020 Main Supervisor
العلاقة بين إدارة المعرفة وإتخاذ القرار لدى القيادات الاكاديمية وأعضاء هيئة التدريس بجامعة المنصورة من وجهة نظرهم.
The Relationship Between Knowledge Management And Decision-Making Among Academic Leaders And Faculty Members At Mansoura University From Their Perspectives.
Ph.D Completed 2020 Main Supervisor
مؤشرات الدلالات الإحصائية والعملية في الدراسات التربوية: دراسة تحليلية لرسائل الماجستير في الجامعات ‏العمانية.
The Reality Of Indicators Of Statistical And Practical Significances In Educational Studies In Omani University.
Ph.D Completed 2020 Main Supervisor
أثر برنامج حاسوبي مقترح لاكتساب مهارات مقرر مستحدثات تكنولوجيا التعليم وتنمية التفكير الابتكاري لدى طلبة قسم تكنولوجيا التعليم-بجامعة إب- اليمن.
The Effect Of Digital Learning Objects On Instructional Technology Students' Creative Thinking Abilities : An Instructional Design Approach At Ib University, Yemen.
Ph.D Completed 2019 Main Supervisor
تدريس الفقه المالكي في المجالس العلمية الأهلية في شمال السنغال. الجوانب الإيجابية والسلبية: دراسة تطبيقية على المدرسة (بكوجي) سنة 1900 م - 2015 م Teaching of Maliki Fiqh in Local Academic Gatherings in Northern Senegal (Positive and Negative Aspect): An Appl ied Study in Bakjuy School (1900 - 2015).
Teaching Of Maliki Fiqh In Local Academic Gatherings In Northern Senegal (Positive And Negative Aspect): An Applied Study In Bakjuy School (1900-2015).
Ph.D Completed 2019 Co-supervisor
Examining Strategic Plan Models Towards Inculcating Islamic Values For Future Achievement Among Cycle One Students In Oman.
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
Developing An Islamic Value Framework For Teaching Profession: The Case Of Muslim School Teachers In Sri Lanka.
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
Investigating The Effect Of A Developed Science Module On 6th Grades' Critical Thinking In A Selected School In Tamilnadu, India.
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
Teaching Social Skills By The Use Of Homeschooling Strategies: A Case Study Of Religiously Oriented Muslim Parents In Jakarta, Indonesia.
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
Developing Financial Competencies Model/ Framework From Islamic Perspective: The Case Of Saudi Secondary Schools Curriculum.
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
Developing Evaluation Standards For Cambridge Mathematics Books (Grades1-4) In Sultanate Oman.
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
Analysing Th Principles Of Management And Its Implementation In Sultanate Oman School : A Frame Work From Surat Al Imran.
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
A Proposed Program For Clinical Guidance Related To The Psychological Rights Of Parents And Children A Comparative Study.
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
An Evaluation Of Secondary School Thai Language Textbooks In Pattani, Thailand: An Islamic Teachers Perspectives.
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
تأثير جودة الحياة على أداء معلمي المدارس الثانوية في اليمن: الرضا الوظيفي كمتغير وسيط.
The Impact Of The Quality Of Living On The Performance Of Teachers At Secondary Schools In Yemen: Job Satisfaction As A Moderator Variable.
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
Developing A Future Strategy For The Challenges Of Educational Policy Making In The Light Of 2040 Vision In The Sultanate Of Oman.
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
The Design And Evaluation Of Islamically Integrated Module On Emotion Regulation Skills Among Iium Students.
Ph.D In Progress Main Supervisor
أثر المهارات الناعمة على الذكاء العاطفى لطلبة الجامعة في ماليزيا: الدور المعتدل للكفاءة الذاتية للمعلمين.
The Effect Of Soft Skills On Undergradute Students' Emotional Intelligence In Malaysia: The Moderating Role Of Teachers' Self-Efficacy.
Ph.D In Progress Co-supervisor
Exploring The Experiences Of Parents Of Pre-School Children With Speech And Pronunciation Disorders.
Ph.D In Progress Co-supervisor
Principals' Practises Of Instructional Leadership Towards Teachers' Commitment And Performance In Maldives.
Ph.D In Progress Co-supervisor
مناهج اللغة العربية لأغراض أكاديمية في الجامعات الماليزية: دراسة تقييمية.
Arabic Language Curricula For Academic Purposes In Malaysian Universities: An Evaluation Study.
Ph.D In Progress Co-supervisor
Pre-Service Teachers’ Metacognitive Strategies In Essay Writing: A Study Of Esol Student Teachers At Teacher Training School Of Bouzareah Algeria.
Ph.D In Progress Co-supervisor
دور قائد المدرسة في تفعيل الأنشطة الطلابية لتعزيز الثقافة الاعلامية بمدارس جدة الابتدائية.
The Role Of The School Leaders In Activating To Promote Media Culture In North Jeddah Primary School.
Master Completed 2021 Main Supervisor
أثر استخدام تطبيقات الجوال في تنمية دافعية تعلم الكيمياء لدى طلبة الصف الأول ثانوي في المدرسة السعودية بكوالالمبور .
The Effect Of Using Mobile Applications In Teaching Chemistry In Saudi Schools In Kuala Lumpur.
Master Completed 2020 Main Supervisor
Saudi Teachers' Perception/Attitude Of Social Media Use In Teaching Mathematics.
Master Completed 2020 Main Supervisor
Service Quality In Secondary Schools: Students' Perspective Of Taiz Schools In Yemen .
Master Completed 2018 Main Supervisor

Research Projects

2019 - 2020 Preparation of OIC Strategy for Family and Marriage Institution Empowerment
2018 - 2018 Preparation of Manual for the Implementation of University Performance Measurement Tool
2023 - Present Research on AbdulHamid AbuSulayman's Contribution to Intellectual and Educational Reform
2022 - Present Teaching Usul Al-Din in the Contemporary Context
2021 - Present The Retention of International Students from Conflict Zones' Countries at IIUM

Award & Recognition

26 Jun, 2024 Staff Excellence Award - International Islamic University Malaysia University
08 May, 2024 TOP IIUM POSTDOCTORAL SUPERVISOR FOR 2023 - International Islamic University Malaysia University
03 Jan, 2024 Top 100 Influential Personalities in Social Responsibility year 2023 - Social Responsibility Network International
19 Aug, 2023 Top 100 Sustainability Champion in the MENA Region - International Union for Social Responsibility International
25 Jul, 2023 Book launching ceremony : International Competition & Exhibition of Research & Innovation - International Islamic University Malaysia University
23 May, 2023 Best Teaching for Transdisciplinary Learning - Kulliyyah of Education KCDIO
23 May, 2023 Top 3 Contributors in Research Performance - Kulliyyah of Education KCDIO
15 May, 2023 Top 30 Contributors to IIUM?s Research Performance - International Islamic University Malaysia University
21 Jan, 2023 The Most Influential Personalities in the Arab World in the Field of Social Responsibility for the Year 2022 : Professional Category - Regional Network for Social Responsibility International
30 May, 2022 Top 50 Contributors to IIUM's Research Performance - International Islamic University Malaysia University
29 Apr, 2022 The Most Influential Arab Personalities in the Field of Social Responsibility for the Year 2021 - Regional Network for Social Responsibility International
30 Apr, 2021 TOP 30 CONTRIBUTORS TO IIUM'S RESEARCH PERFORMANCE FOR YEAR 2021 - International Islamic University Malaysia University



2024 Educational loss in primary schools in the Sultanate of Oman: in light of the Corona Pandemic (COVID 19). Associations of Arab Educators, 35 (2) pp. 135-188
2024 The social skills of homeschooler: a case study exploring the perception of religiously minded Muslim parents in Jakarta. Progresiva: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Pendidikan Islam, 13 (1) pp. 1-18
2024 Unveiling the behavioral nexus of innovative organizational culture: identification and affective commitment of teachers in primary schools. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 34 (1) pp. 130-152
2024 واقع استخدام نظام التعليم النقال Learning-M لدى الطلبة اختصاصي تكنولوجيا التعليم بجامعة تعز في الجمهورية اليمنية = The current utilization of mobile learning among educational technology students at Taiz University in The Republic of Yemen. The North African Journal of Scientific Publishing (NAJSP), 2 (1) pp. 181-196
2023 A contemplation of an Ayah: the Muslim family and leadership. IIMU Bulletin, (2) pp. 10-11
2023 Attitudes of mathematics teachers towards usage of the madrasati platform in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. International E-Journal of Advances in Social Sciences, 9 (25) pp. 44-61
2023 Effective learning in the light of one verse. IIMU Bulletin, (3) pp. 14-16
2023 Evaluation of Dhofar University performance according to quality assurance and academic accreditation criteria of Islamic Universities Federation. Global Journal of Economics and Business, Volume 13 (Issue 4) pp. 361-374
2023 Exploring the experiences of international students living in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 12 (2) pp. 2601-2619
2023 Exploring the experiences of international students living in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education & Development, 12 (2) pp. 2601-2619
2023 Investigating factors that affect mathematics teachers' usage of madrasati platform in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. International E-Journal of Advances in Social Sciences, 9 (25) pp. 80-98
2023 Level of students’ retention among international students: is gender and level of study make a difference?. Asian Journal of Research in Education and Social Sciences, 5 (1) pp. 35-41
2023 Strategies for integrating and teaching soft skills in institution of learning. Ilorin Journal of Human Resource Management (IJHRM), 7 (1) pp. 40-51
2023 The extent of awareness of the importance of using Mobile Learning systems among students specializing in Educational Technology at Tiaz University in Yemen. International Journal of Talent Development, Vol. 13 (No. 2) pp. 58-78
2023 Towards developing a definition of Sociology from Islamic perspective. Afkar: Journal of Islamic & Religious Studies, 7 (2) pp. 15-32
2023 Unveiling the behavioral nexus of innovative organizational culture: identification and affective commitment of teachers in primary schools. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 34 (1) pp. 130-152
2023 تجربة الجامعة الإسلامية العالمية بماليزيا في تدريس الإعلام الرقمي = The experience of the International Islamic University in digital media education. IIUM Journal of Educational Studies, 11 (1) pp. 29-46
2023 مدى الوعي بأهمية استخدام نظام التعلُّم النقَّال لدى الطلبة اختصاصي تكنولوجيا التعليم بجامعة تعز في الجمهورية اليمنية = The extent of awareness of the importance of using mobile learning systems among students specializing in educational technology at Taiz University in Yemen. International Journal for Talent Development, 13 (2) pp. 58-78
2022 Challenges faced by IIUM postgraduate students in conducting the Qur'an memorization and working for living during their study period. International Journal of Asean Education, 3 (1) pp. 21-32
2022 Developing English as a second language learning textbook with Islamic perspective for Grade 1. Afkar: Journal of Islamic & Religious Studies, 6 (2) pp. 33-50
2022 Enhancing the development of students' Islamic identity in Islamic higher education. Progresiva: Journal Pemikiran dan Pendidikan Islam, 11 (2) pp. 87-103
2022 Enhancing the development of students’ Islamic identity in Islamic higher education. Progresiva: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Pendidikan Islam, 11 (2) pp. 87-103
2022 The degree of Administrative Transparency Indicators' availability in the Ministry of Education in the Sultanate of Oman: an employee's perspectives. International E-Journal of Advances in Social Sciences, 8 (22) pp. 361-377
2022 The demographic variables effects on the degree of administrative transparency indicators in the Ministry of Education in the Sultanate of Oman. International E-Journal of Advances in Social Sciences, 8 (22) pp. 378-395
2022 The influence of learners' motivation on their academic performance in learning english as a second foreign language: a study on secondary school students of Boussada state. Asian Journal of Research in Education and Social Sciences, 4 (1) pp. 255-267
2022 أثر أبعاد الرضا الوظيفي لدى معلمي مدارس التعليم الأساسي بسلطنة عمان على تماثلهم التنظيمي = The impact of job satisfaction dimensions on organizational identification among schools’ teachers (5-10) in sultanate of Oman. المجلة العربية للعلوم التربوية والنفسية, 6 (25) pp. 255-284
2021 Applying the principles of governance in Directorate-General of Education in Governorate North Al Batinah in Sultanate of Oman from its employee's perspective. Journal of Educational and Psychological Sciences, 5 (22) pp. 1-20
2021 Educational technological design for the individual educational plan to teach the hearing impaired according to the Wehman model. E-JOURNAL OF EDUCATION 2021, () pp. 376-395
2021 Effect of organizational identification on organizational commitment among primary Omani schools: empirical study. Journal of Educational and Psychological Sciences, 5 (10) pp. 1-30
2021 Effect of organizational identification on organizational commitment among primary Omani schools: empirical study. Journal of Educational and Psychological Sciences, 5 (10) pp. 1-30
2021 Quranic multiple intelligences and its implementation in educational institutions. International Journal of Asian Education, 2 (3) pp. 439-454
2021 The level of gifted students' psychological well-being at the basic education schools in Muscat Governorate in the Sultanate of Oman. International E-Journal of Advances in Social Sciences,, 7 (21) pp. 672-681
2021 أثر القيادة األخالقية لمديري المدارس ومساعديهم في سلوك المواطنة التنظيمية في مدارس سلطنة عمان: من وجهة نظر المشرفين والمعلمين= The impact of ethical leadership for school principals and their assistants on organizational citizenship behavior in the sultanate of Oman schools: supervisors and teachers perspectives. International E-Journal of Advances in Social Sciences, 7 (21) pp. 682-701
2021 أثر حجم العينة على مؤشرات الدلالات الإحصائية والعملية في رسائل الماجستير بالجامعات العمانية = The effect of sample size on statistical and practical significance levels used in master’s theses in Education at Omani Universities. IIUM Journal of Educational Studies, 9 (1) pp. 21-45
2021 التماثل التنظيمي لدى معلمي مدارس التعليم الأساسي في سلطنة عمان:الممارسة والفرق الديمغرافية = Organizational Identification (OI) among basic education school teachers in Oman: prevalence and demographic differences. IIUM Journal of Educational Studies, 9 (1 (Arabic Special Issue)) pp. 94-115
2021 الحكمة ومكوناتها وقياسها مراجعه منتظمة للأدبيات = A systematic review of research on wisdom: its components and measurement. Journal of Educational Studies, 9 (1) pp. 46-70
2021 العلاقة بين أساليب المعاملة الأبوية والصحة النفسية لدى طلبة جامعة المرقب في ليبيا = The relationship between parental styles and psychological well-being among undergraduate students at the Al-Marqab University, Libya. IIUM Journal for Educational Studies (IJES), 9 (1 (Arabic Special Issue)) pp. 71-93
2021 تقصي مستهيات الكفاءة في النمذجة الرياضية لدى معلمي الرياضيات للصفوف (11 - 12) بسلطنة عمان / Investigating competency levels in mathematical modeling among mathematics teachers for grades (11-12) in the Sultanate of Oman. Journal of Social Studies and Research, 9 (2) pp. 37-54
2021 تنمية معرفة معلمي الرياضيات بطبيعة النمذجة الرياضية في التعليم ما بعد الأساسي (١١ -١٢) بسلطنة عمان / Developing mathematics teachers' knowledge of the nature of mathematical modeling in post-basic education (11-12) in the Sultanate of Oman. Pathways to Education and Training / مسالك التربية و التكوين،, 4 (2) pp. 1-16
2021 مستوى الرضا الزواجي لدى المتزوجين في محافظة الداخلية بسلطنة عما ن = The level of marital satisfaction of a sample of married couples in Ad-Dakhiliyah Governorate of Oman. IIUM Journal of Educational Studies, 9 (1) pp. 2-10
2020 Cohen’s criteria for interpreting practical significance indicators: A critical study. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 15 (2) pp. 246-258
2020 Degree of the application governance principles for governance of the state's administrative in light of the requirements of the Oman vision (2040). International E-Journal of Advances in Social Sciences, 6 (16) pp. 617-633
2020 Degree of the application governance principles for governance of the state’s administrative in light of the requirements of the Oman vision (2040) = درجة تطبيق مبادئ الحوكمة بالجهاز الاداري للدولة في ضوء رؤية عمان 2040. International E-Journal of Advances in Social Sciences (IJASOS-), IV (16) pp. 617-633
2020 Effect of curriculum and background factors on students civic development. Asian Journal of Management Sciences & Education, () pp.
2020 Influence of curriculum and demographic factors on Somali students' civic outcomes. IIUM Journal of Educational Studies, 8 (1) pp. 53-72
2020 Quality assurance in higher education in the Maldives: are we listening to the students?. Intellectual Discourse, 28 (2) pp. 599-621
2020 The degree of compatibility between the statistical significance and the practical significance indicators in the statistical tests in the master's theses at Omani Universities = درجة التوافق بين الدلالة الإحصائية ومؤشرات الدلالة العملية في الاختبارات الإحصائية برسائل الماجستير بالجامعات العمانية. Journal of Human Development and Education for specialized Research (JHDESR)), 6 (1) pp. 104-134
2020 The level of occupational awareness among the twelfth grade students and their parents in the al batinah region, south of the Sultanate of Oman = مستوى الوعي المنهي لدى طلبة الصف الثاني عشر وآبائهم في منطقة الباطنة جنوب بسلطنة عمان. International E-Journal of Advances in Social Sciences, 6 (17) pp. 878-896
2020 The role of educational supervisors in developing the first teachers’ job performance in the light of the goal supervision model at the governorate of muscat schools: a first supervisor’s perspectives. International E-Journal of Advances in Social Sciences, 6 (17) pp. 861-877
2020 The role of the educational supervisor in developing teachers’ functional performance at the post-basic education schools in Muscat governorate: teachers' perspectives = دور المشرف التربوي في تطوير الأداء الوظيفي للمعلمين في مدارس التعليم ما بعد الأساسي بمحافظة مسقط: دراسة من وجهة نظر المعلمين. International e-Journal of Advances in Social Sciences (IJASOS), IV (16) pp. 407-427
2020 اثر الرضا الوظيفي لدى معلمي مدارس التعليم الأساسي، الحلقة الثانية (5-10) بسلطنة عمان = The effect of job satisfaction on organizational commitment among schools’ teachers (5-10) in Oman. المجلة الالكترونية الشاملة متعددة المعرفة لنشر الابحاث العلمية و التربوية, 22 () pp. 1-41
2020 اثر المتغيرات الفردية لدى طلبة الصف الثاني عشر وآبائهم في مستوى الوعي المهني : دراسة حالة في منطقة الباطنة جنوب بسلطنة عمان = The impact of individual variables among twelfth grade students and their parents on the level of professional awareness: a case study in al batinah region south the Sultanate of Oman. International E-Journal of Advances in Social Sciences,, 6 (17) pp. 897-912
2020 الاستخدامات الخاطئة للدلالة الإحصائية وحلول مقترحة = The misuses of the statistical significance and suggested solutions. مجلة نسق, 26 () pp. 407-436
2020 رؤية نقدية مقارنة بين نموذج المقررات المفتوحة الواسعة الانتشار عبر الإنترنت Moocs ونموذج التعليم المدمج في الجامعة العربية المفتوحة Comparative cash vision among Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) model and the Blended Learning model in the Arab Open University. المجلة الالكترونيه الشاملة متعددة التخصصات, 3 (22) pp. 1-43
2020 مستوى التماثل التنظيمي لدى مديري مدارس التعليم الأساسي وما بعد الأساسي بمحافظة الظاهرة في سلطنة عمان. Education Management - Sharja, Emirate, () pp.
2019 Designing a science curriculum model based on STEM with an Islamic perspective for 9th Grade. International Journal of Advanced Research in Islamic and Humanities, 1 (2) pp. 1-7
2019 Methods and strategies of organizational conflict management inside educational institutions: an analytical descriptive study أساليب وإستراتيجيات إدارة المشكلات التنظيمية داخل المؤسسات التعليمية. E-Journal on Integration Of Knowledge, () pp. 17-32
2019 Mobile device-based authentic learning in educational environments systematic review. IIUM Journal of Educational Studies, 7 (2) pp. 40-55
2019 Quality assurance in higher education in the Maldives: past, present, and future. Intellectual Discourse, 27 (2) pp. 353-372
2019 The Effect of STEM Curriculum Based on Islamic Perspective on 9th Grade Talented Female Students' Critical Thinking in Gaza. International Journal of Elementary Education, () pp.
2019 The low academic achievement in the mathematics at the second cycle students in Muscat: teachers’ perspectives. International E-Journal of Advances in Social Sciences, V (14) pp. 1171-1186
2019 The open access for the education contents at Arab Open University according to student orientation modern technologies and the international attitudes اننفار انحر نهمحتىي انتعهيمي ببرامج انجامعت انعربيت انمفتىحت في ضىء اتجاهاث انطهبت وانتقنياث انحذيخت وانتىجهاث انعانميت. International E-journal of Advances in Social Sciences, 5 (15) pp. 1553-1572
2019 The science curriculum based on STEM approach with Islamic perspective and its effect on Improving love of learning among 9thstudents in Gaza. IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), 24 (8 Series 9) pp. 33-38
2019 Using E-Portfolio to Enhance Student’s Attitudes Towards Learning English at University College of Applied Sciences.. IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education, 9 () pp. 1-9
2019 Using E-Portfolio to Enhance Students’Motivation Towards Learning English at University College of Applied Sciences, Palestine. IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), () pp.
2019 اثر ادارة المعرفة في تنمية القدرة على الابداع في مادة الرياضيات: دراسة تحليلية THE KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT IMPACT ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF CREATIVITY IN MATHEMATICS: AN ANALYTICAL STUDY.. IJASOS- International E-Journal of Advances in Social Sciences, () pp. 1187-1199
2019 التطوير التنظيمي للادارة المدرسية في سلطنة عمان: مدير مدرسة انموجا = Organizational development of the school management in the Sultanate of Oman: the principal of the school is a model. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, 44 () pp. 196-222
2019 الحاجات الإرشادية لطلبة مدارس الموهوبين بولاية الخرطوم Students’ Counseling Needs at Gifted Schools in Khartoum State. International Journal for Talent Development, () pp. 1-21
2019 النفاذ الحر للمحتوى التعليمي ببرامج الجامعة العربية المفتوحة في ضوء اتجاهات الطلبة والتقنيات الحديثة والتوجيهان العالمية The open-access for the education contents at Arab open university according to student orientation modern technologies and the international attitudes.. International E-Journal of Advances in Social Sciences, 5 (15) pp. 1553-1572
2019 بناء مقياس حب التعليم للبالغين = Developing the love of learning scale for adult students. The International Journal for Talent Development, 10 (18) pp. 59-90
2019 تدني التحصيل الدراسي في مادة الرياضيات لدى طلبة الحلقة الثانية بمحافظة مسقط: دراسة من وجهه نظر المعلمين. The low academic achievement in the mathematics at the second cycle students in Muscat: teachers’ perspectives.. International E-Journal of Advances in Social Sciences, V (14) pp. 1171-1186
2019 دور المعلم الاول كمشرف مقيم في التنمية المهنية للمعلمين في مدارس الحلقة الثانية من التعليم الاساسي بمحاظة مسقط (من وجهه نظر المعلمين) Dawr al-mu'allim al-awwal kamushrif muqimfi al-tanmiyah al-mahdiyah lil-mu'allimin fi madaris al-halqah al-thaniyah min al-ta'lim al-asasi bi-muhafazah masqt (min wajah nazar al-mu'allimin). al-Majallat al-Iliktruniyat al-syamilah muta'adadah al-takhussat, 19 () pp. 1-24
2019 مدى إتقان طلبة قسم تكنولوجيا التعليم بجامعة إب اليمنية لمهارات مستحدثات تكنولوجيا التعليم. The extent of mastery of students of educational technology department at the Yemeni University of Ibb in the skills of educational technology innovators.. The Arab Journal of Science and Technology Education, () pp. 58-78
2019 مدى إتقان طلبة قسم تكنولوجيا التعليم بجامعة إب اليمنية لمهارات مستحدثات تكنولوجيا التعليم. The students' mastery of the educational technology skills of the department of IBB University.. The Arab Journal of Science and Technology Education, () pp. 58-78
2019 مستوى السمات الشخصية لدى طلبة جامعه المرقب ليبيا The level of prominent students' personal traits at the University of Al-Muraqib Libya. مجلة كلية التربية-جامعة كفر الشيخ, () pp. 382-420
2019 مستوى تطبيق مبادئ الحكومة في الجامعات اليمنية: دراسة مقارنة بين الجامعات الخاصة والحكومية= The level of application of the governance principles in Yemeni Universities: a comparative study between private and government universities. The Arab Journal for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, 12 (39) pp. 31-62
2019 مصادر ضغوط العمل لدى أخصائي التعلم بالمدارس الحكومية بولاية السيب Work pressure sources for the learning resources specialist at public schools in the state of Seeb. International E-Journal of Advances in Social Sciences, 5 (15) pp. 1753-1591
2019 واقع مؤشرات الدلالة الإحصائية وحجم الأثر في رسائل الماجستير المجازة بكلية التربية بالجامعة العالمية الإسلامية الماليزية خلال الفترة ( 1993 - 2017). Education Faculty in Asuot university, 11 (35) pp. 1-30
2018 المهارات الحياتية المتضمنة في محتوى منهج العلوم للصف الخامس الأساسي في الجمهورية اليمنية The Life Skills included in the content of the Fifth Grade textbook in the Republic of Yemen.. The Arab Journal of Science and Technology Education, () pp. 2-33
2018 بناء مقياس الذكاء الأخلاقي وفق مستويات الحكم الأخلاقي للطلبة الجامعيين Developing a Measurement Tool of Moral Intelligence for University Students.. The International Journal for Talent Development, () pp. 141-170
2018 بناء مقياس الذكاء الأخلاقي وقف مستويات الحكم الأخلاقي للطلبة الجامعيين = Developing a measurement tool of moral intelligence for university students. The International Journal for Talent Development, 6 (16) pp. 141-170
2018 واعق اقتصاد المعرفة في الجامعات اليمنية من وجهة نظر اعضاء هيىة التدريس: دراسة ميدانية في جامعتي صنعاء والعلوم والتكنولوجيا اليمنية The Current Situation of Knowledge Economy at Yemeni Universities from Academic Staff Perspectives: A Feild Study at Sana'a University and University of Science and Technology.. The Arabic Journal for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, () pp. 97-125
2018 واقع اقتصاد المعرفة في الجامعات اليمنية من وجهة نظر اعضاء هيىة التدريس: دراسة ميدانية في جامعتي صنعاء والعلوم والتكنولوجيا اليمنية The Current Situation of Knowledge Economy at Yemeni Universities from Academic Staff Perspectives: A Feild Study at Sana'a University and University of Science and Technology.. The Arabic Journal for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, () pp. 97-125
2017 Algerian high school students’ perceptions of the challenges of learning english as a second foreign language. Asian Academic Research Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 4 (5 (MAY 2017)) pp. 148-164
2017 أثر تدريس مادة العلوم بإستخدام الرسوم الكرتونية البرمجة في تعديل الفهوم الخطاء لدى تلاميذ الصف الرابع الأساسي بأمانة العاصمة = The impact of teaching science using P cartoons on changing misconceptions of fourth graders in the city of Sana’a schools. The Arab Journal of Science and Technology Education, 6 () pp. 104-134
2017 واقع اقتصاد المعرفة في الجامعات اليمنية من وجهة نظر أعضاء هيئة التدريس: دراية ميداتية في جامعتي صنعاء والعلوم والتكتولوجيا اليمنية = The current situation of knowledge economy at Yemeni Universities from academic staff perspectives: a field study at Sana'a University and University of Science and Technology. The Arab Journal for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, 11 (33) pp. 97-126
2016 أثر استخدام المحاكاة الحاسوبية فى تنمية مهارة حل المسائل الفيزيائية لدى طلبة الصف الثانى الثانوى وإتجاهاتهم نحو مادة الفيزياء = The computer simulations effectiveness in developing solving skills for physics equations for the twelve grade students and their attitudes towards physics. المجلة التربوية الدولية المتخصصة (International Interdisciplinary Journal of Education), 5 (7) pp. 115-135
2016 أثر استخدام المحاكاة الحاسوبية في تنمية مهارة حل المسائل الفيزيائية لدى طلبة الصف الثاني الثانوي واتجاهاتهم نحو مادة الفيزياء = The effect of using computer simulation to develop physics problems solving skills for seconds class' students in secondary schools and their attitudes towards physics. The International Interdisciplinary Journal of Education, 5 (7) pp. 114-135
2016 اتجاهات بحوث الموهبة والتفكير في الوطن العربي = Talent and thinking research trends in the Arab world. المجلة الدولبة لتطوير التفوق (The International Journal for Talent Development), 7 (1) pp. 135-154
2016 مدى اسهام مديري مدارس التعليم الأساسي في اكتشاف ورعاية الطلبة الموهوبين في مدينة المكلا- الجمهورية اليمنية = The Contribution of the principles of basic education schools in identifying and caring for the gifted students in Mukalla City-Republic of Yemen. المجلة الدولية لتطوير التفوق (The International Journal for Talent Development), 7 (12) pp. 173-200
Conference or Workshop Item

2023 CIA-based analysis for e-learning systems threats and countermeasures in Malaysian higher education: review paper. In: 17th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication, IMCOM 2023,
2021 Digital media education: the experience of IIUMToday. In: International Conference on Language and Communication 2021 (ICLC 2021),
2018 Quality assurance in higher education in the Maldives: past, present and future. In: International Conference on Religion, Culture and Governance in the Contemporary World (ICRCG 2018),
2018 The current status of governance on Waqf sector in Indonesia. In: International Conference on Religion, Culture and Governance in the Contemporary World (ICRCG 2018),
2016 The role of education in reconciliation: the case of Bosnia and Northern Ireland. In: World Humanitarian Summit 2016,

2023 واقعُ تعليمِ اللُّغةِ العربيَّةِ في الجامعاتِ الماليزيَّةِ: خبراتٌ وتجاربُ - تحدِّياتٌ وحلولٌ = The reality of teaching Arabic language in Malaysian universities: experiences and experiment - challenges and solutions. International Institute for Muslim Unity (IIMU), IIUM, ISBN: 978-967-25504-6-4
2022 Regorounding Maqasid al-Shariah" the Qur'anic semantics and foundation of human common good. Islamic Book Trust, IBT and International Institute for Muslim Unity, IIMU, IIUM, ISBN: 978-967-0526-97-3
2022 Regrounding maqasid al-shari'ah: the Qur'anic semantics and foundation of human common good. Islamic Book Trust, ISBN: 978-967-0526-97-3
2022 Social challenges and opportunities: perspectives of young muslim researchers on modern problems. International Institute for Muslim Unity, ISBN: 978-967-25504-4-0
Book Section

2022 Crisis and team management: a prophetic case study. In: IIMU & CENTRIS, IIUM, ISBN: 978-967-25504-1-9, pp. 291-304